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.Death was his arena.If their positions were reversed, she would be doing the same.Savoring another person's pain was a dark taste he cultivated in her discriminating palate, although, she was more likely to have chosen a fine French cognac to mark the occasion rather than leftovers.He knew exactly what would come next.Men like him knew how long it would take for her body to die.He was the expert.She was a novice just beginning to learn his grim trade until he decided to prematurely end their partnership.Her life had only been concerned with the man-made rules of the world until they met."Breaking the man-made rules," she corrected in silence.She heard his chair creak as he shifted.Her body remained motionless on a cold floor she could not feel.If she could swallow she would have spat in his face."Fuckin' ghoul didn't even need to glue my mouth shut.Broken neck did all the hard work for him."The creaking from the chair increased and she realized he was masturbating.Cold terror filled her mind as her vision dimmed.The last thing she saw in this world was the white ropy discharge as it hit her directly in the eyes.***Her fingers were almost numb but she continued struggling to wrench her hand free of the straps fastened securely around her wrists.She frantically twisted her wrist right then left and right again trying to stretch the unyielding leather.Time was growing short and she knew she would not stand a chance tied down on the bare mattress in the center of the room.Without warning the door banged open ending any hope of mounting a resistance to her fate."You are going to learn, one way or another, you cannot screw around with me and not suffer the consequences."She glanced up at her usually unflappable psychiatrist.The woman's face was pinched with anger and her hooded eyes flashed with unnatural excitement.Four uniformed guards surrounded the little woman swaddled in a lab coat two sizes too big.Each rent a cop armed and brandishing a police issued night stick.Undaunted by the uneven odds, she smirked at the security team facing her."I'm sorry; I'm not receiving visitors tonight.You can try to book an appointment with my secretary in the morning if you like.I think I might have an opening three days after Satan butt fucks you another A-hole while you blow the thugs you got with you, Dr.Likeshairyass."One of the guards crossed the room without being directed.Lifting his arm he leveled a heavy hit to her exposed thigh.The crack was so hard she could not contain her scream of pain.He grabbed a fistful of hair and her bruising leg to roughly tug her onto her side.Taking advantage of an opening she managed to sink her teeth into his leg tasting blood, but to no avail.The guard grunted with pain but did not yield his hold.His pull on her hair instead grew harder and she was fairly certain she'd have a bald spot when this was over.The position exposed her naked ass for the doctor's convenience.Her ability to inflict pain on the man holding her began to fade with each breath as the needle jabbed viciously into her took immediate effect."You are going to learn, one way or the other, Jessie.Today, you are going to learn the hard way not to attack one of my staff." The doctor sighed as she slowly caressed the unconscious woman’s smooth white ass, "Well, it's going to be hard for you but we're going to have a very good time while you learn your lesson."***Colby stumbled up the stairs of the Dorchester three-decker.Her apartment was at the top.It was getting harder and harder to make the climb after another night of drinking and she didn’t do sober anymore."Would you move it?"The voice behind startled her.She stumbled and went down on one knee.The second floor tenant, a middle aged muscle head sopped up on steroids, pushed past her."What's your friggin’ hurry?" She slurred.He turned and glared at her.His face was bathed in sweat."I hit a fuckin' dog with my bike, that's what my problem is.Got blood and shit all over me and I don't got no time to waste watching you crawl up the bleedin’ stairs!"She grinned, "That's what you get for riding a bike in the snow.No stopping power.""Fuck you," he snarled."Oh, what's a matter, Guido," she slurred as she tugged herself to her feet."You all traumatized by a dead dog?""Naw," he replied as he unlocked his door, "I've seen lots of dead things and soon to be dead things." He glanced at her."Like you.You're a soon to be a dead thing.It’s written all over your ugly face."Before she could reply, he disappeared inside his apartment.The door slammed shut."Ah, screw you, Guido."She resumed her stumbling climb to her own apartment, mindless of the bloody foot prints staining the stairs behind her.The trip up left her breathless and light headed.She did not realize she unlocked the door until she was three steps from her bed."Wonder if I even shut the damn thing," she muttered.She was intent on turning.The motion sent her world spinning around her.She could feel her body tilt into the fall.The keys she clutched in her left hand dropped with a metallic clatter to the floor."E," she remembered.*****Chapter 2postictal (pst-ktl) adj, altered mental status following seizure, lasting fifteen to thirty minutes, characterized by confusion, headache, nausea, amnesia, memory loss, and hallucination.May last longer with severe or chronic seizure activity.Friday, March 13thIt was the same dream.She's standing in the old Berkeley Street squad room, frozen in the eye of a storm bustling and swirling around her in a ghostly blue haze.She knew the place well.Hell, she should know it better than the back of her hand.They toiled in the stinking piss hole for more days and nights than she’d cared to remember.It was headquarters for a century before his honor, ‘Da Mayor,’ ordered the whole department to haul ass over to the brand new white elephant on the corner of Ruggles and Tremont.The move was billed in the press as a historic relocation to a state-of-the-art facility at One Schroeder Place; a new building to serve the Boston Police Department and the community for the 21st Century.Colby Willis, like so many of the rank and file, appreciated the suits at Media Relations and their wicked sense of humor.They all needed a hardy laugh from time to time to sugar coat the shit pouring out of City Hall.But, sometimes Colby thought their spin was enough to send even James Michael Curley twirling right out of his box; God rest his nearly, almost sainted soul [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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