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.I got it from my father.Maxwell Troudeau was the man behind the billion dollar Vegas empire he built from when he was a starving French college student decades ago.But Avalea Troudeau, yes, me, was the face that brought thousands of investors on board when the company was on the verge of bankruptcy.We might share the same DNA and the same colored eyes, but we were as different as night and day.Years ago, I'd have left his wing, flew out of the nest, and found my own footing.I knew I'd be successful at it, too.I had the same persuasive powers and charisma that he possessed, judging from the millions of hits on social media sites whenever I set a new fashion trend.Years ago I would have been free from his grasp.But that was then.This was now.I no longer had the ace in the cards.He held the Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and ten in the same suit.A royal flush in the world of poker where he got his start, the root of where his empire grew from.He had all the power now.He had her.Before entering the Exclusive Hotel’s magnificent doors, I took a deep breath and slowly let it out.This was the newest hotel to be added to my father’s investments.After finishing ten more interviews and posing for more pictures, it was show time.Time for me to raise my barriers and steel my insides.“He’s already here,” Daria’s voice brought me back to the present.“He’s looking for you.Daniel called me while you were chatting with the People’s News anchor.”“It’s okay, Daria,” I reassured her.“By the way, you look great tonight.” She was wearing a red taffeta gown that accentuated her voluptuous figure and complimented her olive-toned skin.Her Costa Rican skin tone was something that I’d kill for – she’d never have to tan while my fair skin burnt to an annoying shade of red and orange when I stayed in the sun for longer than thirty minutes.I turned around and faced her, squeezing her left hand.“It’s really okay.It’s not like I haven’t done this before.” I have, but it had been a while.He hasn’t had the compulsion to attend any public events for almost a year.This new business undertaking must be really special to him.“What is this one for anyways?” I asked, fiddling with the flap of my strass embellished evening clutch bag.With the hundreds of events I attended in a year, I just went with the flow.I didn’t ask questions anymore.I just showed up and mingled.While I’m fascinated at being in front of the cameras, I had no desire to get to know people who were as fake as their silicone breasts and Botox-implanted cheeks.It was hard to meet genuine individuals in this world – most of them befriended me because I’m the daughter of Maxwell Troudeau.I’d learned that lesson many times over.“I’m not sure,” Daria replied, her head shaking as she pushed on the elevator buttons.“Daniel was evasive about it.He just said that your father wants you here.” Her phone pinged again.It had been ringing non-stop since I met her on the side before I stepped onto the red carpet.When I’m with Daria, I don’t answer my calls.Unless it’s Brynn or Naomi.They knew where to reach me, and Daria would patch them through to me in less than a heartbeat.“Daniel’s being evasive? That’s not new.” I rolled my eyes as we stepped inside the elevator.Most of the guests must be up on the 55th floor already.Usually there would be other people with us, milling about, rushing to get in the elevators.Maybe we were late?“Am I late?” I wondered out loud while checking my reflection in the mirrors in front of me.Daria, who was now busy sending text messages on her phone, lifted her head up, and her hazel eyes showed disagreement.“No, Daniel said to be here at eight.It’s only 7:50.We are right on time.I won’t have you late.I know how your father is.”Oh, I knew too.He hated people who did not arrive at the appointed time.He valued his precious time.Every second counted and every minute that passed was a lost opportunity if you were late.This was one of his guiding principles.Along with the spotless mirrors, the unique combination of tuberose and pear scents, and the abundance of Troudeau Enterprises logos in each of his hotels.Those were non-negotiable.The elevator button lit up at number 55.Daria reached for my shoulder and gave me a side hug, my clutch getting in the way in the small space between us.“It’s okay, chica.You’re stronger than him.Just let me know if you need me, okay?”I gave her a small smile.When she called me chica it made me smile every time.It made me remember that I’m a powerful woman.I grabbed the orange Tic-Tacs from my clutch, flipped open the tiny top of the container, and popped ten pieces of the orange goodness into my mouth.The refreshing mint taste calmed me down [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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