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.She pivoted the wheelchair in one spot, but discovered that she was surrounded by paintings and couldn’t get to me without rolling over several of them."I’ll give you a hug later," she grinned."What are you up to?" I asked from the kitchen as I opened the cupboard to retrieve a glass."Want some water?" I offered."Sure," Maria said, and glanced up at Thompson, who nodded, stepping over the paintings to join me at the kitchen sink.Maria leaned down and picked up two paintings, propping them against her legs while Thompson and I filled three glasses with ice and water."Which one do you like better, Angela?"I took a sip and moved past Thompson to crouch before the paintings.One was a bright, colorful image of wild flowers in a field, a sky scattered with wisps of clouds.But after a moment, I pointed to the softer, more subdued image of our tree from the back yard, its branches somewhat obscured by drifting fog, giving it an ethereal beauty that spoke of magic."This one has more of a story," I said."The flowers are vibrant and beautiful, but this one evokes greater emotion, I think."I looked up to find Maria trying to hold back a giggle, then looked over my shoulder to see Thompson nodding and giving her a triumphant ‘I told you so’ expression.I smiled as I got to witness a rare display of emotion from the ever controlled man who usually kept his emotions carefully tucked away."Fine," Maria said, finally succumbing to her laughter, "two against one.I can take a hint.""A hint about what?" I asked in confusion."Thompson bet me our next round of take-out that you’d pick that one.I guess the egg rolls are on me next Tuesday."I raised a brow, but I was undecided which path of questioning I should pursue.The fact that 'Tuesday night take-out with Thompson' seemed to be a regular thing? Or finding out the reason Maria's paintings were strewn all over the house.I opted for the latter."What was I picking my favorite for anyway?""Oh," Maria said, smiling shyly, "just an idea we had.""We?" I murmured."An idea for what?""Just an idea," she said."I've decided to try something different.Something I've never done.Give me a chance to sort through things a bit more and I’ll share the details soon."Hmm, that was still a pretty polite way of saying "mind your own business".Thompson returned to my sister’s side and the two were soon whispering together again, seeming to forget I was even there.I wasn’t offended.They looked so cute together, and it made my heart feel ten times lighter to see my sister happily surrounded by her art.I left them to it, carefully stepping over sketchbooks and canvases to get to the hallway and head to my room.I sat on the bed and tossed off my shoes, contemplating getting into my pajamas.Instead, the book on my bedside table caught my eye."Just a few chapters," I told myself.Then I snuggled under the covers with the book propped on my pillow.The sound of the front door clicking shut woke me up a moment later.But when I glanced at the clock, I realized that a moment had fast forwarded into hours and it was actually after midnight.Oh my, was Thompson only just leaving?I listened for a moment, hearing Maria moving down the hall.I set aside my book, grinning as I thought about how sweet my sister looked with Thompson, paintings scattered all over.Then shut my eyes and I drifted back to sleep.Chapter TenANTONIOI answered the phone without thinking, and half regretted it the instant I heard Naomi’s voice."Tony, darlin'," she cooed."If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’ve been avoiding me.""How could anyone avoid you, Naomi," I made a sound that I hoped resembled a laugh."You are one of the most charming and determined women I know.We’re making some changes here at the store, as well as incorporating a new line.That’s been keeping us all very busy.I’m still at the office right now.""You’re at the office even when you’re not at the office," she said, clucking her tongue in what could only be disapproval.I couldn’t disagree with that.Instantaneously I heard Angela’s voice in the back of my head, asking if I was heading to 'yet another business meeting'."Well," Naomi said."I’m just checking in to let you know things are on track.I've got my own business dealings to worry about for now.So, darlin' I'm afraid I just won't be available for a while.At least, not until we get this business taken care of.""So you've connected?""I bumped into our friend the other evening and we ended up having a few drinks."I chuckled."Bumped into him entirely by coincidence, I assume?"I could almost hear the seductive smile in her voice."I have my ways," she said."I know you do, Naomi.I have no doubt you’ll deliver on your promises.""Have I ever let you down, Tony?""Naomi, you've never let go of anything you set out to get.Stay in touch and let me know how things are going.""You can count on me," came her reply."I just don't want you to be disappointed if I'm not around to keep you company.""Believe me, Naomi, I'll be fine.Remember, it's all in the line of duty."Chapter ElevenANGELA"Angela, it's nice to see you," Ryan said, giving me a chaste kiss on the cheek.I still felt a little guilty spending time with Ryan.He was sweet and charming, and clearly still interested in me, even if there hadn't been sparks the other night.But I was more interested in the information he had on whatever Antonio was mixed up in.And that also made me feel guilty for a slightly different reason—as if I was spying on my boss… and lover.I sighed.Sometimes I wondered who I had become over the past few months.When Ryan had texted me earlier in the day, he had gotten straight to the point.No teasing or playing around, so I figured it was important."I really appreciate you looking into all of this.I just hope you’re not going to get yourself into any trouble," I told him after we'd ordered drinks."Nah," he said, brushing off my concern with a little wave of his hand."It’s not unusual for me to be looking into various aspects of an investigation.I often have to gather field notes on individuals or organizations.Comes with the territory.No one has even questioned my research into the Children’s Academy or its Board of Directors."That got my attention."Did you find something?"He shook his head and gave me an apologetic frown."Not much.At least, nothing official that really stands out."My shoulders sagged a bit with the disappointment.I’m not sure what I was expecting him to find, but I’d thought it would be a little bit more than nothing.For a moment I wondered if maybe Ryan's text was just a way to see me again, to get me out on another date?"However," he said quickly, as if reading my thoughts, "Brad’s been acting strange lately.""How so?""Normally, he keeps a pretty open door when it comes to communication.He’s always stressed the importance of me being aware of his comings and goings so that I can get in touch with him if anyone comes looking [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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