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.“I’m so sorry.I’ve never been a slacker in school, but I just have a lot on my mind,” Isabelle assured her as she walked down to where her professor stood.“I know.I access the transcripts of all of my students.You were a straight A student in high school and I expect more of you,” Professor Craven sighed as she erased the board.“Don’t worry because I will be putting my best foot forward from now on.I’ve had so many distractions over the past few months, but completing this degree means more than any of it,” Isabelle exclaimed.“I’ll show you.”“Don’t show me, Isabelle.Show yourself,” she said with hope wrapped in her voice.“Thanks,” Isabelle replied.I’ve already blown it, she thought as she gathered her bag and headed for the door.She walked slowly past a few classrooms as she made her way to the exit of the building.She wondered how the rest of her college experience would pan out.Demi had already shown an interest in her so maybe there was hope for a real social life.As she pushed the back door open to exit Crosby Hall, the door almost knocked a man to the ground.“I’m so sorry.Oh my goodness,” she squealed as she helped the man.His eyes met hers and a sudden explosion erupted in her chest.She felt so weak that her knees buckled and her body felt limp.He stood up in awe of the woman that stood before him.Nostalgic thoughts crossed his mind, reminding him of his first love that she so closely resembled.He wanted to grab her at that very moment and make love to her.Her eyes were so warm and inviting and her full lips screamed for his.“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on,” he replied slowly, but surely.Isabelle blushed from embarrassment.“Oh my,” she said softly.“I wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true,” he assured her.“My name is Noah, but I don’t want to know yours, yet.I want to enjoy the luxury of not knowing you for now,” he smiled.“It’s nice to meet you, Noah,” Isabelle grinned.Noah was a Godsend.His muscles bulged from under his t-shirt and his arms were just the right size to hold her tightly at night.His brown hair was frazzled and his smile was sincere.She felt connected to him immediately and couldn’t help but imagine making sweet love to him at some quaint bed and breakfast or on a secluded beach.“Here’s my number.Please use it.” He gave her his card as he walked into the building.Noah Lewis.Abernathy University MBA Candidate.She turned to look at him as he walked down the hallway, gazing at his mannish strut and smiling.“Today is definitely my lucky day,” she shouted, forgetting that she was in a public place.Isabelle walked toward her dorm room with a new attitude.She felt like there was finally a chance at to reclaim her life without Brian.She passed other students who seemed so together.They didn’t have a care in the world and appeared so happy.She wanted that.She wanted to experience love once again.She wanted friends.She wanted a life.CHAPTER 2Isabelle approached her dorm room with a different spirit than when she’d left earlier that day.When she left she felt lost and confused.She felt like she was on a long journey to find herself in life, but now that journey didn’t seem as long.People actually liked her and that was something she never experienced before.Isabelle never really knew how it felt to be a part of something.Now she was a proud student at Abernathy University and people actually talked to and were interested in her.Regardless of her past, this motivated her to create a promising future.I don’t want to seem to eager, she thought, but she really wanted to text Noah.When she reached the steps of Holland Hall a smile reappeared on her face.Everything that had hurt her in the past was only a stepping-stone to create her future and she believed that wholeheartedly.Isabelle lugged her bag up to her second floor dorm room and stared at Noah’s card.She lied down with the card perched beside her as she drifted off to sleep.She was exhausted, but even in her dreams she saw Noah’s face.She couldn’t get him out of her mind and she didn’t want to.She dreamed of a life that she never knew with a man that she didn’t know: Noah.Her entire being immersed in lust and adorned with affection.After awaking from a nap that she didn’t want to end, she noticed a text message from a number that she didn’t recognize.It’s Noah.I know this may be a creep move, but I couldn’t resist myself.I have to see you.Meet me tonight under the Memorial Oak Tree on campus at 9:00pm.Isabelle couldn’t believe her eyes.A guy had actually gone through the trouble of finding her just so he could see her again.She never knew that anyone could admire her in such a way.She smiled as she lied on the stiff twin-sized bed that she once despised, but now didn’t mind due to the excitement that swept through her body.She was lucky enough to have the room to herself since housing didn’t assign a student to the vacant bed, but had another person been present Isabelle would have been embarrassed by her actions.Isabelle’s face was permanently blush-red and she couldn’t stop smiling.She thought of magically being whisked away by Noah to live in lust and passion, but her thoughts were cut short by one thing: Demi.I really don’t want to put her off tonight, but I have to see Noah, she thought.Isabelle yearned for acceptance and the absolute last thing she wanted to do was miss an opportunity to make a new friend.She sighed deeply as she bit her lips and flared her nostrils, while contemplating her next move.If she really wants to be my friend then she’ll look past this, she assured herself.I’m sorry, but I cant make it tonight, but maybe we can do lunch another day!” and it was final with the tap of the “send” button.“No problem!” Demi replied.Isabelle smiled with delight.Now for Noah, she smiled.“I’d be honored by your presence tonight under the Oak tree,” she readily replied.Isabelle couldn’t imagine anything else she’d rather do than spend her evening with Noah.Not even a minute late he replied with a simple “See you soon.”Isabelle’s excitement was undeniable, however she was also scared.“What if he only wants sex?” She asked herself.“What if he only wants to use me?” She had to remind herself that there was no such thing as happily ever after and that fairy tales were not real.She yearned for attention, but her mind wouldn’t allow her to forget that things were not always as they seemed.CHAPTER 313 Years Ago“Hurry up if you want something from the store, girl.”She eagerly ran to the rusted blue Buick parked on the long dirt path.She didn’t have a care in the world and a trip to the store was the highlight of her day.“Hop in,” Arnie smiled.“Ya’ll hurry back with them eggs and butter.I do want to fix supper today,” Sharon yelled from the front porch of the shabby 2-bedroom trailer.“Oh hush up, woman,” he passively replied.As the old Buick pulled out into the highway, joy filled Isabelle’s body.She never had much, but she could always look forward to a ride to the store.“I got a five dollar bill with your name all over it, baby girl,” Arnie winked.Isabelle smiled with delight.“Five whole dollars! I could buy anything in the store with that!”She rolled down her window to let some of the summer wind blow across her face.She loved the smell of outside pouring into ragged insides of the car [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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