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.Give me a second to get it out.”Reaching deep into the machine, Amber pretended to tug at something.“Don't tear it!” Kayla pleaded, suddenly alarmed.Amber pretended to use both hands.She subtly crumpled the end of a paper and then suddenly jerked upward, making sure that the paper tore as she stumbled backwards into the machine.She stuck a hand backwards, as though to prevent herself from falling, and shoved the folder of papers onto the floor.“Oh, my goodness, Mademoiselle,” she said shrilly, bending as though to recover the papers scattered on the floor.Instead, she shoved them further out, making an even worse mess of things.“You clumsy idiot!” Kayla shrieked, dropping to the floor and scrambling in all directions.Amber grabbed as many papers as she could while wailing loudly.“Oh, I am so terribly sorry, Mademoiselle! Oh, please don't tell my new boss! Oh, I can't lose another job.My bills are due!”Meanwhile, Amber thrashed across the floor, knocking into Kayla every time the girl succeeded in getting an armful of papers.Employees poured out of their offices to see what the commotion was.Even Mr.Ross showed up.But, strangely enough, Amber didn't see Hunter or Mrs.Ross.There was no way that either hadn't heard the chaos.“Oh, what is this?” Amber cried, seeing one of the officers of the company step into the hall.“These are company files!” Amber innocently turned to Kayla.“Mademoiselle, you are in possession of our company's very sensitive files!”Kayla looked panicked as she stood up, looking around furtively.She started to back away, but the Chief Financial Officer for the company put an arm on her shoulder.“I'd like to speak with you, young lady,” he said, motioning to a security guard to join him as he advanced in Kayla's direction.“And who are you?” he asked, looking pointedly at Amber.“She's with me.Don't worry about her.”Amber jumped as she felt Hunter's arm touch her waist.“We can go now,” he whispered in her ear.“Our security guys have all they need.My dad is already waiting for the police to arrive.I'll give them my statement later.”Amber followed Hunter out through a throng of curious employees.When they got to the reception area, Mrs.Ross was screaming at a security guy.“You can't keep me here.I was just visiting my husband.I'll sue this company for harassment!”Hunter ignored the commotion and headed for the door.With a nod of his head, both he and Amber were allowed to leave.“You might want to take this before someone thinks I just robbed you,” Hunter said as they stood by the elevators.Amber noticed her purse in his hand for the first time.She suddenly felt as weak and spent as though she had run a couple of miles.“Hey, are you okay?” Hunter slid an arm around her waist.“That was a little tense in there,” Amber said, wanting to simply snuggle up against his body and forget all that had just happened.Her nerves were on edge.“Nobody was in any actual danger,” Hunter said, squeezing her against his warm body.“I had extra security guys there all day.People were watching all the entrances and exits.”“Oh,” Amber said, feeling a bit dumb.Of course Hunter had planned everything out with precision.Unlike her.She peeked up at Hunter and saw that he was rubbing his temple.“So did security get what they needed to stop the Ross family?”Hunter shook his head as though to clear it.He stepped away from her and she was unable to read his face.Was he angry?“Yes,” he said, rather absently.“At the very least, they won't be able to do any further damage.And my father will be pressing charges.I anticipate that either one or both of Kayla's parents will be doing jail time based on the evidence already collected.”“That's good, right?” Amber asked.If Hunter was not concerned about the Ross family then that only left her for him to be angry with.Then she thought of her own contribution.Stopping Kayla from copying the papers had been brilliant! Why wasn't he thanking her?“Didn't I help out at the end?” she asked, her voice a mixture of defiance and hopefulness.Hunter sighed.“The hallway was already being monitored.As I believe I told you earlier.We wanted to see if Kayla would actually be an accomplice without her mother looking over her shoulder.”Amber stood stock still, trying to work out what he was saying.Did he actually mean that she had hindered the investigation by preventing Kayla from copying the documents?“But she was already helping her mom,” she sputtered at last.“What does it matter what she did on her own?”“Maybe nothing,” Hunter said, his voice resigned.“Just forget it.”“No,” Amber said, getting angry.“If you think that I screwed up today, then I want to know about it.”Her eyes swung to the elevator door as a soft ding announced they had reached their floor.Hunter smacked the stop button with a resounding smack and Amber jerked back.His gorgeous green eyes were hard to see at the moment because he was squinting at her like she was insane.“Can't you just drop this?” he asked, his voice low and dangerous.“Why are you pushing me? It's like you want me to say something that I'll regret.”Chapter FiveAmber felt as though she might explode.It was as if all of her frustrations with Hunter's power struggles were rising to the surface.She was like a bottle of soda that had been dropped and shaken.One little twist and everything was going to spew out in a rush.She couldn't think straight.Even now he was trying to control things, to micro-manage both his emotions as well as her own.“You are such a maniac," she said, her voice near shouting.“I feel like you want me to be a delicate piece of artwork that can be admired and loved but always kept on a shelf!”She leaned over to open the door, but Hunter grabbed her hand.“We'll talk about this when we get back to the hotel,” he growled.“This is exactly what I'm talking about!” Amber shouted, yanking her hand back from his and pulling away.“You even want to control when and how we argue! Do you get how annoying that is?”Hunter had the nerve to gape at her.He slammed the elevator button and stalked out as soon as the doors opened.Walking swiftly down the corridor, he powered through the giant lobby doors, only stopping to say something quickly to the doorman on duty.And then he stalked off down the street, disappearing from view.Amber stepped out of the elevator, still steaming mad.Even now, he was controlling what happened by walking away.How dare he! She stalked down the corridor, fuming.No matter what she had or had not done, he was being childish by stalking off like that.Why was she even doing this to herself? Anybody else would have put the brakes on before now.Maybe that was why Hunter had problems with relationships before, she thought viciously.Maybe the whole thing about being chased for his money was an excuse.Okay, that was probably a bit true.Still, Hunter was acting like a rich spoiled brat.He didn't get his way so he just ran off.Maybe he just couldn't stand a woman who wouldn't do his bidding at a moment's notice.The doorman spotted her and scurried to open the door.“Excuse me, Mademoiselle,” he said, speaking slowly in French.“The gentleman wanted to let you know that you may take the car back alone.”Amber had to struggle to follow his words but she got the point.Ironically, her French appeared to be progressing much better than her relationship with Hunter at the moment [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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