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.Cat's Cradle: String of Fate, Book 1Cat'sCradle:StringofFate,Book1Most lovers kiss.This one pounces.String of Fate, Book 1As bad days go, this one qualifies as one for the books.Elaine knew being late for her jiu jitsu class could earn her a reprimand from her sensei.But the sensei’s not there.And suddenly, neither is her car.Even walking home becomes problematic when she stumbles onto things that most definitely do go bump in the night.One of whom is too handsome for his own good—and too sexy for hers.An Alpha Pantera Noir—black panther shifter—Cade operates on his immense skill, superior strength, and dominant personality.There’s something about this small spitfire of a human woman that threatens to bring him to his knees.She blundered into the middle of his mission to transport his queen to safety, and now it’s his responsibility to keep Elaine safe as well.Except no matter what he does, danger finds her at every turn.Thrust into a world where the supernatural is commonplace, Elaine finds her considerable martial arts skill tested to the limit—and her ability to resist Cade crumbling by the second.But when nothing is as it seems, the last things she can trust are her own instincts…Warning: This book contains bad language, great sex, sometimes hostile, but always sexy, big cat shifters on the prowl, and lots of tuna for Chuck—wait a minute—tuna?eBooks are not transferable.They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.This book is a work of fiction.The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real.Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.Samhain Publishing, Ltd.577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520Macon GA 31201Cat’s CradleCopyright © 2010 by Bianca D’ArcISBN: 978-1-60504-870-3Edited by Bethany MorganCover by KanaxaAll Rights Are Reserved.No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.First Samhain Publishing, Ltd.electronic publication: January 2010www.samhainpublishing.comCat’s CradleBianca D’ArcDedicationThis book is dedicated to Mom.She’s always been there for me and will always be my best and truest friend.Love you, Mom.Many thanks to Jessica Jarman, Jambrea Jones and Valerie Tibbs for their sound advice and friendship.And a special thank you to Bethany Morgan, my fantastic editor.Cat's Cradle: String of Fate, Book 1Chapter OneShihan was going to be pissed.Elaine knew she was in for it as she rounded the last corner practically on two wheels.She parked her Volkswagen bug and hopped out, only remembering to chirp the alarm over her shoulder when she reached the door of the dojo.The Silent Tiger Martial Arts School was located in the basement of an office building, but at this hour, the small parking lot was relatively empty.It wasn’t the safest part of town, but then, who would be foolish enough to attack a group of jiu jitsu students on their way to or from class? Their cars, though, were another matter.Only last week, Sergeant Riley had come out to find his SUV missing all four expensive off-road tires.Elaine skidded down the stairs and entered the small changing room set aside for female students as quietly as possible.The lights were set low in the outer office, but that was nothing new.During class, usually only the big room was lit.She hurried into her gi jacket and tied the belt.Shihan Harris didn’t take lateness well.He’d been known to send latecomers away, usually in pain.She rushed to the curtain that separated the outer office from the dojo proper.There wasn’t a lot of noise coming from within, but then Shihan might have everyone meditating.Great.She’d have to walk in on a silent room, making her tardy appearance all that much more noticeable, but it couldn’t be helped.Dithering outside would only make her later.She stepped through the curtain, bowing in the ritual way.Rising from the bow, she realized the room was nearly empty.Where were the thirty hot guys who made up the advanced class? There were only five bodies sitting or standing casually on the mats at the far end of the room.The lights were lower than normal, too.Elaine squinted as she stood in the doorway, uncertain.She heard a muffled curse and saw a bulky form in a black gi heading her way.His black belt blended with the worn material of his uniform.It had to be her teacher.“Shihan?”One beefy hand waved her to silence as he drew closer.“Class is cancelled tonight.Didn’t you see the sign on the door?”Elaine felt heat rise to her cheeks.“Sorry.I was late and didn’t notice.If the sign is still there, I didn’t see it.”He stopped in front of her, blocking her view of the other four people in the dojo.Something struck her as odd about the small group at the far end of the room.She couldn’t be sure from the quick glimpse she’d had, but she thought at least two were female.As far as she knew, there were only two other women enrolled in the school at present, and none were in the advanced class.Could they be students? Or merely friends of the teacher?Speaking of whom, Shihan didn’t look happy.Elaine gave up thinking about the visitors.She had enough to contend with at the moment.“Go home, Elaine.Forget you came in here tonight and don’t tell anyone what you’ve seen.”The hairs on the back of her neck stood at attention.“If there’s anything I can do to help…” She had no idea where the offer came from, but the man¾this normally unshakable mountain of a man¾looked so different from his usual calm self, the words just popped out of her mouth before she thought twice.“No, Elaine, but thanks.Remember, not a word.”He gave her a tight but benevolent smile and raised one hand, indicating the exit.Elaine hustled out, grabbing her knapsack from the changing room on the way.She fled up the stairs, into the dark night.Elaine pushed open the outer door, stepped through, and ran into a wall.Well, that’s what it felt like.The wall was muscular and male.Most definitely male.He smelled tangy and wild in the most delicious sort of way.Warning bells sounded through her brain.Elaine sprang back as the door slammed shut behind her.Eyes the color of midnight snow narrowed and pinned her in place.“You shouldn’t be here.”Elaine stared at the man, noting her own odd reaction to his nearness.He made her body tingle.But his accusatory tone got her back up, and his size gave rise to a shiver of fear she didn’t like at all.He also stood entirely too close.Elaine backed away to put some space between them.Enough to defend herself, should that prove necessary, though his size alone gave her pause.She was only a green belt.She knew a lot compared to the newer students, but she was on the lowest rung of the advanced ranks.She had a lot to learn before she would blithely take on a guy this size.“I was just leaving.” She hefted her knapsack, putting even more space between herself and the stranger.“Are you a student here?”Fear rose in her throat.What kind of weirdo played twenty questions with a strange woman he met on the street after dark? The answer couldn’t be anything good.Still, she had to approach from a position of power.She couldn’t let him see her misgivings.“What gave me away?” Trying for a disdainful air she raised one eyebrow and glanced down at the uniform she wore.The man didn’t rise to her mocking tone, but tilted his head in a puzzled sort of way [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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