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.Fred let out a squeak as Steffen picked up his cage.“Fred and I thank you.”With the threat of the bear gone, Cleve’s focus turned to the anger pulsing through him.His most menacing tone came out as he spoke.“I don’t like being used.”He turned and started back up the hill before the idea of using his quarterstaff on the chemist became more tempting.“If you don’t like being used, you’re not going to be a happy warrior when you’re done at the Academy, then!” Steffen shouted to stop him.“All warriors are just used by the King.”Shocked, Cleve turned with a cold stare.He noticed Steffen cowering back a step, so he followed with a step of his own, waiting for the chemist to finish what he had to say.But Steffen finally seemed content remaining silent, or perhaps he only now noticed the anger in Cleve’s eyes.“How did you know that?” Cleve asked.“That all warriors are used by the King?” Steffen asked sheepishly.“No, that I was to attend the Academy.”“Oh.” Steffen let out a breath of relief.“I met Headmaster Terren on my way to complete housing registration yesterday.I didn’t know he was your uncle.It makes sense, though.You’re both exceptional warriors.” Steffen took a step forward, looking as if he expected Cleve to know what he was going to say next.Cleve didn’t and was in no mood to guess.“He told you what about me?”“Not too much about you specifically, but he did say that you don’t have anyone to room with.” Steffen tilted his head.“Surely he mentioned our conversation to you?”Cleve could feel his brow furrowing cautiously.What did my uncle do now? He shook his head.“No.”“Then I guess I get to be the one to tell you.” Steffen cleared his throat, leaning forward on his front foot with a wry grin.“Your uncle and I spoke briefly about my living predicament—two friends and I were hoping to live together on campus, but there are no houses for three students.Terren mentioned you, and he signed you up to live with us in a house that accommodates four students.” Steffen grew a smile wider than Fred’s in the cage beside him.“What do you think?”Cleve hoped this was just Steffen’s terrible sense of humor.“You’re joking, right?”“I thought you’d share my enthusiasm.” Steffen’s grin soured.“I suppose this living experiment is still in its preliminary phase.We have lots of time to find the right ingredients to make this a success.” He had a quick laugh.“Get the metaphor? We’ll be just like Fred, here.” He lifted the cage up to his shoulder.“It’ll work out, Cleve.I’m excited to have a warrior in our household.I have some potions you can help me test.”And here I thought getting caught with a bow and being dragged to the dungeons would be the worst way to spend the next three years.“Fred is a disaster, just like this will be,” Cleve muttered.There was no point in staying any longer.He needed to speak to his uncle.“Where are you going? We should get to know each other!”He ignored Steffen’s shouts, hoping they were the last words he’d ever hear him speak, wishing this was just the delirious ranting of a mad chemist.Chapter 2: OthersCLEVECleve actually had been excited about his admission to the Academy, until meeting Steffen.He’d lived the last seven years on campus, but only as his uncle’s adopted son, never as a student.He hadn’t been able to apply until this year, when he’d reached seventeen.Living with Terren was never ideal, but being his only remaining family member, Cleve figured there were worse places he could’ve ended up.His uncle was generally considerate and tended to give a good reason when he couldn’t be.But to sign up Cleve to live with three strangers without even mentioning it? Cleve didn’t even want to hear the reason behind that.When Cleve arrived home, he threw open the door so that it banged against the wall, yet his uncle didn’t even look up from the documents he was reading [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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