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.”“You know it’s more than that.” She laughs like it’s not true but we both know damn well it is.“I just want you to be happy and I know how hard that is for you when you don’t have a man in your life.”She might as well be talking into a mirror.My dad left her when she turned fifty and she seems to think that if I wait a day past thirty to hook myself a good one, I’ll be a spinster for life.She might be right based on my recent track record.Although, there is Greg.“Actually, Mom, I’m seeing a new guy.” The fake cheer is replaced by actual fondness when I think of him.“He’s a really great guy.I think you’ll like him.”“Really?” I can just picture her bouncing in her seat.“When can I meet him? Maybe lunch on Saturday?”Lunch on Saturday? This woman is on crack.I’m not even seeing him again until dinner on Saturday.Maybe bringing him up wasn’t such a good idea.“No, he’s busy this weekend but maybe in a few weeks.Give me some time to make sure there’s something there before you start planning the reception menu.”“You better not be getting my hopes up for nothing, Olivia.”“I’m not, Mom.” I so am.I haven’t even been on a single date with the guy and he hates smokers and I’m not sure I’ll make it to bed without my half stick.Fuck me.“If things seem serious between us, you’ll be the first to know.I gotta run.Love you.”I hang up before she can say another word.My phone rings once while I’m waiting for my Caribbean Passion smoothie but I hit ignore and continue to read the nutrition chart on the wall.Who knew there were so many calories in a fruit smoothie.Is nothing truly healthy in this world?~**~I’ve been home for an hour and I can’t stop twirling that stupid candy container around in my hands.I really think I should just smoke the half cig in there and be done with it.I’ve done great today and a few hits seems like a fair reward.I pop the plastic top off the container and inhale the delicious scent of tobacco.It’s just a stump…Before I can pull it out, my phone rings again.It’s a local number but not one in my contacts so I debate whether or not to answer.In the end, I hit the green button and grunt into the receiver.“Yeah.” I almost hope it’s a telemarketer so I can bitch someone out.I’ve been holding my tongue all day and I need to unleash.I hear a chuckle on the other end of the line before a throat clears.“Wow, you sure know how to greet a guy.”“Greg?” My voice squeaks and I sit a little straighter on my bed.“Hey.”“Am I disturbing you?”“No, not at all.I’m just sitting around.” And trying not to smoke.For you.“Good.” Greg always has a smartass comment so I have to smile at his hesitance.“So, what’s going on?” I’m suddenly in a better mood.“Just wanted to make sure you were appropriately excited about our date on Saturday.”Ahh, there he is.Two can play that game.“Oh, right.I did agree to go out with you, huh? Yeah, I’m sure it’ll be fine.”“Fine?” He huffs but I can hear the amusement in his voice.“You mean you haven’t been agonizing over what to wear or where we’re going?”“Honestly, I forgot about it.” I have to hold my breath to keep from giggling.“So what are we doing? Dinner or something?”“Dinner or something? You’re shitting me, right?” He laughs out loud.“I’ve got some amazing plans for us.You better be ready for the dinner of a lifetime, woman.”“Is that so?” Now I’m intrigued.“Well, I hope you do because I could use some amazing.”There is a brief pause before he finally exhales.“Seems to me you’ve got plenty of it.” His voice is a velvety whisper, not as playful as it was just seconds ago.“You’ve got amazing eyes.Amazing hair.An amazing smile.”A stupid grin is plastered on my face.I want to form a witty comeback but I can’t think straight.His flirting is so sincere I just want to melt.“Thank you.”“Don’t thank me,” he says.“Thank your mama for giving you such good genes.”That’s sobering.Mentioning my mother is the fastest way to get me out of the mood.“Ugh, don’t mention her.She’s awful.”“Really? I’m sorry.” He clears his throat and speaks louder.“I don’t mean to pry but what’s so terrible about her?”“Okay, she’s not all bad but she likes to bitch about my lack of breeding prowess.” I choke out a fake laugh.“Well, more like my man-catching ineptitude but it’s all the same.”He doesn’t miss a beat.“Yeah, I can see her point.”I’m not sure if I should hang up or start bitching him out.“Excuse me.”“Well, I’ve been asking you out for like…ever,” he chuckles quietly, “and you kept shooting me down so maybe you were lacking in the man-catching department [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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