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.Very few knew about the secret passage.It was once used as a stop along the Underground Railroad for slaves escaping from the south.Walking down the damp corridor he came upon a door.He pressed his ear against it and listened before opening it.He heard voices but could not make out what it was they were saying.Now or never, he thought as he slowly opened the door.He was here at the catacombs.Tip-toeing closer and closer to where he heard the voices he ducked behind a row of shelves and watched.He knew he should have intervened but he couldn’t.His legs wouldn’t move.He felt catatonic.He began to wheeze once more.Taking two puffs from his inhaler, he wiped the blood dripping from his nose on the sleeve of his jacket.It smeared on his inhaler as he stuffed it back into his pocket.He heard the voices cease.Someone asked about a noise in the back of the room and footsteps moved towards his direction.He easily backed away and made his way back to the hidden tunnel.As he climbed from the hole he could had sworn that he saw eyes in the dark looking at him.Rushing through the darkness, he hadn’t heard his inhaler fall from his pocket.He flashed the flashlight behind him, letting it sweep the area.Finding no one he figured he was being paranoid so he went back inside closed the door in the floor and returned the desk to its original position.He walked swiftly from the shed back to his car, got in, turned the ignition, and sped from the scene.Back in the shed, Brown stepped from the shadows he’d been hiding in, thankful that he hadn’t been caught.Bending down he picked up the inhaler and dropped it in the shoulder knapsack that he carried his worldly possessions in.He had been around long enough to know whatever the cop was up to climbing out of that hole was none of his business and he would make sure it stayed that way.Current DayJames snapped back into the here and now.He had a problem and he was determined to fix it.He should’ve never left them alone.Flashes of the two of them in the hospital room invaded his mind.He could picture her bent over the hospital bed with her backless gown still on and Black behind her pounding deep into his woman.James became so blind with rage that he flipped over the desk his computer was on.As the computer monitor hit the floor James kicked it across the room then quickly jumped on top of it stomped and smashing the device it until the broken fragments of the monitor were all over the floor.In the aftermath, he stood panting and sweating.His eyes were wild and blood was beginning to dry in the hairs of his mustache.Teresa will be mine, he thought.At any cost.He went to his room and picked up his Bible.With it clutched underneath his arm James laid in his bed trying his best to turn off his mind.He hadn’t had these thoughts in years.Having them now made him feel weak and defenseless.He was even beginning to have the re-occurring nightmares and nose bleeds again.Here he was a grown man almost afraid to go to bed alone at night.He fought off the urge to take his sleeping pills.He had gone down that road of addiction during his college years.It did no good.The only thing that seemed to offer him any peace was reading scriptures from the Bible.That still didn’t stop him from blaming himself; for not helping Teresa.What could he have done? It was useless.He was useless, just as he was as a boy.I’m still a boy, he thought.He remembered it like it was yesterday; standing idle as he watched his step-father molest his sister.He was 13 years old.He should have done something then and he should have done something for Teresa.He curled into a ball, bible still wrapped in his arms, and cried.His sister had forgiven him years ago.She’d told him that they were both children so how could she blame him.Still he had never forgiven himself.The right thing needed to be done; he just didn’t know what that was yet.But no matter what he did in life he was determined to do whatever it took to make things right for Teresa; whatever it took to make things right for himself.***Early the next morning Teresa awoke suddenly from her sleep.She was having a nightmare about being attacked yet in the dream her rapists were all faceless.The sound in the room was muted except for the faint sound of air being sucked in and quickly exhaled.The sound emanated from a silhouette in the back of the room.She could feel him watching her.Just as a sense of familiarity set in and she thinks she knows who the voyeur is, her eyes popped open and darted around her hospital room.She could feel the cold sweat consuming her body.Startled, she grabbed her chest surprised to find Black sitting in the chair across from her watching her sleep.“What the hell man?” she blurted out annoyed.“Sorry I startled you.You looked so peaceful that I didn’t want to wake you.”She sighed.“It’s alright [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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