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.I noticed for the first time the perfect light blonde streaks that the sun had left in my dirty blonde wavy hair that I had pulled back into a ponytail.I wondered why my hairdresser, Raymond, could never get that right shade of blonde, no matter how hard he tried.I examined myself from head to toe, realizing that once again my dad was probably right about putting meat on my bones.I was 5’5” and just about 100 pounds, which only made my already small chest, look even smaller.Although people would tell me how pretty I was, I never believed it.I was never the type of person that beamed with self-confidence and I was envious of those that did.I felt like a bored kid making faces in the mirror waiting for my dad and Charles to finish their endless chatter.“Hey Kat, are you ready to get this show on the road?” Charles asked, as if I hadn’t already been standing there for the past five minutes.“I guess so,” I answered hesitantly.“I’m going to take these to the car,” Charles said, grabbing the bags and shaking my dad’s hand, saying their goodbyes as he walked out the door.“Well, it’s time kiddo,” my dad said, embracing me tightly.I was unable to keep the promise that I had made not to cry and the tears began to roll down my face.“I love you, Dad.”“I love you too, but call if you’re planning on coming home early, so I can get the ladies out of the house,” he said, laughing.He always used humor to get him through tough situations.I guess it worked for him all these years.“Deal,” I said, unable to keep myself from laughing.I gave him one last hug and kiss as I headed out the door.I turned around before getting into the car taking one last look at my house and my dad standing on the front porch.I etched it into my mind right along with the Christmas picture of my mother and me.The last thought on my mind as we pulled away was of Jake.I wondered if I would ever fall in love with someone, the way I had with him.I was hoping that this trip would serve its purpose and mend my broken heart.Chapter 2After what seemed like a never ending flight from Philadelphia International airport we finally touched down at Lagos International airport.I slept for quite some time on the plane and woke up feeling refreshed.This was Charles’ third time coming here, so we were heavily relying on him.We walked out of the airport and into the night.It wasn’t as oppressively hot as I had expected; not much different than the heat and humidity back at home in the summer months.There was a strange smoky smell in the air.The swarms of mosquitos that greeted us were no strangers to me, being from a bayside town you learn to deal with that.So I was a little better prepared for it than others may have been.The taxi pulled up and we loaded our bags in.The twenty-minute taxi ride seemed never ending down dark, narrow, bumpy dirt roads.Charles sat in the front seat having a conversation with the taxi driver, who spoke broken English.They sounded like they were long lost friends.I sat in the back seat crammed between Tricia and James, already doubting my decision to come.We pulled up to a large one-story building that we would call home for the next nine months.To my surprise it wasn’t as bad as I had expected.It was surrounded by four other buildings very similar in size and structure.Charles explained in detail what every building was used for.He said that all the buildings were built by volunteers from around the world.“So what do you guys think about your new home for the next nine months?” Charles asked with a grin.“Ugh,” was all Tricia could manage as she grabbed her bags and headed into the building with James not too far behind.Charles chuckled at Tricia’s out of character reaction.“I guess she’s a little cranky from that long plane ride,” I said, laughing.“Well Kat, what do you think?” he asked.“Actually, it’s not as bad as I had expected; I was expecting something out of Gilligan’s Island,” I said.“I also thought it would be a lot hotter.”We entered a big windowless room with painted cinder-block walls.It was the kind of room that automatically put you in a gloomy mood [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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