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.'Now, guys, while you've been busy rehearsing your individual songs, we've been spending some sneaky time in your hometowns,' she winks.'Are you ready to see what's going on in your absence?'Yet more screaming erupts as the cameras cut to our houses.Instantly our friends and families appear waving banners and jumping excitedly up and down.I spot my house and see Jack straight away, sitting on my flower-patterned couch.It's so goddam surreal.I've watched this show from that same couch, and now I'm on the other side of the TV.Behind him my eyes find Chloe and my pulse quickens instantly.Her long brown hair is curled and styled over one shoulder and she's wearing the red summer dress she bought in the Urban Outfitters sale last time she came to stay.Skinnier, I think straight away, noting the pronounced slant of her cheekbones, bronzed with blusher.It's been a few months since I saw her, even though we speak most days.I look for that asshole Cooper next to her but he's actually not sticking out like a dick in his Polo shirts or Prada sweaters like he usually is.I see mom and dad, the Commander, Alyssa, the guys from the band I abandoned to follow this solo dream and weirdly, I get a rush of emotion, the sudden urge to break down, right here.All those people I love, rooting for me, wanting me to do well, supporting my dream.Fuck.That's enough to make any grown man cry.'Noah's always been the one who could light up a room, you know?' Chloe's saying suddenly, fiddling with her necklace -- the silver Tinker-Bell one I gave her for her sixteenth birthday.She's talking to a blonde presenter called Kat, who's holding a mic in her face.'You rocked Noah!' she cries, whooping along with Alyssa, who finally forces herself into the shot.'We're so proud of you!'Behind her, everyone in my living room raises the roof and I have to laugh as my mom high-fives my dad.Jesus.Parents should not high-five.Ever.'There was this one vacation our families took to Disney World in Florida,' Chloe continues.I find myself watching her pink shiny lips.'Noah was playing his guitar by the hotel swimming pool.He pretty much had every guest in the resort crowding round us.He was like this.I don't know, this miracle kid.Better than Justin Bieber, if I'm allowed to say that?''So I guess you witnessed his very first concert?' Kat grins as everyone laughs.'How old was he then, Chloe?''I was nine, so he must've been almost eleven.''The original Lockette, would you say?''Yeah, I guess I was,' Chloe smiles and I can't help reeling at her words -- the weirdness of it all.The Lockettes.That's what they're calling my fans now.Kat chats away and a few more people go on about how talented I am before the screen cuts to Sienna's house, where her kids are talking in unison to the camera: 'We love you mommy!''Was that your girlfriend?' Courtney whispers to me over the cheering.I don't look at her.'She's gorgeous! I kind of see why you wouldn't let me get you off again.Although,' she pauses, 'the offer still stands.I like the way you taste, Noah Lockton.'I shoot her a frown.Fucking hell.We're on camera.And I bet she doesn't care who hears her either.They cut to yet another soda pop sponsored ad break and I head backstage to prep for my solo.It's always a flurry back here -- busier than Times Square subway station during rush hour; people bumping into each other, shouting, wearing headphones.Courtney swigs from a bottle, which I'm pretty sure is vodka.She hands it to Ronette who politely declines.I adjust my spacesuit, take deep breaths, listen as the music comes back on and the screaming starts back up again.Focus.It's a fine line between singing an Elvis song as a cover and acting the part like some hip-swinging wannabe from a cruise ship, right? But as I take the guitar that's handed to me - a copy Gibson Flying V - and go forward into the lights I ignore the eyes of the judges as the backing singers surround me and slip instantly into stage mode, fixing a look of indifference onto my face.It's just me now.It's something I've always done.It's like it's not even me out here, but someone else entirely, taking charge of my body and soul and controlling me.I've reworked the song Heartbreak Hotel on the guitar, so it's kind of more indie than rock.Jayde helped with the moves, sort of:'You're gonna look like an idiot if you try and dance! Just stand there and look cool.'I knew that wouldn't help me win.Showmanship is everything.In the end I Skyped with Chloe [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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