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.This Beautiful ThingAmanda HeathPublished by Amanda Heath at SmashwordsCopyright 2012 by Amanda HeathAll Rights Reserved.This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.Without limiting the rights under the copyright reserved above, no part of this publicationmay be reproduced, stored or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or byany means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise) without the prior writtenpermission of the copyright owner, except in the case of brief quotations embodied withincritical articles and reviews.This book is a work of fiction.The people, incidents, and dialogue are the product of theauthor’s imagination.Any resemblance to actual persons, living, dead or undead, is purelycoincidental.Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in thisbook may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid.Written by Amanda HeathCover Design by Must Love Fangshttp://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Must-Love-Fangs/347011038672598?fref=tsDEDICATION~To my mother who always believed in me when no one else did.I love you mom!~To my husband and monkey the lights in my life and fillers of my heart.I love you both!~To Stacy who listens to every rant and rave I have and doesn’t let me give up.~To Kris who is always there when I need a shoulder to gripe on.Who also stood by me and helped me tremendously with this book!Chapter 1Teagan“Mom wants you to come to dinner tomorrow night.” My sister Marie’s voice comes over my cell phone.I sigh.“Do I have to? Please don’t make me do it.I can’t stand the tension, why do you think I live on campus?” This is the last thing I need in my life right now.I may have got a scholarship to college but they wouldn’t let me go far, just an hour up the road.“Yes Teag you have to come.Max and I are gonna tell them I’m pregnant, so I really want you to be there.” She’s been married to Max for like six months and already pregnant.My prefect sister is already getting her prefect life.“Fine I’ll be there but I’m not staying the night.I’m driving back here and sleeping away from the drama.” I give in only because I love my sister and she’s never seen me the way that my step-mother does.None of my brother s and sisters have.She squeals in my ear and I whence.“This is so great! I am so excited I haven’t seen you since you started school!”“Geez I’m friggin deaf now thank you.It’s just a couple of hours, if I last that long.” I complain.“You will for me at least.Ok well I gotta go honey! I’ll see you tomorrow and I love you.”“Love you to MayMay.” I hang up my phone and let my head fall onto my pillow.The thing about my family is we are not normal at all.We are the definition of dysfunctional.And unfortunately that is my fault.Well maybe more my dad’s fault, oh and my mother.See I’m a love child and it was quite a scandal in my hometown in Arkansas.My dad happens to own most of the place and he was the mayor at the time.Hell he still is the mayor; he has run unopposed for years.Funny thing about it is that the town put the blame on my mom and me.Can you imagine people treating you like the plague and not letting their children play with you when you’re just a child? It sucked.My mother though she was awesome.She held her head up high and went on with her life.God I miss her.She died when I was ten from cancer.That’s when I had to go live with the Harper’s.James is my dad, Sarah is my step-mom, Jessica is my oldest sister, then there is Forest my oldest brother, plus Marie and last but not least are the twins Jaden and Caden.Another funny thing, they are two weeks older than me.I had an entire family I knew nothing about and it was scary.Hell I was in the same grade with Jaden and Caden and none of us knew it.Well expect James and Sarah, or daddy and Sarah as I call them.And apparently it wasn’t his idea.It was mom.Mom told me before she died that she did it to hurt my dad but in the end she ended up hurting me as well.And then she was gone and I had to deal with this on my own.It wasn’t all that bad really though.Jessica and Marie had a new sister they got to pamper and I had someone to teach me about boys and makeup.Things like that.Jessica is my best friend.I can tell her anything and she doesn’t judge me.Marie is a goodie two shoes but I love her to death.Jaden and Caden took it upon themselves to be my protectors.Or should I say wardens.I can blame them for the fact I’m still a virgin.All the guys in my town were so afraid of them.Mitch Dewater wasn’t afraid of them until after we made out in his car and the twins found out.He got the day-lights beat out of him.Mitch and every other guy never spoke to me again.Forest was sixteen at the time but he still took the time to play with me.We climbed trees and played in the mud.He even played Barbie dolls.He got teased by the twins for it but he always said as long as I was happy he was happy.Now on to daddy, I really love my daddy.You might think he is a bad guy but really he is the sweetest man.I have never wanted for anything in my life.Where some men might abandon their love child, he didn’t.I might not have known it then but when I was little I had expensive gifts and my clothes where name brand but my mom just worked at a diner.He has never said anything but I have since put two and two together.My mom was selfish and thought she was doing the right thing and I’m glad she saw the error of her ways before she died.And now we have Sarah.Where do I even begin? It’s not that she is a bad person or anything; I mean she has five wonderful children.I guess she just didn’t see a place for me in her life.Every time I see her I get a boat load of criticism.I stopped trying to please her years ago and have learned to just nod and go on with life [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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