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.He gives me a smile.His eyes aren’t focused, meaning he’s already drunk.Great.“Want to come dance?”“No, not right now.Maybe later though?” I ask, hoping he doesn’t push it.I’m not in the mood for dancing yet, or if at all tonight.I came for the liquor and the liquor only - oh, and because I was forced to come against my own will, sort of.“Okay, that’s fine.Come find me when you’re ready.I’m just going to go hang with my friends, alright?” he asks hopefully.“You don’t have to ask me, silly.Go and have fun.I’ll catch you up in a bit.” I give him a kiss on the cheek, making sure he doesn’t notice that anything is wrong.I’ll end it with him tomorrow.I can’t do it to him tonight, not when he’s been looking forward to this party for the last week, and also in front of his friends.I’m not that much of a jerk.I watch him walk off, giving me smiles occasionally over his shoulder.I sigh, feeling relaxed again.I just need to be on my own.I pour myself my sixth vodka, hoping that it will do its magic soon and help me get through the night.Arms snake around me again, and someone is breathing on my neck.Goosebumps cover my skin instantly.There is only one person who has this kind of effect on my body with just the smallest of contact.I just wish he didn’t.“Jake, get your arms off of me,” I raise my voice, trying to move them to no avail.He has a vice like grip on me.My traitorous body loves him being this close, but my mind is pissed that he has the nerve to touch me after everything.“Don’t be like that.I just came over to tell you that you look beautiful,” he whispers in my ear.Even over the loud music I can hear him clearly.“You’ve said it now, so you can leave.”“Fine, have it your way.You know where to find me if you need me.Oh, and turn the frown upside down, baby.” Hearing him call me baby sends a hurricane of tingles through my body.I shake off my inappropriate thoughts and turn around to give him a piece of my mind, but he’s already out of sight.Now I just wish he was out of mind.Why does he always do this to me? He messes with my mind, one minute giving signals that he’s interested in me, and the next minute that he’s not interested at all.It’s confusing.I can’t wait for the day when I say, ‘Jake who’.It’s bound to happen someday, right?I down the drink that I poured before Jake interrupted me, slamming my cup down on the table.Alcohol just isn’t cutting it for me tonight.I need something stronger.I didn’t want to have to resort to this tonight, but desperate times call for desperate measures.I push my way through everybody who is in my way, making my way to the bathroom upstairs.Nobody except Jake’s close friends are allowed to use this bathroom, which makes for the perfect place right now.I slam the door shut behind me, making sure to lock it, before sliding down to the floor, feeling relief that I finally have peace.I open my clutch bag, which contains my life support at the moment, pulling out the little bag of white powder.Shame washes over me.It always does.It doesn’t stop me from doing it though.I can’t seem to get through my day-to-day life without it, as sad as it sounds.I get everything ready in record time.Getting caught is the last thing I want right now.Nobody would understand.They would think that I’m weak, especially when they don’t have a clue about what I have to deal with.I hear Enrique – I’m a freak, playing in the background.Usually I would be dancing my socks off to this; I love Enrique, but right now, I have more important things to do.I need to calm myself down.When everything is set up, I snort my first line and wait for the high to hit.It doesn’t take long before it starts working its magic.The shame is trying to make itself known, so I quickly squash it down before doing another line.I don’t know how long I sit here, occasionally doing the odd line of cocaine, but it’s working.I’m starting to feel semi-normal again.Banging on the door startles me, causing me to scream.“Who’s in there?” a male asks from over the other side of the door.Fuck.I need to get rid of this, and fast.For all I know, I might know who is out there.I didn’t recognize the voice because the music is too loud.“One minute!” I shout back, scrambling to tidy everything away, leaving no trace that I’d done anything wrong in here other than go to the toilet.I check my face in the mirror, making sure that there are no traces left on my guilty face.I eventually open the door, which puts me face to face with Jake leaning against the door frame, his panty melting smile on his face.Damn, that smile makes my insides quiver.Every.Single.Time.“It’s all yours,” I tell him nonchalantly, moving past him.His arm flings out grabbing a hold of mine, stopping me.I give him a ‘what the hell’ look and snatch my arm out of his hold.This is the second time tonight that he’s touched me without my permission.“Will you stop touching me?” I snap.Laughing at me, he replies, “Don’t act like you don’t like it.”“I don’t like it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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