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.My stomach sank as I turned the room upside down looking for it.It was nowhere to be found.I went back to my office.It must be there.I’d worry about it after I worked out what was wrong with my script.I saw it straight away.That rogue line of coding that wasn’t supposed to be there.Like everything else, I was particular about how I did things, and it stuck out like a sore thumb.Miriam knocked on the door.“Rowan, Mr Warner wants to see you in his office.”“Okay.”“Just so you know, Ross is in his office, and neither of them look happy.”I felt the colour drain from my face, my stomach churning as I struggled with my growing anger.While this had been a run-through with real data, there had been backup procedures in place; it had all been covered.I stood, shaking as I took a deep breath before heading out the door.It was now or never.Only one person could have done this, and I could only guess that it was Ross’s reaction to my growing relationships with the Warners.I passed Kyle’s office on the way, and saw him look up out of the corner of my eye.If I stopped, I’d start crying, and I wasn’t going to involve him.Taking a deep breath, I knocked on Mr Warner’s door, and he called out to me to enter the room.He pointed at a chair, giving me a small smile.“Please sit, Rowan.”I sat and tried to meet his eyes, failing.“I hear there’s been a failure of our first cutover this morning.”Swallowing hard, I nodded.“Unfortunately things did not go to plan.”“And the backup is missing.”I looked up.How did he know that? Unless Ross had gone to look, too.The confirmation that he had framed me hit me like a hammer.I’d done all of the donkey work, and now he was going to swing in and look like the hero.His reputation beyond reproach, mine in tatters.“Mr Warner …”“Rowan, you know how highly I regard you and your work.This is very disappointing, to say the least.”“But, I …”Ross leaned over.“I can take over the project from here if need be.Give Rowan a break.”I glared at him.“I’ve done all of the work.I just need to find the backup or work out how to fix the data.”“Fixing the data isn’t likely.This is a real mess that you’ve got us into, Rowan.If I have to step in, then I will.”Mr Warner sighed.“I’m sorry, Rowan.Ross is right.This was a big project for you to take on so early, and you’ve done so well so far.I think Ross needs to take over from here.”“I’ll need the code you wrote for the conversion.I’ll find what’s wrong with it and fix it going forward.”“You mean the extra bit you added to break my script?” I said the words before I thought about them.“I don’t know what you mean.”“Do you think I don’t recognise my own coding versus someone else’s, someone who has just slapped in some messy crap in the middle of it?”When he glared at me, I smiled sweetly.“Are you saying your coding was interfered with, Rowan?” asked Mr Warner.“I went over it and over it last night to make sure it was clean for this morning.I didn’t think I had to check it again this morning, but afterwards I looked to see if I could find the problem.Someone had been in and changed it.”“You’re paranoid,” Ross sneered.Mr Warner closed his eyes and sighed again.He was torn; I could see that.He had no reason to disbelieve me, and no reason to disbelieve Ross.There wouldn’t be a way to prove anything; Ross would have seen to that.“Okay, well, how about Ross takes over the conversion once we find this backup.I’m sorry, Rowan.I’d like to believe what you’re saying is true, because I don’t think you’d lie to me.But, I don’t think Ross would lie to me either, and I can’t risk the rest of this cutover.”“So I have to hand over all the work I’ve done the last few months so Ross can finish the project?”He nodded.“Fine.” I crossed my arms defiantly, the sides of my head throbbing as my anxiety levels rose.I had no way out of this.Either I could get hysterical and get nowhere, or I could just go with it and hope he screwed up.“Thanks.Get it all together and you can hand it over in the morning.Take another look for that backup before you go home.If we can’t find it, well, I don’t know what we’re going to do, but we have to try.”I nodded, unable to say anything else.This was humiliating, and I wanted to run away and never come back.I thought when I came here that they wanted me, but Ross had only wanted me to do the hard yards.He wasn’t interested whether I reaped the rewards.“You can go now, Rowan.Once the system is cut over, you’ll be working on the day to day maintenance of the system.Nothing is going to change with regards to that.” Mr Warner smiled a little and I nodded, standing and walking out without turning back.Closing the door behind me, I shut my eyes and took a deep breath.“Rowan?” Kyle was sitting outside the office, concern written all over his face.“I have to go back to my office.” I knew I was pale and I felt faint.The sooner I got to a chair, the better, and I needed private.“Hey.” He tried to grab my arm, but I kept walking away.I couldn’t do this, not now.This wasn’t his problem; it was mine.CHAPTER TENKyleI had no idea what had happened, but whatever it was it was nothing good.This whole project had reached the point where Rowan’s work would be under real scrutiny, and while I didn’t know what was going on, her appearance told me everything.She rushed past my office on the way to Dad’s.I only caught a glimpse of her, but she didn’t look her usual pretty, happy self.I waited while she was in there, and saw just how miserable she looked when she came back out.Her skin was ashen, and the tears were forming that would no doubt fall when she got back to her office.I tried to reach out to her, help her, but she just wanted to get out of there.Ross appeared next, grinning smugly about something, and I knew he’d been behind whatever it was.He was another person I’d known for years, and he was territorial when it came to anything to do with the computer network.It had surprised me that he’d let Dad hire someone for this¸ but it was such a big job, and the new system would need supporting, so it did make sense.“Dad?” I said, standing in the doorway of his office.He shook his head, placing it in his hands before looking back up at me.“What happened?”“Rowan’s first attempt at the database migration failed.It didn’t just fail; the data is corrupt and the back up is nowhere to be found.I could have fired her for this, Kyle.She’s done so much work, and I get that it’s disappointing for her, but I’m wondering if I should have employed someone so young.When confronted, she tried to blame her errors on Ross.I think she’s just in over her head a bit and needed to ask for help.She had it all on paper, and was confident in her ability, but maybe that wasn’t enough.”“Don’t you dare.”“What?”“Rowan didn’t do this.She spent hours lining everything up for today.Somehow Ross is responsible.He’s pissed that she helped you out, and he’s waited until he can pick up the pieces of the project.”“Rowan thinks he had something to do with it too.But he’s been with me for twenty years.Hiring her was to make things easier for him.Why would he want to sabotage her?”“He’s jealous, Dad.Plain and simple.She’s younger and has so much more talent than he does.”He sat back in his chair.“Kyle, I know that you care about her …”“That’s not even the point.”“Of course you’re going to defend her, and I don’t blame you.But this isn’t something I can be sentimental about.This is business.”“I get that, Dad, but you need to open your eyes.”He sighed.“Maybe you do [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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