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.I heard her murmur next to me and I rolled over, leaning on my elbow so I could watch her sleep.Her arms were flung above her head, her full breasts exposed above the bed sheet.She looked so peaceful and beautiful.I wished I could stay in bed with her forever.“I love you, too,” she said without opening her eyes, her lips curling into a sly smile.“I realized I hadn’t said it back to you last night but I do.I love you too.”I dove for her, my lips and teeth nibbling at her neck, her jaw line, and finding her mouth.She loved me too.“Well! That’s a nice way to wake up,” she giggled.“Marry me.” I felt like I was about to burst from love or happiness, I didn't know and I didn’t care.I just wanted her to be mine, forever.The words tumbled out of my mouth before the thought had even fully formed in my mind.My mouth crushed against her lips, my heart accelerated and when I pulled back, I looked into her eyes and said, “Yes.Today, now.Marry me, Ginny.I can’t live without you.”Ginny shot up and stared at me as if I’d just sprouted another head.“Get married?” she asked incredulously.“Are you serious?”“Ye—yes! We’re only what, a couple hours from Vegas? We can ride out today and get married tonight.I know you must think I’m daft but…” My heart was pounding in my chest.I couldn’t believe we were seriously talking about getting married but it just felt right.“No! I mean yes! Of course I’ll marry you!” Ginny flung her arms around my neck, practically pouncing on me.She couldn’t stop laughing between kisses.She pulled away suddenly.Looking down at me, her hair framing her face perfectly she began to worry about the logistics.“What am I going to wear? My hair? I’m gonna have to take tomorrow off because we won’t be back in time for work…”“Okay, okay,” I soothed her.“Relax.This is what we’re going to do.Take your car home, pack a small bag, tell Kari what’s going on, and I’ll swing by and pick you up in an hour.Sorted.”She shook her head, “No, I can’t tell Kari.She’d kill me.”“Well, she’s either going to kill you for telling her or kill you for not telling her, your choice.” I couldn’t help the smile spreading across my face.I was actually going to marry Ginny, the woman I loved.It was such a foreign thought but I couldn’t get over how right it all felt.“Okay.Wow, we’re really doing this aren’t we?” she smiled.“Do I have time to shower?”“Only if I get to join you,” I couldn’t help saying.“If you join me, we’ll never get to Vegas,” she cooed, and she was right.If I touched her naked body again, we’d be shaggin’ in no time.I’m getting married today.Not exactly how I imagined it’d be but I’m glad it’s happening all the same.Mum’ll be absolutely gutted, and father will probably disown me…but what they don’t know, won’t hurt them.I shook the thoughts from my head.Today was about Ginny.After one brief check of the room, I made my way out to the car park and warmed up the Harley.Before clipping on my helmet, I gave Ginny a call, the engine rumbling between my legs.“Hello fiancé,” she giggled.“Hello fiancée.I’m on my way but I just wanted to make sure you’re wearing long trousers.”“Are you kidding me? It’s like, ninety degrees outside!”I revved the engine a couple of times and heard her gasp on the other end of the phone.“Oh my God! The Harley? Eeeep! I’ve never been on a motorcycle before.” I loved that she sounded nervous.I couldn’t wait to feel her arms wrapped tightly around my waist.“You’ll be a natural, I’m sure.Are you ready? I’m on my way.”The best thing about motorcycles is they announce themselves.I’d just pulled up to her house and was about to switch off the engine when Ginny came running out from the front door.I’d never understood when people said someone was glowing until I saw her.She was bloody fucking radiant.I looked her up and down as she came towards me.She’s all mine.The jeans she was wearing hugged her arse like a second skin.It would be a shame that I couldn’t see her sweet body from behind while we were on the bike.She’d tied her curled hair up with a ribbon and looked like she’d just stepped out of the 1950’s, or a production of Grease.“Come here you,” I said, pulling her towards me for a kiss.“Are you all set?”“You’re sure all my stuff will make it to Vegas? Can’t I bring a bigger bag?”I laughed and glanced behind me.“See this one saddle bag on here? That’s it.That’s all you get.If it fits, it goes.And whatever else we need for the wedding, we’ll just buy over there, okay?”“Alright,” she replied, eyeing the back of the motorcycle.“Here, let’s get this on you and we can get going,” I said handing her a cherry red helmet.“Let me help you put on this brain catcher.”Her eyes went wide and she gasped.“A what?”“It’s just what this sort of helmet is called, it’s okay!” I chuckled.“It’s not going to have to catch any brains.”“Yeah, well let’s not call it that, shall we?” I loved it when she pouted.I slipped the helmet onto her head and tightened the straps under her chin.I could tell she was scared but her eyes told me she trusted me.I put my hand on top of the helmet and wiggled it back and forth.“Feel snug?”She nodded nervously.“Yup.”“Alright, so you’re just gonna put your foot here, hold onto my shoulders for balance, and swing up.I’ve got the bike steady, don’t worry.”I tried not to laugh as she made the most adorable squeal.She settled in nicely behind me, arms clamped around my waist as if she were holding on for dear life.She’ll probably strangle me once we start moving, I thought [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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