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.” The archon’s smile lessened slightly.“There was once hope that intrigues were a thing of the past, but they have again become a staple of the Inner Sphere.”Trillian nodded.“I know that, but isn’t the mission you sent me on an acceleration of our descent into the chaos of the past?”The elder Steiner laughed.The sound could easily have risen into hysteria.“You’re not seeing the world in the way it is.This is no surprise.You grew up embracing the dream of Devlin Stone.He made you believe peace was possible.It was a noble dream.”“It was one you grew up with, too.”The older woman half closed her eyes.“It was one I wished could come true, but those who raised me were wary.Part of their wariness was bigotry.Devlin Stone had been captured in the Federated Suns.Victor Davion supported him early on, as did his brother, and that spent a great deal of Steiner blood to establish The Republic.”“But Victor was half Steiner.”The archon shook her head.“So it was said.I grew up revering his mother, Melissa, venerating her as if she were a saint.She likely was, to have tolerated Hanse Davion and borne his children.Victor ceased being a Steiner when he had his mother assassinated.”Trillian’s eyes widened.“Baseless rumors.”The archon turned, her eyes aflame.“And you know that for a fact?”“You know as well as I do that there was ample evidence that Katrina had Melissa Steiner killed.”“Of course, Trillian.It couldn’t have been trumped-up evidence, could it? I mean, if she slew Melissa, how could Victor have ever given his mother’s murderer up to that Wolf? That was the only way he could be sure his secret was safe.”“But Victor gave her over to prevent war with the Wolves.”The archon raised an eyebrow.“Or, perhaps, Katrina went with Vlad to forestall a war.Perhaps she believed Vlad would attack, and agreed to go in silence.Perhaps it was a deal Victor and Vlad struck back on the Clan homeworlds.”Trillian’s stomach tightened.“You don’t honestly believe what you’re saying, do you?”“Don’t think me mad, my dear.” The archon smiled, then strolled to a side bar to pour two small glasses of an ice wine.“As I said, intrigues are a staple of the Inner Sphere once again.Rumors and tales that once had little currency have returned to virulent potency.People revive these tales to resurrect old hatreds.There are people on thousands of planets reliving ancient struggles and atrocities.They dwell in fear, and that allows others to manipulate them.”The archon extended one of the tiny glasses to her.“Come, drink with me.I understand you had initial success in your mission, but now I want the details.”Trillian accepted the glass, touched it to the archon’s, then sipped.The thick, sweet wine made her smile.Made from grapes that had been allowed to freeze before harvest, the wine tasted of youth and began to set her at ease.It reminds me of when Stone’s peace prevailed.“As bidden, I went to Arc-Royal to speak with Patrik Fetladral.He’s a very big man, an elemental, with a wide face and firm handshake.He has a scar on his left cheek that makes him a bit more exotic than he would be otherwise.Without it he might be good-looking, but with it he is handsome—though he betrays no knowledge of this.His brown eyes are restless, but he’s never distracted, just always thinking.While we engaged in several rounds of talks, he also insisted we spend leisure time together.He plays chess extremely well and is an excellent shot with a bow.”The archon nodded.“But you were better.”“As you knew I would be.He took down a deer.I got a bear.We saw wolves, but they are considered sacred among the exiles.”“So you earned his trust.”“More easily than I’ve earned yours.” Trillian sipped more wine.“I offered him your proposal.He agreed, in principle, but said he would need to make some consultations.He’s to let us know by January fifteenth.”“You need not affect that disapproving tone with me, Trillian.” The archon smiled, then glanced down.“Just make your accusation.”“Not an accusation, Archon, a question.The Wolves, those here and those who are still with the Clans, are dangerous.Even the enclave Wolves can be lethal.You invite the Clan Wolves into our home.You expect gratitude, as you might expect it from a wolf invited in to warm himself before a fire.Gratitude is not in a wolf’s nature.You’ll wake up in the middle of the night with his hot breath on your throat.”The archon laughed.“Colorful, Trillian, but you know it’s not accurate.The Wolves are dangerous, no doubt about it, but the Wolves-in-Exile have warded the Lyran Commonwealth for decades.They are committed to our survival, and we need them where they are.Things are happening within the Clans that could presage another invasion and I cannot have that border stripped of troops.”“I agree, Archon, but our borders are safe as it is.”“No, they are not.” The archon’s expression sharpened.“Old hatreds, Trillian.Old wars are reawakening ambitions.The rulers of former Free Worlds League fragments are as hungry as they have ever been.They know of the pressures on our Clan border.Opportunists will be plotting to nibble away at our holdings.I need a force that can punish them.I can and will be training warriors to fulfill that duty, but until I can bring them online, I have little choice but to draw my strength from wherever it is available.”“But there are mercenaries.”“There are, and the best are under contract in the prefectures.As long as this is true, the Marik jackals will believe we are vulnerable.”Trillian thought as she sipped, then lowered her glass.“You actually want one of them to attack, so you can use the Wolves to punish them and take worlds from them.”The archon set her glass down.“Never think I want war, Trillian.I might never have believed that Stone’s peace was possible, but I hoped it would last for my lifetime and then some.The old ambitions to unite the Inner Sphere beneath one First Lord never took root in me, but I will not let my realm be crushed beneath the ambitions of others.”The younger woman opened her arms.“With all due respect, there is only one reason Clan Wolf would come into the Lyran Commonwealth, and that is the prospect of a war in which their warriors could test themselves.That is the Clan way.If they come here and there is no war, how do you think they will react?”“You’re naive, Trillian, if you don’t think there will be a threat we can use them against.”“And you, Archon, forget the lessons of history.”The older woman raised an eyebrow.“I’ll accept your insolence only because your comment intrigues me.What history am I forgetting?”“The first Punic War.Rome defeated Carthage and demanded such steep reparations that Carthage could not pay its mercenaries for the war they’d just waged.The Carthaginians had to fight a war against the hired soldiers.How do we pay the Wolves when there is no war?”The archon returned to the side bar and refilled her glass.“You, my dear, forget a different lesson of history.Do you remember what happened to the Mongols who conquered China?”“They established a dynasty [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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