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.” Bunny ran her hands through Derrick’s kinky hair.He flushed slightly but gave Bunny a withering look, almost as if he hated her.Megan hid a smile.Bunny was too insensitive to realize Derrick’s reaction.Derrick didn’t say much aloud, but his expressive gray eyes revealed his thoughts and feelings.Megan figured she was the only one who noticed.Certainly not Bunny, Homecoming Attendant, thinking about her picture in the paper again or the annual.Bunny never considered that any guy might dislike her.Bunny went on.“We’re practicing in the gym with our dresses today at noon.I can pose in the courtyard, Derrick.”Robert left it to Derrick to make appointments with those he wanted to photograph.“Megan, you and I can shoot the football game.Try for some really great action shots.”Megan nodded, pleased.She loved running up and down the field, capturing the action.She would have hated Derrick’s “beauty” assignments.“Now, the week after Homecoming is always a letdown,” Robert continued.“What can we do to jazz it up?”“Why don’t we let Megan do an article on India and use some of her pictures?” David Mews said.“No one is interested in travel articles.” Megan wanted to forget India.“We should stick to local news.”“How about an article about superstitions in various cultures.You know, the photo-soul idea and others like that?” David always had good ideas.He would brainstorm until one hit the fancy of the group.“We can combine some local stuff with Halloween, then photograph Halloween on the mall for a follow-up issue.” David got excited.“That’s not a bad idea, David.” Robert was thinking out loud.“How about combining it with local people’s superstitions? We can interview the mayor, teachers, local celebrities about their favorite superstitions.”“Boulder is not without some weird people and ideas,” said Miss Hubbard, laughing.“Especially when you’ve moved here from Straight-City USA.” Miss Hubbard had moved to Boulder from the midwest.She’d been carefully conservative herself until the staff managed to loosen her up a little last year.But only a little.Fortunately, she usually went along with staff ideas.“I’ll say.What other small city has a witch’s shop across from the university?” David laughed.“And psychics listed in the phone book?” Robert stood up and paced the floor.“I think we’re onto a good story now.”“I’ll interview the witch at the Pentagram.I understand she’s a white witch, and friendly,” Naomi Kelly volunteered.“I’d like my fortune told.” Bunny giggled.“Pardon me for saying so, Bunny,” Robert said, “but I think your fortunes are slightly predictable.I’d like Megan to visit the psychic and write that story.”“No way.” Megan was surprised by her reaction.She almost got to her feet as a wave of fear and stubbornness washed over her.“I mean, that’s not my type of story, Robert.Let someone else do it.”Megan was aware of some people having psychic powers.In fact, she had done some reading when she began thinking that the pictures that occasionally flashed into her mind might be some type of psychic phenomena.But the idea frightened her.All this dreaming she was doing since school started scared her.The pictures were so real, and intense, as if they were really happening to her.She was used to little things, like knowing Cynthia was going to call.Knowing what her mom and dad were thinking had always seemed normal.Quite often she knew way in advance what she was getting for Christmas and birthdays, but it never spoiled the gifts.She figured she was just very sensitive to people close to her.She could easily pick up on their feelings.Megan’s attention came back to the staff meeting.Without wanting to, she turned to find Derrick staring at her.He grinned, but she didn’t smile back.She looked away quickly, feeling foolish.Had he picked up on her fear of this psychic business? She realized he was in one of his strange moods.His eyes flirted and teased.She surely hoped he wasn’t considering inviting her to the dance if Cynthia said no, which she would do now.Megan could be Derrick’s friend, but no way could she think of him as a date.“I think that kind of thing is hokey.” Jim Rawlings was the paper’s skeptic.It seemed that while Megan’s mind had drifted, everyone had refused the assignment of interviewing the psychic.“You have more nerve than any of us, Megan,” said Naomi.“I still think you should do it.If you get a good fortune, then I’ll go.”“Me too,” Bunny added, her arm around Jim now.“I don’t think I’m that predictable.Sometimes I have very deep thoughts that no one could guess.”Bunny didn’t care if everyone laughed at her pouting face.Just so she got their attention.“I’m sorry,” Megan said firmly.“I have more than I can get done now.I can’t go.”Robert looked at Megan, but she held her ground.She didn’t say no to his assignments often.“Okay, I’ll do it,” he said.“I’m not sure I believe in this stuff, either, but maybe I’ll learn something.”Megan turned her attention back to peeling her orange as the meeting broke up.She concentrated on chewing the sweet slices.She knew everyone had left the room but Robert.She knew he stood staring at her.She could feel his mind searching hers.She focused on nothing except the orange.“Are you sure you’re all right, Megan?” he said finally.“You didn’t seem yourself yesterday.And today you’ve decided to argue with your boss.” He switched from a serious tone to teasing.She didn’t look at him, and she ignored his teasing.“Of course.I’m just busy, that’s all.I shouldn’t have to take every assignment you hand out.”She hadn’t meant to speak so sharply.She felt his puzzled thoughts and his hurt as he left the room.He did like her.Now that Cynthia had called her attention to it, Megan picked up on it immediately.He thought of her as more than just a reporter or a photographer.More than just a business partner.Tears sprang to her eyes.You dumb bunny, she thought as she brushed them aside.Why didn’t you tell Robert that the idea of going to a psychic was frightening? He might not understand that either, but he wouldn’t take it personally.She didn’t have to hurt his feelings because of her fears.Suddenly she wanted badly for Robert to invite her to the dance.She wanted more time to explore these new feelings.Or were they feelings that had been there for a long time and that she was just now acknowledging?The orange tasted flat, like old cardboard.She shivered, cold all over.Getting up, she poured a cup of coffee from the newspaper office’s pot.She warmed her hands on the cup and sniffed the toasty aroma.She’d lived seventeen years without screwing up her life badly.Was she going to start now? There wasn’t any reason for her to be afraid of Robert’s liking her.And now she knew he did.She’d think about that all day.Robert was certainly safer subject matter than all that hokey psychic stuff.A better mood came over her, and she felt she could head for her first class [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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