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.Bing-bong! She jumped as the doorbell chimed.Sarah rolled her eyes.Who the hell is this, now?She sneaked into the living room and peeped through the blinds.It was damn near wine o’clock, and after the day she’d had, if it wasn’t Johnny Depp out there, she wasn’t interested.Sarah could see that the caller was male, dark-haired, tall and suited.He had his back turned to her, and was tapping a clipboard on the side of his leg.Nope, not Johnny Depp.Probably a time-waster, so he could bugger off.Just as she was closing the gap in the blind, the man turned and spotted her.He smiled, raised his clipboard and waved hello with his pen.Bugger … I’ll have to open the damned door now!‘Hello,’ she said, opening the front door slightly, ‘I’m sorry, but I’ve just got in.I’ve lots to do, so I haven’t got time to buy anything.’‘Well, that’s alright then, because time is my business,’ he said.Sarah noted that even though he wasn’t Johnny Depp, he wasn’t half-bad.He looked to be about thirty-five, had gorgeous sea-green eyes, a long aquiline nose and a full sensuous mouth.The mouth was curling at the edges in a slow smile.She sighed.Never mind his smile, Sarah, he’s a time-waster, get rid of him.‘As I said, I am really busy, and as you have just said, time is your business.Timeshares I expect, so I really must …’‘I’m really not selling anything.’ He placed the pen between a set of perfect teeth, lowered his eyes and traced his finger down the pages on his clipboard.‘Well, I don’t mean to be rude, but I must go,’ Sarah said, already starting to close the door.What she needed was a big glass of red and her feet up.He looked up from his board and smiled again.‘I think you do mean to be rude, actually.Don’t worry, I just need to go over a few instructions with you.You have a huge task to complete, and we need to make sure you know exactly what’s going to happen.’ He took a step towards her.Sarah immediately slammed the door in his face.Who the bloody hell did he think he was, completely ignoring her? He was obviously a complete fruit loop – handsome, but a fruit loop nonetheless.A task to complete; now that was a new one.Marching into the kitchen, she grabbed a wine glass from the cupboard and poured a big glug of red.Now, a comfy sofa and mind-numbing rubbish on the TV beckoned.Taking a mouthful of wine she walked into the living room, and nearly spat it out again.The fruit loop was sitting casually on her sofa, grinning from ear to ear.‘Ooh, have you got a glass for me, Sarah? I could murder one.’Managing to swallow the wine, she backed towards the door, gasping, ‘How the hell did you get in here, and how do you know my name?’ Frantically, she tried to remember where she’d put her mobile; was it still in her school bag?Fruit loop held up his hands.‘Hey, sorry, don’t be afraid.Asking for wine was crass of me.You must be freaked out.Look, I promise I’m not here to hurt you.’Sarah inched out into the hall.Even if she could put her hand on the damned phone, she probably wouldn’t have time to dial 999.No, the best solution was to make a run for it.She set down her wine glass on the hall table and turned for the front door … only to see fruit loop standing in front of it.She felt the floor come up to meet her, and leaned heavily against the wall.This was impossible; he was sitting on her sofa in the living room, wasn’t he? ‘How the …?’ He held up his hands again, silencing her.‘I told you, time is my business.’ He shrugged.‘I can make it stop, go forward and back, but only for a short while, otherwise the dimensions get mucked up.I would certainly get into big trouble with the powers that be, too, but we’ll talk about that another time; there’s enough for you to take in at the moment, as it is.‘Anyway, suffice to say that I stopped time, walked round you, here in the hall, and then started it again.Same way I got in here, too.Now, we really must get down to business.I am not here to hurt you, I repeat not here to hurt you, Sarah.My name’s John, by the way.’John walked towards her, gesturing that she should return to the living room.Sarah led the way on shaky legs and then sank down into her armchair.She figured that the fallout from the Neil-and-Karen trauma and her stressful job had, at last, pushed her over the edge.Lots of her teacher friends had breakdowns … this must be her turn.Actually, now that it had happened, she felt relieved, really …‘So,’ John’s voice broke into her thoughts.‘Sarah Yates, thirty-four, divorced.’ He looked at his clipboard [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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