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.He had golden tan skin, black hair, and I got a glimpse of his eyes, emerald green.I am a sucker for green eyes compared to my boring brown eyes.He had a body.You could tell he worked out.I could just see myself and my legs wrapped around those hips of his.I was practically drooling over this man, undressing him with my eyes as I watched him talk on the phone.He had an accent, not Spanish, not sure, maybe Italian? I stood there watching him; just maybe I would find the nerve to ask him something.He was standing in line ahead of me.Guess he called in his order, and then I was behind him.It looked as if he had gotten a call on his cell and stepped aside out of the line.I wondered who was calling him.He gave me a smile while he was talking on the phone as he was walking and talking on the phone.I am a good waitress, very friendly when I am working, but when it comes to men, I am shy.This man was so hot and sexy, I was speechless and could only stare.If only I was like my friend Sue; she would have been all over him.But I am not her.She had the reputation of being a slut, but she was a good friend, just not one to bring your man around.After a failed relationship with Ray, I didn’t really date much after that.I just wanted to be alone again.But watching this man was raising my blood pressure inside and changing my alone status.I started fanning myself with my hand and I know it was not hot inside, but damn, just watching him was making me hot.Then he came back in line.I knew he was behind me.As I was placing my order, I could feel his eyes on me.I turned around and he had the most beautiful smile a guy can have.As I was looking at him, he pointed to me that the girl behind the counter wanted my attention.I was so embarrassed.I said sorry to the girl.“What was that again?” I asked her, and she put my sandwich together and I just told her I wanted the smaller size bread, since I would be working in and would not have a chance to grab a break.She recognized me from the diner, and asked me if I still worked there.I told her I practically lived there.She laughed and said, “I know what you mean.But hey your place does have the best Apple Pie around.They are homemade right?”“Yes, the owner’s wife makes them,” I replied.“She had to hire a lot of people who just came for that only.But it keeps me busy.”I paid for my food and grabbed my soda and went to go sit down at one of the tables to eat my sandwich.The man that was behind me, ordered his sandwich, but not just one but three.I almost said something because I thought he phoned to order his sandwiches.I was then thinking he was either really hungry or buying for someone else.As he was leaving, he looked at me and smiled.I smiled back.As I looked at my watch, I noticed I was going to be late if I stayed there.So I dumped my drink and the rest of my garbage.I grabbed my keys to my car.I noticed something was out of place.My car was there, but the lighting around was dim; it was hard to see.It was like there was a haze of light fog outside, but there wasn’t.How could time pass so fast? As I went to my car, I had a strange feeling inside me.Then it happened, someone grabbed me from behind and asked for my purse and all my money.He was trying to grab me hard and was trying to put a knife to my throat and from out of nowhere someone kicked his hand that was holding the knife.He then knocked him out cold.I was so scared my voice was so ruff sounding.“AHHHH” was all I could say, and then I realized who it was, the guy from the Deli.I said, “Thank you.Oh my, I better call the police.” He told me no, that he already had.I thought, How would he know this guy was going to do something? I found that weird.He explained that he had seen the guy waiting for someone, so I stuck around before leaving.Then he saw my questioning face, so he called the cops and he was right: they were coming and were there really fast.The cops came and immediately arrested the guy who attacked me.Then the police started towards me.They asked if I was okay, if I needed medical help.I declined, and they asked me what happened to the man on the ground.I told them a stranger from the deli had done this.And I pointed him out to the police.I didn’t get to talk to him.The police were asking me questions about the attack.Who was I, what happened? And all I kept saying was that I really didn’t know where he was from; he came out of nowhere.I was heading to work which I was now late for.The police told me to call them if I was going to be late.They still had some questions and would then release me to go on my way.So I got my cell phone and called my workplace.Henry, the owner, answered and said, “You better have a good excuse for not being here!” I was shocked that he would answer me like that.Then I told him I am here with the police, that I was attacked and being held for questioning.Then his tone went from mad to concern.He asked me if I needed a ride to work.I got pissed off and told him I had almost been killed, and you’re worry about me getting a ride to work? I told him, “Work is the last thing on my mind right now.” I heard him on the other end of the line saying, “I’m sorry, I just…wasn’t thinking.“I’ll be in when I am done here.The police asked me if I knew the person who helped me.I said, “No, that I only saw him earlier that day at the Deli.Then he came over to the police, and told him he was the one who called the cops and also helped me.He came over to me.I am grateful for what he did, but still wondered how he knew this guy was going to attack me.He introduced himself to me.“Hi, my name is Victor Vons and I’m sorry.I happened to see this guy watching you, so I stayed around the corner.I sensed something.I thought he was trouble, and I saw him acting weird, pacing up and down the street.When he saw you, he came running towards you.So I stayed to see what he was up to.I was right, he was trouble.He looked like a drug junkie, looking for money.” I couldn’t be mad at him.I thanked him again, and I got the nerve to tell him my name.“My name is Sophie St.John.I was just heading to work and this idiot attacked me.How did you disarm him? That was a big knife.”He just laughed, and he just gave me that big smile and a grin.He tells me he is a teacher of martial arts, “I teach self-defense classes.I just stopped to get a few sandwiches for my co-workers.” That explained why he was so sweaty.At that moment I felt protected.He shook my hand and planted a kiss on my hand.I was all tingly inside from that gesture.I looked to see if he had a ring on his hand.I didn’t see one, but that didn’t mean anything these days.It was like he knew what I was looking for.Oh my, was I embarrassed.He told me he was single, and nobody was waiting for him.He asked for my phone number.I fumbled in my purse for a piece of paper and pen.He had one ready.Smooth, I thought, maybe, just maybe.He told me he had to go, that his co-workers were waiting for their sandwiches.He says goodbye and told me, “This is your phone number, right?”“Of course,” I replied.“Why would I give you a false one?” He told me that some women do.“Well, exclude me from that group of women,” I told him.He walked me to my car and then just walked away.I couldn’t stop staring; he had a nice body from head to toe.My heart and my stomach were doing flips.Maybe now, after meeting Victor things would change.I hoped it would.I could dream of him all day [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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