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.“That must’ve been scary.” Brenna placed a gentle hand on my arm.I met her eyes, then cleared my throat awkwardly.“Eventually, one of the vendors took me in.While he had someone search for my mother, he fed me these little custards.They were the best damned thing I’d ever tasted.So a quindim…It’s a Brazilian dessert.”A cute little frown creased her forehead.“And you think Ian would like quindim?”“I know that asshole better than he knows himself, and I guarantee you he’d never want to eat anything else if he got a hold of a quindim.All he’d have to do is try it once.”***Chapter FourBrennaAs Ridley finished speaking, a bubble of hope rose to the surface of my heart.I knew he was teasing me and placating me and generally being nice, but a small part of me felt that he was being sincere, too.He really thought I stood a chance of being better than a creampuff.I grabbed his hand and squeezed thankfully.Ridley’s palm was warm and welcoming, and fit over mine perfectly, not dwarfing it or crushing it, just sitting with it, fingers not quite intertwined, like that’s the way it was supposed to be.I met his eyes from across the bench.They were a deep, stormy shade of grey.The kind of eyes a girl could get lost in.The thought caught me off guard and I couldn’t shake it.I couldn’t look away either.How had I not noticed how soulful those eyes of his were until right that second? They hunted my face, searching for something I couldn’t pinpoint.We were sitting very close to each other, I realized.His long leg pushed into my shorter one and his shoulder brushed mine, making me tingle.He adjusted on the bench, but it put barely an eighth of an inch between us, and my hand was still clasped in his.Would it be easier, I wondered, if it had been Ridley instead of Ian?I flushed at the idea.Ridley, taking off his shirt and setting it carefully on the night stand atop one of his books.Ridley, stretched out beside me on the bed.His hand was no longer still.His wide thumb circled the back of my hand and those tingles that had graced my body just a minute earlier came back tenfold.They travelled up my wrist and through my forearm.They shivered across my shoulder and down to my chest, finally settling in my breasts and drawing my nipples into firm points.Ridley, running his warm hands over my aching breasts and down between my legs.I stifled a gasp at the embarrassing surge of longing that shot through me.I needed to think of Ian.I needed to start by pulling away from Ridley.But I couldn’t quite do it.And after a long moment, it was he who finally eased away from me.“You didn’t answer me about what you were doing out here,” he said, a touch of roughness in his voice.“I come here to think.You?”“I run in the park to blow off steam.”“In the middle of the night?”Ridley shrugged.“I’ve got a bad temper.Sometimes when it’s a choice between taking the time to wait for morning and risking the blow up…I can’t take the chance.”I gave him a surreptitious once over as I tried to imagine him losing his temper.I couldn’t do it.“What were you mad about?” I asked.“Same thing you were thinking about, apparently.”I frowned.“Ian?”“Him and his creampuffs.” He jumped to his feet and pulled me to mine before I could reply.“Can I walk you home?”“Sure.”Using my flashlight to guide us, we made our way back to the main path and out to the road in silence.After a few minutes, Ridley unthreaded his fingers from mine and I felt the loss acutely.I fought to keep my hand at my side.“What would you do with Ian, if you had him?” he wanted to know.I shrugged.“The things a girlfriend usually does with a boyfriend.”“A g— ” Ridley cut himself off and started again.“I thought this was about sex.”I flushed.“Of course not! Do I seem like the kind of girl who just goes after a guy for sex?”“Apparently I have no idea what kind of girl you are.”My mouth opened and shut again in surprise.It was the first unkind thing I’d heard him say and for some reason, it cut through me.I didn’t know if it was because the words came from him or if it was because they made me question myself.What kind of girl was I, really?“Ian has never had a girlfriend,” Ridley told me.“He has girls he booty calls and girls he sleeps with once and girls he toys with.He has girls who buy him shit and girls who’ve pretended to be his mother when he’s called in sick to work.When he’s had a job.A girlfriend…A real one? Out of the question.”Tears welled up in my eyes and I looked down at my hands so he wouldn’t see them.“Pick someone else,” Ridley suggested.“Anybody but Ian.”“I can’t.”He ran an exasperated hand through his hair.“Why the hell not?”I couldn’t tell him the truth.I didn’t even want to.But I did want him on my side.“Haven’t you ever felt like something was supposed to be a certain way?” I asked.“Or needed it to be that way so things would work out for you in the long run?”“Of course,” he replied.“I’m just saying that Ian isn’t a long run kinda guy.”“Yet.Because he hasn’t tried it.” And then an idea formed in my mind.“But you could help me.”“How?”“Tell him to try a quindim.”Ridley pushed his glasses up on his face [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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