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.Then the British guys started coming in with their lame bachelor parties and then the Spanish guys with their sex-eager game.In America, a bachelor party is simply going to a strip club with your boys, but in Britain their culture dictates that you have to fly to another city and get insanely drunk while prowling the streets in groups of ten or more.They disrespect the local culture through their drunken semi-violent behavior.It’s no surprise that many bars have a “No Stag Parties” policy.You also have the Spanish men who arrive in hordes, and to a lesser extent, the Italians.Thousands of these guys visiting Krakow over the course of a decade has eliminated any exotic bonus points you could’ve gained while meeting a Polish girl.Of the cities I visited, the girls in Krakow had the most attitude and were least impressed with my foreign status, but—and this is a big but—you can still pull there.If you’re a sharply dressed man who isn’t getting drunk and can seem like a Polish insider (you’re learning Polish, right?), it’s only marginally harder than the other cities.The biggest problem with Krakow is that it’s lame.It’s Westernized beyond belief, with a McDonald’s right off the main square.Everything seems to be in English and tourists are everywhere.I’m not talking about the cool tourists who go to South Beach, but the old and fat ones who wear passport holders around their necks.While there are many girls around, if you’re looking for an authentic Polish experience, Krakow won’t provide it.I wouldn’t recommend spending more than a weekend there.Next up is Poznan, a city I lived in for a little over six months.It also has a large university population, which includes a lot of Erasmus students from other countries (Erasmus is a study-abroad program for Europeans).Polish girls are slightly more curious about foreigners here than Krakow, since the only ones living in the city are young students, not mature men like you and me.The biggest problem with Poznan is that with only 568,000 people, it starts to feel like a small town after a while.The nightlife is hit or miss, with only a handful of clubs that regularly pack people in.I was annoyed with the lack of selection and often felt like I had no choice but to go to the same boring night spots.Another problem is that it can be quite a sausage fest, more than other Polish cities I’ve been to.Some places will be so packed with dudes that you wonder if it’s gay night.Luckily for us, most Polish guys don’t have game.A sausage fest won’t harm you as much as it would in other places, but it’s still a bummer to get ready for a fun Saturday night out and encounter two or three guys for every girl.Next up is Wroclaw (pronounced vrot-suave).Mark my words, this city will be the new Krakow in ten years.It’s ramping up its tourism efforts and already has the infrastructure to take on a lot more.Its nightlife is busy with many more options than Poznan, and there are tons of college girls who are less allergic to foreign guys than the ones in Krakow.Slightly bigger than Poznan, Wroclaw hits a sweet spot of being large enough that you don’t get bored with the girls and nightlife while still being relatively unspoiled by foreigners.Sadly, this will eventually change for the worse.Finally, we have Gdansk and its nearby sister city, Sopot.Gdansk feels like a suburban town with very few nightlife options.Most people hop on the train and go to Sopot, especially in the summer.It seems like Sopot exists solely for vacationing Poles, offering clubs, restaurants, and the beach.It’s like the Las Vegas of Poland but without the gambling, so you’ll see a lot of Polish girls dressed up more than usual.Predictably, the girls in Sopot have more attitude than other cities.The logistics are also harder, since groups are large and often involve guys.They do their approaches during the day on the beach and then go out with the girls at night, making it harder to find good opportunities.If you like huge clubs that lean toward the cheesy side, Sopot is worth a visit when you’re stuck in Poland during the summer.The other cities will be mostly empty of Polish women.Two cities I wanted to check out, but was unable to, were Warsaw and Katowice.Warsaw is a major tourist destination, but it has more career women than students, leading to a possibly more stuffy environment.Since college girls will be your bread and butter, my guess is that it would be harder to pull.Katowice is a city in the south of Poland that is ugly as sin and sees almost no tourists.Nightlife options are limited.If I revisit Poland and find that my favorites have been spoiled, I’ll endure a place like Katowice to maintain the pussy flow I was accustomed to.If you’re going to Poland during April, May, October, and November, Poznan and Wroclaw will be your best bets.During the summer you won’t get a proper Polish experience.Clubs are mostly dead and some even shut down, meaning only Saturday nights will consistently have people.The sex ratio is worse, as bad as five guys to each girl, because there are more male tourists and fewer female students.The girls who do go out put less effort into their appearance, wearing ballet flats instead of heels.Their attitudes are also higher.Local women, who aren’t nearly as good with their English, also aren’t as friendly as the students, especially when they know that their main competitors are out of town.Even the cockblocking is higher.If you go during the summer and it sucks, don’t blame me or Poland.Just head straight to the seaside (Sopot), where there will still be a lot of talent [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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