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.”“Screw you, Aidan,” she said, exhaling the words on a breath.She closed her eyes, squeezing them tight, and then blinked a few times before meeting my gaze again.She opened her mouth, as if she were going to say more, closed it, and then turned her back on me — again.It wasn’t the first time she had turned away from me, and knowing her, it wouldn’t be the last.But still, it burned.I reached out without thinking, wrapping my arms around her waist, and pulled her back flush against me.Leaning forward, brushing my lips against her ear, I said, “Don’t walk away from me, Jade.”~ JADE ~Aidan’s breath brushing against the back of my neck — warm and sweet — sent a hot chill careening through me.My breath hitched.I could feel every ripple of his abs and chest against my back as he held me close.His strong arms tightened around my waist, pulling me closer still, and darn it, but I leaned into him.His command and this show of dominance should have bothered me, but it didn’t.I felt delicate, like a flower, with his arms around me, surrounding me with his power.My inner-wolf lapped it up as if hearing him, feeling him, having him so close was the best treat she could have asked for, and even though I hated it, I completely agreed with her.The last thing I actually wanted to do was walk away from him.Doing it once was pretty much all I had in me, right then, I was sure of it.I could feel the others watching us.Their breathing, their heartbeats, whispered around me like a breeze rustling through the forest, but at that moment, I didn’t care.Aidan’s steady heartbeat thrummed against my back, and his heady scent … I licked my lips and took a deep breath.Home.I was home.His betrayal had hurt.I was sure that I would never be able to trust him again and yet, as I stood there incased in his arms, I knew that I would never be able to stay away from him either.And then, my phone rang, a sharp pitch, sharp enough to clear my head.I wrapped my hand around Aidan’s wrist, pulling his arm from my waist.He didn’t stop me.Instead, he let his arm fall, then the other, and then the warmth of his body pressed against mine was gone.I felt the separation like a loss of a limb and I almost turned into him.God, I wanted those arms back around me, but then my phone rang again and I hastily fished it out of my pocket, glancing at the screen.Jared.Guilt pooled in my stomach, which was completely asinine.I had no reason to feel guilty.It wasn’t like Jared and I were really an item, but I felt it, like searing hot water pouring over my skin.I forced a smile, took a breath, and tapped the screen as I brought the phone to my ear.“Hey, baby,” I said.My voice was raw, as if I’d swallowed a handful of tacks, and I swallowed hard, trying to clear the lump from my throat.“Where the hell are you, Jade?” he yelled.I cringed from the blast of his voice piercing my ear, and I almost glanced around to see if anyone noticed, but thankfully I caught myself.I forced my smile wider, hoping it would ease the rockiness of my voice.“I’m at Aidan’s.You should probably get over here.”“You’re supposed to be in school,” he barked.I could feel Aidan’s eyes on my back, and I found myself hoping that he couldn’t hear Jared.I didn’t want Aidan to hear the possessive edge in my so called mate’s voice.I didn’t even want to hear it myself.“I didn’t have much of a choice,” I said.Was my tone sweet enough? I didn’t know.I wanted to walk outside.I wanted to tell Jared off, but I couldn’t.Not with everyone watching.Darn it! I hated having to play the sweet girlfriend.I wasn’t even sweet on a good day.I sighed and felt my forced smile stretching further.“Can you find Erika and bring her with you? Oh, and maybe call the team.I want them all here.”“I’m not your damn secretary, Jade,” he growled.“Call them yourself if you want them.Better yet, get your ass home.”I sucked in a deep breath.I was vibrating all over, and I felt the twitch in my jaw as I bit down, swallowing the urge to rip into him.“Jared, I’m not asking.”Aidan stepped into my line of vision and tapped my chin, forcing me to look up.He smirked, a knowing kind of smirk, and reached out, taking the phone from me before I could stop him and brought it to his ear.He chuckled, and an amused grin curved his lips.“Jared.Come.Now.” He barked out the order, grinning the entire time, and then thumbed the screen, disconnecting the call.His grin spread wider and he winked at me, tossing the phone back.I caught it easily, and jammed it in my pocket.“You look a little too proud of yourself there,” I snapped, glowering at him.“Yeah?” he asked, chuckling.“Well, I kind of am.”CHAPTER 6~ JADE ~Aidan’s house was comfy.I was pretty sure it had belonged to one of the previous alphas of the Dog Mountain pack, but I had never been inside before.It wasn’t much, a living room done in browns and greens, soothing just like the woods, with a smallish kitchen off to the side, and a set of stairs leading up to the second floor.The carpet was kind of gross and the paint was chipped and peeling in spots, but other than that it was cozy.And it smelled like him.Strong, a little sweet, and green.It was a peaceful scent, one that I was pretty sure I would never get enough of.Every few minutes it would get stronger, and then fade, as if he were using it, trying to stir a reaction from me, and it was a crazy hard effort to keep the stoic expression on my face and not let him see how much he was affecting me.I had already slipped up once since I walked through the door and there was no way I was going to do it again.I sat on the couch, my feet pulled up underneath me, waiting for Jared and the team to show up.Aidan sat across from me in a big, beat-up leather chair, with Chris and Tommy standing behind him.His light brown hair was askew, and his jawline, rough with a couple days’ growth.His brown eyes were tired, but alert, and he wore an easy smile, as if the five of us together wasn’t awkward at all.Dominic paced the small space, five steps one way, five steps back.His calm mask was starting to splinter.Every few minutes he would steal a glimpse at me and when he did, I caught the slivers of pain and regret spreading through his eyes like ice cracking under pressure.While I waited for Jared, Aidan filled me in on why he had me pulled from class.He had a plan.As far as I could see, though, it wasn’t much of a plan, and I was eighty-nine percent sure there was more to it that he wasn’t telling me.The gist: he was calling the team together and tomorrow, once Dad got back and I played up my relationship with Jared a little, they were going into the mountain to hunt the werecougars.But my doubts about his plan could have also had something to do with the new additions to our pack.Aidan said they were temporary, help sent from his parents, and I really didn’t know what to make of that.I hadn’t thought about Aidan belonging to another pack before now.I guessed it made sense; he had been a werewolf before he’d shown up in Dog Mountain, but the information only managed to fill me with questions, and reaffirm the fact that I really knew nothing about him.Another item to add to the growing list of things he hadn’t told me [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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