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.“Tired.Is it okay to move now?”“Yeah.It was given back to you.You’re fully you again.”“How long has it been?”“Not that long.” Seth said.“They just moved on to Bryce’s room.So, can you feel any of it?”I looked down.I looked pretty good except there was a red border around the whole design; the bad kind of red that said I was injured.I touched it and that’s when I felt a mild sting.“A little bit.Kind of burning like.I’m not really used to that.”Of course he laughed.“I bet.I can’t move this whole side of me.That’s how bad it is.”“Well, you kind of have baby skin.I expected that.”“I’m turning slowly to leave now.”He had an attitude about what I said but I could only laugh because he did turn slowly like moving his upper body at all was painful.“All right.” My father said.“Find something else to do until Bryce is done then you can converge about it.”He just didn’t want us to fight.I guess I understand that.We’ve been doing that a lot.Hopefully we won’t have to around the time we can see our mothers again.I missed her but I always did my best to not think about her being away.I was good at it but this waiting was nearly done out in all of us.We just wanted it to be over but felt it never would be, not yet at least.There was still more to come.Chapter 6DariusTime was a funny thing.We saw our boys as completely grown up now.They had finally gotten their marks like we had once did and they were fully healed within the week so they could start showing them off.Dirk was really anticipating that and was trying to rush through a family breakfast so he could go out.“Slow down before you choke on it.” I said.“What? It’s good.” He said it with a mouthful but of course I didn’t believe him.No one seemed to.“Yeah, I’m sure that’s it.” Seth joked.“Your fans can wait.”“Shut up.Don’t call them that.”“What else should I call them? Whores doesn’t seem appropriate.You don’t pay them.”Dirk’s eyes narrowed but Zayden jumped in before an argument could arise.“Boys, that’s enough.” He seemed rather happy and started to get up.“What is it?” Troy asked.“Someone is using the portal.”Seth was fastest to look but it was only Adele that walked through the doors.Zayden was quickest to greet her.This was our longest period of separation but it was odd that no one else came following after her.“Seth!” She ran and hugged him next.He was glad to see her but clearly wanted something or someone else.“Where’s Cadence?”Adele pulled away and looked as usual, less than happy.“Oh, I see.So seeing me means nothing?”“Of course not, mother but something had to happen.”“Actually not much is happening.We’re waiting for her to return from Lecca but it should be very soon.”“Where are the others?” I asked.Adele finally moved her eyes off Seth to see that we were all sitting here.“Well, hello, Darius.It’s nice to see you too.”“Hi, Adele.We missed you.Now, why weren’t you followed?”“They’re with the other two right now and—” She paused and looked around.“Boys, you look about done.Why don’t you run along and play?”The boys looked at each other, not enthused.I’m sure she knew they were men now but I understood why she wouldn’t want to immediately recognize it upon her return.“We don’t play, mother.” Seth said with his usual level of attitude.“Whatever you have to say, you can say in front of us.”“Maybe it’s not what I want to say but rather do.” She turned to Zayden, gripping the back of his neck and forcing his lips down into hers with her tongue purposely showing her eagerness.It was only funny because Seth completely quivered to see his parents so close and got right up to leave.“We’re going.”“Or—” Dirk suggested.“We could stay.”He and Bryce didn’t seem to want to move with Adele so close behind them in a mood but Seth didn’t even give me the chance to intervene.He clenched his fists and hit them together, making Bryce and Dirk knock heads.“Or—we’re going.”“Ouch.” Bryce said.“You have a really hard head.”“Like yours is any better.”They got up to leave, following Seth out.“What is this really about before I take you upstairs next?” Zayden obviously knew it was a game to get the boys to leave but he still enjoyed the brief contact.Adele sighed and sat in her chair, making Zayden sit back down as well.“I don’t know.It’s just—something that happened that I thought maybe you should hear from me before Ruby comes home and exploits all her theories.”“What about Ruby?” I asked.“Is she okay?”“She’s physically okay but she’s having somewhat of a mental meltdown.”“What happened?” Troy asked.“Well, the year went great.The girls are amazing and completely fitting to replace us—”“Adele!” I cut in.“What’s going on?!”She took a breath like she was ready to share a huge secret.“We’ve spent so much time around Cadence, including Ruby and she’s truly convinced that she’s—your daughter.”My face struck a blank until I realized she was still looking at me.I’m not sure—I don’t know how I should respond.“Cadence is?” Zayden asked.“How would that even be possible?”Adele sighed.“I don’t think I should get into that because Jaylyn even says it’s possible.”“Wait.Wait.Wait.” I said.“What? How?”She sighed again, a sign that she was going to explain it even though she didn’t want to.“I will tell you what Jaylyn said but I’m a neutral here.I don’t have strong beliefs about whether it’s right or wrong.”“Okay.”“We know that Meg had twins.Twins can happen two ways.One, coming from the same egg.These are usually identical twins and the same gender.Second, coming from two separate eggs which means their genders can be different.This is what happened with Meg.”“But how?” Troy asked.“He was with her weeks after she was forced to be with Wyatt.”Adele took another heavy breath.“She could have been very early in her pregnancy then and her body didn’t know it so she ovulated another egg.”I honestly didn’t know what I was supposed to do with this but for the sake of Ruby and I, it had to be wrong.“Can’t Jaylyn tell? I mean, wouldn’t she know if it was me?”“Maybe when she was pregnant but not now.I had her confirm early that Meg was pregnant before she was even with you but it was too early to tell the gender.When she got around to that, she could only feel one because Cadence was blocking her brother.She was stronger.”That kind of hung on me for a little while.Stronger.I didn’t know what to make of this [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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