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.Had he thought everyone gone at this hour? “It looks like you could use a drink.”Elliott looked up.A drink was sounding better and better.Michelle certainly wouldn’t walk away from him.Quite the opposite.She’d been jumping at every last whiff of a chance for the last six months.Giving in didn’t sound so bad after such a set down.Drinks with Shope’s niece might be risky but his fellowship application couldn’t be on the line over one beer, could it?He’d just explain to her how he couldn’t cross any lines, that he had a career at stake.She’d understand.Besides, Shope wasn’t his future’s deciding factor.The guy wasn’t the type to give a raving review to any assistant.In fact, Elliott had never counted on one.So, how much damage could one beer really cause? Or Michelle herself, for that matter? “Yeah, why not?” Elliott shrugged half-heartedly.“You ever been to Ramone’s?”“I think I should come with you,” AJ said from the bathroom doorframe.Millie shook her head and dabbed a smear of pale gloss in the center of her lower lip.Two things she was sure of.One, women’s magazines were full of it when they swore by the trick she was trying.Pout? Yeah, right.Try stripe.And two, she’d never get through dinner with AJ there.Her cellmate for this cupid sentence would be far too distracting.“No.” She met his eyes by way of his reflection.She didn’t dare do more.“Thanks, though.”The last thing she needed was to get lost in those pale green eyes with less than fifteen minutes to get her butt gone.Starry-eyed and in a twist would not help her negotiate Brooke’s anger down.Plus Millie had a new plan.Maybe.“What will you tell her?”“I don’t know yet.I can’t exactly tell her the truth, can I now?” Brooke,I stood you up to break into your condo so I could find you true love.Yeah.Right.“Not the whole truth, but some, yes.You could.”What part? The part about Millie’s life sentence by Heaven for “gross indifference” when she was her former self, Kiki Kent? Millie gave AJ a look to tell him what she thought of that idea.Thankfully, AJ didn’t push it.He left her looking at the face in the mirror that, after three miserable years, didn’t startle her so much anymore.She doubted it’d ever feel like hers, though.When she thought of herself, she was still Katherine Eleanor Kent, socialite celebri-tante.Kiki.Not the mysteriously disappeared poor little rich girl, Kiki Kent, either.Anyone born in the last four decades would know that scandal.Anyone but her.She didn’t remember her actual disappearance.Only afterwards, the being marched before God’s court of disapproving angels area.Trial and sentence.Crime and punishment.Kiki, what have you done now?, her mother would scold.Millie didn’t know.One day she was on her way to rendezvous with Glen Mitchum before his wife came home.The next she was in golden cuffs.She was cited with gross indifference.Apparently doing nothing in life is worse than doing wrong.By never interfering in the toxic lives surrounding Kiki Kent, she got here.Here sucked.Well, all of it except AJ.They were bound together in their mutual sentences.He was far better a cupid than she was, however, and if she didn’t match Brooke, AJ’d be reassigned.Millie touched her belly where it ached over the very idea.This Millie in the mirror was shorter than Kiki, plumper, with an ass that had a mind of its own.Every cosmetic trick in the book wouldn’t change what God had given Millie.No dropping jaws when this entered a room.No champagne promises.Maybe a table lamp to the floor if she wasn’t careful.Why give her a different body? More punishment? Or was utter lack of male attention supposed to help somehow? Being desired came in handy.The right skirt and pouty glance opened doors and closets.As Kiki, she’d have had this cupid thing all sewn up and AJ in bed by now.AJ walked past the bathroom door.One molten look from him instantly bolstered her self esteem.She let out a long breath when he paused, shrugged and left her to finish what was surely an act of desperation, if there ever was one.If only all that sex exuding from every gorgeous pore was only meant for her.It wasn’t.It was part of his own punishment, his cupid magic developed over who knew how many years.He made his matches, fast and easy, then was stuck with her until she either got one right or Heaven intervened.At least he didn’t mind helping her.From the start he’d tried to explain how it all worked.Going into wondrous detail about the chemistry of human attraction, of hormonal compatibility and how compounds met and evolved in mortal love.Millie generally lost track right after pheromones diagram A.Watching his mouth move just did things to her.Tinkered with her concentration.Plucked at her libido.She needed to focus.Brooke.Dinner.The break-in.Her seven slender gold bracelets, her cupid handcuffs, jingled on her right arm when she powdered her not-so-pert nose.They constantly reminded her.Brooke Munkle had to fall in love.Or Millie wouldn’t get back to her old life.Or Kiki Kent might as well be dead instead of missing.Or she would lose AJ.Millie smiled tightly at her reflection.With a fluff and a toss of mousy brown curls, she adjusted her meager bust and exited.AJ stood behind his architect’s desk, scanning her latest bunch of bachelor files.Mouse sized guilt squeaked inside her.She should be doing that.Not only was he sex and lust, he was kindness and consideration, too?She couldn’t do this without him.She pulled her coat on.“Any luck?”AJ shook his head, tossing a file aside.“Aren’t there any more parameters I can request?”“If I had any.Good credit, educated, no felonies, weight, height.No wait, have we added weight? What do you usually use again?”“Selecting the Ms.Right is an entirely different set of parameters.”“Let me guess.Two, in particular, right?” she asked.AJ grinned.There was that, too.He got her dumb jokes.A finger of heat rippled over her shoulders.She shook it off, shrugging into the parka.It was snowing in Reno.Again.Why couldn’t they land a gig somewhere tropical? Why did every last one have to be in some cold or damp or dirty little city?The jacket’s material hissed with her movements.It smelled like swimming pool.“I shouldn’t be long.”AJ nodded, his attention back on the files.Millie waited for something else to say.Today’s miserable failure had left her drained.The only dirt she could find in Brooke’s entire place was poor laundry skills and a photo of Brooke’s wedding day.Zilch, in a nutshell, unless…she’d looked so happy in the photo [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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