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.There was no room for crying on a mission.Tears aren’t acceptable when you’re staring death in the face, undercover in the bowels of hell in some rat-infested South American shithole slum.You’re supposed to be invincible when you’re building a case against America’s number one enemy importer of heroin.He growled and dashed the stupid tears away.He couldn’t meltdown now.With Jane in the other room.He liked her.He wanted her.He jumped when she knocked on the door.“Just a minute,” he croaked.He grabbed a washcloth and ran it under warm water, taking a quick moment to wipe off his face.“Okay, honey,” she said quietly.He cleared his throat and dried his hands and face on the towel hanging on the rack.Time to face the firing squad.He wrenched the door open and pushed past Jane, nearly knocking her over.“Oh! Sorry, Janie.” He caught her by the elbow to steady her, and when she bent a little to get a better look at his face, he let her go and moved on to the front door.“Um, I’ll bring you some brownies in the morning if that’s okay.”He stood there for a minute, praying that his voice wouldn’t crack again.It was bad enough that she saw his mini breakdown; if he lost it again, he’d die of embarrassment.But she was smart, and a keen observer of life.Instead, she walked through the kitchen and set her refilled wine glass on the counter.“I’m sorry if I upset you, Luke.” She paused in front of him by the door and stretched up to kiss him sweetly on the mouth.“But I’m glad we talked.And I’m glad we spent the evening together.I hope we can do it again.Soon.”He was stunned, and his mouth was slightly open.She took advantage and leaned in to kiss his open mouth again, lingering a bit longer this time, but pulled back when she felt the subtle shift in him, like he was going to wrap her in his arms.The zing of sexual awareness that had been sparking between them for days now was stronger than ever, but they weren’t ready for anything physical.Yet.Chapter FiveOver the next few weeks, Jane and Lucas were the two musketeers, having breakfast and exercising each morning.On Saturday, after they’d gotten home from a nice long run through campus, he cornered her on the porch, crowding her between one of the big columns and his big body.He smoothed her hair back from her face and focused his sexy gaze on her mouth.It had been so long since he’d felt as carefree…so in tune with another person…as he had during this time with Jane.She was not only beautiful and sexy, but she was fun, smart and interesting.He liked to listen to her talk about her family and friends.At first, it felt like she was speaking Swahili—her whole life had been so safe and clean and different than his.She had been loved as a child and appreciated as an adult.His whole life had pretty much been a big bummer, although the weeks he’d known Jane were changing his perspective on life.And love.“Janie,” he sighed.He leaned down and nuzzled his mouth beneath her jaw.He’d rarely touched her since that afternoon he’d thwarted Tiffany’s advances, but he couldn’t take it another minute.He wasn’t ready to part ways for the day, and he wasn’t willing to go another day without testing their attraction.“I don’t want to go back upstairs.Since it’s so beautiful outside, do you think we could run by Wellspring and pack a picnic? Isn’t there a park around here?” He could not be a good boy and walk upstairs and not have her.His body was reaching critical mass on sperm backup, and he was going to blow soon.He hoped.She was lost in his gaze, snared like a cobra by a mongoose.After a minute, she realized he was talking to her, so she cleared her throat and reached up to hold his wrist.“Oh, a picnic sounds like fun, but I’ve got to get the outline for my next book out by the middle of next week, and then I’ve got to call my travel agent to schedule my flight for—.” She stopped mid-sentence and blinked several times, looking lost.He chuckled at the wrinkles marring her forehead.He could see the wheels turning mightily in her head as she tried to shift around her responsibilities for the day.“Um, never mind.I can do that later.” She smiled brightly.“Let’s make a day of it!”His fingers were moving softly over her collarbone and trailing up to and around her ears.He watched the glide of his fingers over her soft skin, and smiled when she shivered.She liked him touching her as much as he liked to touch her.“Wait—I thought you said the night I met you that you’d just finished up a deadline and that’s why you were up so late.Are you sure you’re not brushing me off?”He knew their attraction was mutual; the physical signs were just too obvious.Maybe, like him, she was nervous and afraid to take a chance.But she shook her head, clearing the sensual spell he was weaving between the two of them, and stepped back from his embrace.“Oh, no, I’m not brushing you off.Actually, I’m thinking I could take my notebook with me.Come on, let’s head inside and get some things together.” She started to move around him, but he was standing in the middle of the doorway.The only way around him was to brush up against him or wait.So when she squeezed past him, Luke inhaled sharply and held very still.She took his hand, pulling him behind her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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