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.”“Yeah I can’t figure him out either.Ever since mom died he’s been a little nuts about everything and not just relationships.”“Yeah I remember that time he made the two of you go to that Ashram thing in the mountains for a week for some crazy reason.What was that for anyways?”“He wanted us to get in touch with our spiritual selves or some bullcrap like that.Anyways, I gotta go to my locker before class so I’ll see you later Meg.”“Later.”Chapter TwoFamily FirstSaturday at Five…Dad’s knocking on my door.“Jordan honey, I hope you’re in there getting ready.Rebecca’s going to be here in an hour.”“Almost ready dad.”“Well come down here soon as you are.I want to talk before they get here.”“Okay.”That doesn’t sound good at all.Why would he want to talk before she gets here? Maybe he just wants to make sure I’m on my best behavior or something.Lately our father daughter talks have been a little strained to say the least.Last time he wanted to talk to me about something his church was putting on to get girls to commit to staying virgins until marriage.I didn’t have the heart to tell him he was one year and two months too late.I can’t imagine what he wants to talk about this time.I take one last look in the mirror before going downstairs.I look tired, I conclude as I study my face in the mirror.I need a haircut.My long blond hair has been getting a little too long and unruly lately and my darker roots are beginning to show as well.My blue-green eyes are looking a little droopy and there’s no amount of mascara or eye shadow that’s going to fix what four hours of sleep a night has destroyed.My health is too high a price to pay for straight my less than perfect grades lately and my summer tan has already begun to fade.I look down at my chest and decide to throw on a sweater.I may not have a lot to show but I don’t subscribe to my best friend’s motto; if you got it flaunt it.When I go downstairs I find dad in his study reading.He looks good.Since he’s been dating this new woman he looks years younger.It’s not just that.He’s less stressed.He yells less and smiles more.Maybe this woman isn’t so bad for him after all.He looks up and closes his book when I rap on the door frame.“Come on in Jordy.” He says using my nickname.“What’s going on dad?”“I just want to give you a heads up about tonight.” He begins.I don’t like where this is heading already.“Heads up about what?” I ask.“I realize you have yet to meet Ms.Taylor or her son, but I have to do what my heart is telling me.I’m going to propose tonight.”Then he whips out a little silver box from his jacket pocket and holds it out to me.I take it and try to open it without dropping it from my trembling fingers.I gasp.I can’t help it.The rock on the thing must cost…I don’t know what it costs but it has to be a lot.“Do you think she’ll like it?” He asks.Dumb question.You’d have to be an idiot with a heart of stone not to be overwhelmed with it.It’s a simple platinum band with a rock that’s at least a carrot if not more.I don’t know much about diamonds but this one has to cost a fortune.There’s just one thing that confuses me though.“Dad, if this Rebecca is the one…” I begin.“Why are you not giving her mom’s ring?”“Because that was your mom’s ring.Nothing or no one can replace her and I will always love her.I don’t see how I could ever part with her ring.Rebecca is going to be my new wife and I love her so she gets a new ring.”I guess that makes sense.“So what do you think?” He asks.“She’ll love it.”“No I mean what do you think about me getting married again?”“How am I supposed to know dad? I’ve never met her.She seems to make you happy though.I don’t think I have seen you smile this much since before mom got sick.So yeah, I guess this is a good thing.”“Great, then it’s settled.I’m getting married.”“What do you mean settled? If I disagreed would you give the ring back and not get married?”“Nope.But it’s a relief having your blessing on the matter honey.”“I don’t know if I’d say I’m giving you my blessing [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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