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.He took a deep breath as he thought about it."I was just kidding, you know that right? As nice as you have it, I would never intrude on your space.I know you like being alone," Evan said softly."No, I know that.I was actually thinking how nice it would be to have someone here I could talk to.I've been alone so long."Evan turned to face him."You could move back to the city.""Ah, no.I don't see myself ever living down there again.I've grown used to the silence and peace I find here.It just gets lonely sometimes." He looked at the man's sad face and reached up, softly tracing his thumb over Evan's cheek."You have a lot to offer the world.Are you sure you would want to give all that up to live the life of a hermit like me?"Evan pressed his cheek against his thumb."Yes.There is nothing for me there.Each day it gets harder to hold on.It's not just what happened with Dan.He and I have been done for a long time, I just wouldn't admit it because he was all I had.I'm tired of working for nothing just to go home and stare at the TV alone.There has to be more to life than this, but if there is, I haven't found it."Simon stared down at the young man, trying to fight back the urges he was suddenly having.This was a mistake.He needed to send the man back home and forget about him.He had nothing to offer him here.Still, as he watched Evan lick his lips as he stared up at him, his temptation won out and he lowered his mouth to his.It started as a gentle kiss, both of them seemingly shocked by it happening, but it quickly became more as heat flooded to Simon's cock and Evan wrapped his good arm around him, pulling them closer together.Simon closed his eyes, allowing himself to get lost in the kiss, tracing Evan's lips with his tongue, asking for entry.Evan accepted, parting his lips and deepening the kiss.His taste was like candy to Simon as their tongues danced against each other and he struggled to control his need.It wasn't just hunger for blood now, it was a hunger for the man he held in his arms.He pulled back slowly and smiled as Evan opened his eyes and looked at him."If I didn't stop there, I'm not sure I could, and you are in no shape to make love right now."A blush worked up Evan's cheeks."I wish we'd met some other way.""Breaking in a house doesn't say romance, does it?" Simon grinned."We wouldn't have met any other way.I'm glad you found my house, came to me for help.I would have never known you out there.I don't take time to meet many people and those I do speak with I have known for centuries.""Centuries?" Evan rolled his eyes."I'm older than you think." Simon bent in and kissed him once more, keeping it soft with his lips just lingering against his.He was so close to offering Evan something he'd never thought he would offer a human.He didn't want the man to leave, but everything in him said he should.This was no life for someone as young as Evan.Someone who had his whole life ahead of them.He sat back, looking at the first aid kit knowing that he could heal him so easily without it.A little of his blood and Evan would heal quickly.Did he dare?Evan reached for his hand."So if I asked you out, you wouldn't go? If I wanted to date, you would refuse me?"Why did things have to be so complicated? "It's not that easy.""Am I too young for you? I'm twenty-eight.You can't be even forty yet."Simon laughed."I'm a bit older, but it's not age that is the problem.I want you Evan, don't doubt that, but there are things you don't know, you wouldn't understand.""Then tell me."He'd never told a human what he was.It was too dangerous.He'd seen many try and they always ended up having to wipe the human's mind or killing them.That was something he didn't want with Evan.He wanted him to remember their time together, not have his memory altered.He looked at the young man in front of him, trying to figure out why he was even considering this with someone he'd just met.It was dangerous to think he would stay here happy for years and never long to go out and live like others.Simon had no problem taking him out on a date, but he couldn't do it in the daylight.This would make things hard for them."What is it, Simon? What makes it so hard for us to go out?"Unable to hold back any longer he squared his shoulders and sat up tall as he prayed this would go well."If I asked you to stay here with me, would you really want to? Would you give up your life out there to live here? Forget your job, your friends, everything you've known before this?"Evan stared at him for a long moment and nodded."I have nothing out there.I hate my job, and I already told you I have no friends outside of Dan's.Now that we aren't together, they won't speak to me.There is nothing for me to miss.""I want you here with me.I don't know why.It's crazy since we just met, but it feels right.I would ask things of you though.Things you might not be able to handle."Evan frowned."Are you into some kind of kinky sex or something?""No, nothing like that." Simon laughed."This is hard.I've never told anyone what I'm about to tell you, and depending on how you react, everything could change between us."Evan sat back, but didn't move away.He continued to look at Simon expectantly."You can't know how I will react until you tell me [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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