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.“Bathroom?” he asked her.When she pointed, he stumbled toward it.The water running a moment later signaled he was coming back before his naked body appeared at the end of the room.He made his way back, weaving a little before collapsing onto the bed next to her.Mercy pulled the blankets up and around them.She laid her head on his chest and snuggled into him when he pulled her close.She yawned, and after pressing a kiss to his chest, she let go and went to sleep.Chapter FourWaking the next morning, he was confused.Really confused.There was a very warm body next to him.Turning his head, a throbbing head no less, toward the warm body, he had a moment of absolute terror.Her name wouldn’t come to him, not right away.Mercy, his sluggish brain finally supplied.It was Mercy Jenkins.Heaving a breath, Brant frowned.He remembered meeting up with her at The Shanty the night before.He remembered her story about the kid in her class.He even vaguely had a memory of them stumbling through the streets of Massey.After that, everything got really, really fuzzy.Licking his lips, which was a wasted effort given how dry his mouth was, he evaluated what he did know from the state of things.They were both naked, there appeared to be a condom wrapper on the bedside table, and she was plastered against him.At a guess, he’d have to think they ended up having sex the previous night.Damn, he wished he could remember that part at the very least.He really shouldn’t be there.He needed to get the hell out of there, quick.Easing her head up off his chest slowly, he rolled her very carefully until she was snuggled into a pillow.Tucking the blankets around her tightly to keep her warm and so she’d hopefully not notice his lack of presence, Brant slipped slowly from the bed.Slipping into his jeans, he stuck his feet into his boots, snatching up his shirt, his wallet, and his phone.Pausing in the doorway, he frowned.Joshua had driven them to the bar and his brother had said he’d left his keys with Mercy to get him home later that night.Shit, she had to have the keys, but where?His eyes landed on her jeans from the night before.As good of a place to start looking as anywhere else.He got lucky upon lifting her jeans.The keys were in the front pocket.Easing them free, he wrapped his hand around them to keep them from jangling together and giving him away.One last look at her and he slipped out of her house, carefully ensuring the front door was locked behind him so she’d be safe.Now all he had to do was remember where his brother’s truck was.****Mercy woke a short time later, the sound of the door waking her.She stretched and pressed her face to the pillow and inhaled.She sighed.Brant Carver.That was whose head had been there.It wasn’t until she began to stretch that she realized she was naked.“What?” Her head was fuzzy and she sat up quickly, her stomach bottoming out with nausea.“What the hell?” She looked to the side table and saw a condom wrapper lying there as if accusing her silently.She fell back against the pillows and looked up at the ceiling.She tried desperately to recall the night before and most of it was foggy.She couldn’t recall getting home.She knew Josh had asked her to show Brant a good time, but she was certain that sex was nowhere in that request.Rubbing her temples, she sighed.“What the hell did I do last night?” Sex.She knew she had sex because her body felt sore, and it felt sated.She also felt as if she would have been able to go again.She slowly stood and walked toward the bathroom, shocked when she saw herself in the mirror.“Holy crap,” she said with wide eyes as she looked at the marks on her throat and chest.She laughed then.“Well, at least we enjoyed it.”She went to start the shower and her brain began to work.Wait, she had seen a condom wrapper on the bedside table, right? When she looked into the trash beside the commode, she noticed the used condom there.Thank God, at least they had been safe about it.Shaking her head, she got into the shower and sighed.“I wish I could remember it.” Dammit.Oh well, such was life.Chapter FiveSix weeks laterMercy looked down at the little stick and felt sick, again.“No,” she whispered, and pulled the fourth box close to her.She had been sick for the last week and a half, and realized two days earlier that she hadn’t had a period for nearly two months.No, scratch that, it was a bit more than two months, and for a woman who literally had a period every twenty-nine days, that was just far too long.She had then driven out of the town and out of the county so that she could buy a few pregnancy tests and take them.Four—she had bought four pregnancy tests of differing brands because she had to be certain.“Not possible.” The only person she had sex with had been Brant Carver, but that was six weeks ago and they had used a condom, so it wasn’t possible.Simply couldn’t be.Mercy felt the world swimming around her in the truck stop bathroom she was in.“Jesus,” she whispered, and broke down to cry.A baby.Oh God.She took a deep breath, and after a short while, shook herself out of her funk and pulled her shit together.With her hand over her belly, she whispered, “I don’t remember how you were made, sweetheart, but I’m not letting you go.”Damn, she was going to have to make an appointment to see a doctor because the baby’s health was more important than her desire for privacy.After tossing the four positive pregnancy tests into the basket, she washed her hands and headed out to her car.After getting Brant’s phone number from Ali, sidestepping her questions as best she could, she then made the worst phone call ever—calling a man that she had been avoiding for the last six weeks.He picked up after three rings, sounding a little out of breath and more than a little grumpy.“Carver,” he grunted into the phone.Just one word, but it was his voice.No other could affect her so quickly, so easily, over the phone.“Hey, Brant,” Mercy said into the Bluetooth of her car, driving as she spoke.“It’s Mercy Jenkins [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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