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.Weightless, I drifted.Into his embrace I fell.His shirt came free with little effort, save the break in our touch.My first article of clothing came with an entirely different set of rules, though—mine.I backed out of reach, at first.No, I conveyed in more ways than one.The heat of his glare opened my mind to his words.You’ve already decided.His wisdom did not come as a surprise, but as before, I did request a compromise.Water.I licked one of my fingers and ran it through the layer of soil and only God knew what all coated that chest.“Water.” His gaze moved from the wetted finger I trailed over his pebbled nipple on to my lips, then to me.He lifted one brow and his mouth matched my smile.“Yeah.Water.” The words flowed from my mouth this time.If Keith were capable of handling me more delicately than he did, I would have accused him of timidity at best, frigidity at worst, but as he lifted me into his arms and proceeded to carry me up my stairs and to my bathroom, he kissed me with such careful design that I had to concede his intentions were noble.You taste as wonderful as you smell; but you know that already, don’t you?And you talk entirely too much.Although his words traveled to me in the same silence from whence mine had come, he couldn’t help but give his torturous kisses a reprieve to laugh.He eyed me as he righted me to my feet at the top of the stairs.“You have a marvelous sense of humor, Samuel, my friend.”Shame nobody’s going to miss it.The fingers moving fast at my waistband halted.Keith met my gaze.“You are forbidden to speak in such a way in my presence.I will not have it.”I still believed I was right, but even so, I felt a rush of heat invade my face from Keith’s scorn and even more ashamed when I noticed the sadness in his expression.“No offense taken,” he said, and then whispered the word, “water,” as I thumbed a droplet from his cheek.We both laughed and I found myself pleasantly in his arms once again.“Quit thinking long enough that we may enjoy our time together.Please.”I promised him I would try as he resumed his quest to disrobe me.Shirtless, I looked on as he stepped into the bathroom and started filling the tub.I leaned in the doorway, fascinated with the body he revealed to me one article at a time.He perched with his ass half off the closed toilet seat to remove his work boots.His socks followed readily as I fixed my attention on the milky white skin at his ankles.Such a contrast between his feet and his upper body that had been exposed to the daily power of the sun.A contrast I couldn’t help but note as one of my fetishes.In all my memory, I couldn’t recall anything that caught my attention faster than a work tan.Keith had a definite one, and the crotch of my pants tightened because of it.Once his feet were uncovered, he looked at me and grinned, running his tongue over his lips to moisten them.I felt myself stiffen further, both against the doorjamb and in my pants.“You want the tongue bath first, then?” he asked.It took most of my remaining will to force a single dip of my chin.Keith stood and shucked his jeans and underwear with no ceremonious effort.Naked.Sweat-caked dirt splotching his tanned torso.Sun-bleached hair frazzled and dried in an array of beauty about his head.Eyes as blue as any ocean and for only me.Perfect.My breath caught when he turned and twisted off the taps, ran splayed fingers through the water’s surface to test it.Beautiful.On approach, Keith dropped to his knees.I fought to stay on my feet.My heart thrummed wildly in my ears, drowning out all logic and reason.He seemed to undress me with a snap of his fingers, and I stood, weak-kneed and shivering.Right then, he took me, lavishing me with moisture and heat… and care.I saw concern flash in the gaze he fixed on me as he took me to ecstasy in my bathroom’s doorway.With ease, he kept me on my feet, held me steady with two strong hands.When I regained my breath, he stood, took me into his arms, and kissed me.“You’re a beautiful man.” Again, without words, he spoke.Water, now?I swallowed and offered what felt like a faint nod.By the hand, he led me to the water’s edge and with one foot, stepped inside.He beckoned me to follow.“Smooth.Conducive.Warm.Water’s an excellent choice, Sam.”From the joy bursting inside me came a smile as I stepped into the tub, once again weightless and wanted, feeling as if I could do no wrong.And powerless against Keith’s suggestions [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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