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.” She told Tyler with a huge smile on her face.The minute Tyler started to move Oscar made his displeasure known with a small little growl.“Well you may be fine with me moving but this little guy certainly thinks I should stay as his pillow.” Picking up the small dog and looking in his furry little face Tyler laughed.“What kind of dog is he anyway?” Holding the little ball of fluff close and scratching his ears.“I’m not sure I just found him at the shelter when he was six months old or so and I just fell in love.” Jenna looked adoringly at the two men in her life.“Well little man what’s say you and I go take a walk and get some bagels for breakfast while the artist finishes her masterpiece.” Putting the dog down he ran to the front door barking happily.“I think he is a fan of the idea.I mean you did say his two favorite words all in once sentence walk and eat.” Laughing, he pulled his pants on then his shoes.He walked over and leaned down and gave Jenna a quick kiss on the forehead before heading out the door.“We will be back in a few minutes.”Jenna heard the front door open and close and immediately told her smart phone to call Sara.“Hey Jen how are you doing.Ty was pretty upset when he came over last night looking for your apartment key.” Sara queried with a touch of worry in her voice.“I’m fine in fact I’ve never been better.He came in here and was so gentle and so tender.I slept in his arms and I was never more at ease.Oh my god Sara is it possible I think I’m falling in love with this guy?” Jenna grabbed a towel and a multi colored maxi dress to put on after she took a quick shower.“Jenna I’m so happy for you.He is a great guy and he is certainly proving himself to be good for you.Is he still there? What’s going on?” Now that Sara knew her friend was ok she couldn’t help but be happy and oh so curious as to what was happening with her friends new found love.“He took Oscar for a walk and to get some breakfast.I’m going to take a quick shower and I will call you when he leaves.Bye Sara, and thanks for giving him the key to get in.” Trading goodbyes with her friend Jenna hung up and took a quick shower.~~~~~Jenna was just coming downstairs when Tyler and Oscar came through the front door.Her hair was wet and her feet were bare.She was wearing a long, strapless, multicolored maxi dress and Tyler stopped in his tracks when he saw her.“You are beautiful you know that? What happened to the pink hair?” He smiled at her as she stepped off the bottom step and into his arms.Oscar was circling the couple as they embraced.“The pink is just little clips I add when I’m in the mood for something different, I have all different colors.” Leaning up and kissing him sweetly as he holds her.“Is he protecting you from me?” Tyler asks looking down at the little angry ball of fur running around them and barking.“Nothing so chivalrous, he just wants some of the food your holding.” She whispered looking up at him, lost in his beautiful blue eyes.While the couple stood there holding each other Oscar kept jumping up and trying to get the bag of food Tyler had.After several minutes of trying with no luck to get his breakfast he finally decided to let his owner and her knew friend know that he would not be ignored.The loud bark followed by the saddest sounding howl ever to be heard from a dog made the couple laugh and they looked down at the poor dog.“Well I guess we should feed him.I mean, I don’t want to be known as the man who withholds food from the poor dog from now on.” Holding Jenna at his side he guided her to the kitchen.Jenna served the coffee while Tyler cut the bagels and put out the variety of cream cheeses he got.Placing a mini bagel with egg and bacon on it in a bowl for his new friend.“Here you go buddy eat up.” Scratching the dog’s ear and giving his attention back to Jenna.“So tonight my family and I will be having dinner at the café and I really want you there.My father really wants to get to know you and my mom, brother and sister in law will get to know you and love you now that dad and I have put them in their place.” Taking a bite of the bagel he covered liberally with vegetable cream cheese he waited to see how she would reply to his invitation“That sounds nice Tyler I’m going to call ahead and make sure they save the back table for us.It has the most privacy and I would really like to make a good impression on your family.Is there anything special they like?” Sipping her coffee he could see the fear in her eyes but didn’t say anything.“Listen.You don’t have to worry everything will be fine.Dad thinks your great already Bryan and my mom are just standoffish people give them time and they will come around.Veronica is a really sweet girl and I do love her like a sister but she’s very quiet.But if you do want to hit a home run then my parents are fans of simple rustic French food.I really think they will like the whole menu there though.” Looking at her he sipped his coffee.They finished their meal talking and laughing.When he was done she stood up and walked over and sat on his lap, she ran her fingers through his always perfectly tousled hair.Running her fingers over the stubble on his face and leaning in to kiss him so passionately it stole his breathe.“Maybe tomorrow after dinner you can take me back to your place.I would love to sketch the view from your penthouse.” Smiling wickedly she winked and got to her feet.Playfully swatting her behind, he smirked.“Anything you want princess.”Noting the time he got up and headed to the door.Stopping to place a kiss on her soft pink lips then crouching down to rub Oscars belly as he lay on his back in one of the many dog beds throughout the house.“I guess you better bring Oscar too, what do you say Oscar you going to come run around my place? There are so many new things for you to sniff and tons of comfy places for you to nap.” The dog didn’t even move which made Tyler laugh.“He certainly is a creature of comfort isn’t he?”“I will pick you up later.Bye Jenna.” Winking he walked out and got in his shiny black sports car and drove away.The minute his car was out of sight Jenna grabbed her cell and called Sara.“Come over here now! I have dinner with the family tonight I need help!”As soon as she hung up she called the café and talked to Peter the head chef to see what was on the menu today.After about fifteen minutes she worded out what would be served to them and asked him if he would have time to run next door to the pick out a wine to accompany the meal.Chapter nineJenna stood looking at herself in her bedroom mirror.She had chosen to wear, with the help of Sara, her long sleeve sweater dress.It had horizontal blue and black stripes and she added her black wedge booties to wear with it.Her hair was long and straight and just to add a touch of fun she put in just a few blue streaks in her hair.She put in the small diamond stud earrings that Aunt Emma told her were her grandmothers and checked her lip gloss.The doorbell rang and Jenna took a deep calming breathe and headed down stairs.Grabbing her purse she opened the door and smiled at Tyler.“Do I look ok?” She asked him nervously.“Let me see.” Grabbing her hand he held it above her head and she did a little twirl.“Yup just as I expected, you look perfect.”She closed the door and locked it.They walked the two blocks to the café and arrived at the same time as his family.They got out of the car and everyone said their hellos.“Café Eclettico, this place is absolutely charming Jenna.” Julia Johnson kissed Jenna on the cheek and everyone walked inside.Jenna gave Tyler a bit of a shocked look.Everyone went inside and took the table in the back corner [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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