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.There is little time.“Please.You must leave me.”“I cannot, miss.”I reach out with a trembling hand and grasp the furs that drape his arms.There is muscle beneath the thick layers of pelts, though I know they will be useless against Vladimir and Lucien.“You must.Do you not have a family to care for?”“I do.” His cap nearly falls from his head as he nods enthusiastically.“A wife and three wee ones.”A pained smile tugs at my lips.Perhaps this man is not as old as I first assumed.“Think of them.”“I am.” He reaches for me and wraps his strong hands about my waist.“When my daughters are grown, I would like to think a man would cross their path and aid them just as I am doing for you.”I want to protest, to shove him aside, yet the pain in my ankle forces me to bite down on my screams.My mind grows woozy as I attempt to hop forward.I nearly collapse as the man strains to hold me upright.“My name is Miron.I am afraid I did not catch yours, miss.” His calloused hands tighten as I attempt another hop.My leg trembles beneath me.I labor to focus on answering him as darkness begins to appear along the corners of my vision.I have never been very tolerant of pain.Mother used to tell me I was too sensitive.“Roseline… Dragomir,” I hiss through clenched teeth.“Dragomir?” He pauses, as if attempting to draw up a long-forgotten memory.“The Dragomirs of Brasov?”“You know of my family?” My voice wavers alarmingly.“I do.” He scoops a hand under my legs and lifts me into his arms just before I collapse.“Had dealings with your father a time or two.”I can tell by the sharp edge to his tone that the dealings did not go well.“I am sorry.My father was not known for his generosity in business.”“That he was not.” Miron offers me a small smile as he shifts me in his arms and turns toward the town ahead.I have never been to Rasnov before.My father never let me leave the high walls that surrounded Brasov.He said it was too dangerous.Adela and I often snuck through the wall to reach the meadows that grew at the foot of the mountains.It was there that we discovered flower nectar that was as sweet as honey and spring fawns who, if given space and time, would learn to come eat from your palm, yet we were never allowed to explore farther.“My home is just around the bend.My Ileana will be happy to care to your foot.”“No!” Fear floods back in through the haze of pain.Fear of more death, more blood on my hands.“Please, you mustn't take me there.I beg of you.”“I thought we had settled this, miss.”Echoes of the screams from within the cabin I left behind spike my panic and I lash out at the man.Balling my fingers into a fist, I slam against his shoulder.His eyes widen with pain as I hear a snap and tumble from his arms.I crash to the earth, gagging as pain roils through my leg.Miron stumbles back, clutching his shoulder as his face reddens.“I am sorry.” I gasp as I clutch my stomach, pleading silently not to be sick in front of this man.“You hit me.” The statement is edged with wild disbelief.I stare up at him, knowing I have wounded him far beyond a physical marring.“Better a broken arm than a body without a head.”He staggers back, nearly tripping over his fallen sack of pelts.“You are mad.”“No,” I whisper as my vision swims before me.“However, the one coming for me is.”FOURI watch as Miron stumbles down the path, his sack dragging in the dirt behind him as he clutches his wounded shoulder.His pace is slow, much too slow.I hurt him, whispers through my mind as he turns back when he reaches the crest of the road.Just over the hill lies the town and beyond that his family.Please hurry.The look of betrayal in his eyes stings.However, as I place my palm to the ground, fear sweeps in to steal away my guilt.I can feel the heavy footfalls echoing up through the packed earth.“Run!”He glances back over his shoulder at me and I watch as terror roots him in place.I do not have to look to know that Vladimir stands behind me.I can smell the blood that stains his skin, moist and fresh.Closing my eyes, I pray Miron will be granted a reprieve.However, in the pit of my stomach I know I am about to witness another death.Please spare his family, I silently pray as Vladimir stoops beside me.His blackened eyes are wide and unblinking as he looks me over.My lip begins to tremble and my hands quake as he reaches out for me.I shy away and a soft mewing sound escapes my lips as he lays his hand upon my knee.The muscle along his jaw flinches as he stares down at my broken ankle.“The human did this to you?”“No.He came to my aid…” I trail off as my husband’s eyes narrow.“He dared to touch you?” He rages, ignoring my pleas as he blurs from sight.Vladimir reappears a second later beside Miron.I turn away at the older man’s cry of alarm.The snapping of his spine echoes through the early morning calm.I shudder at the sound of his lifeless body slumping to the ground, feeling a numbness sweep over me.Tears spill freely down my cheeks, pattering against my bloody bodice.My head feels light, though my body feels weighted to the ground.Strong hands wrap about my arms and hoist me into the air.I blink against the tears and come face to face with Lucien.His clipped beard is moist and the spaces between his teeth are filled with thick blood.His lips peel back into a crimson sneer.“You weep for the human.”“He was innocent,” I whimper as his fingers dig into my bruised flesh.My ankle throbs terribly as he shakes me.My teeth pierce the flesh of my lip and blood seeps from the corner of my lip.“Release her,” Vladimir calls from just over my shoulder.Lucien’s gaze shifts as I cower in his grasp, grateful to no longer be the center of his attention.“She cries for the man,” he spits out.“Let her cry.It is her human weakness leaving her.” Vladimir pats him on the shoulder, and I cringe as they both shift to stare down at me [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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