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.Trey had the lead.They cut through the drone formation with weapons blazing and then bogied out.Their first pass had been successful.They had no damage and they had taken out three of the drones.“Three down seventeen to go!” stated Trey.“Why aren't they coming after us?” asked Jack.“Because it's the drones’ prerogative to protect Saratoga, but this hit and run strategy won't work forever.They'll catch on to our strategy and come after us.All right Jack this time you take the lead.”They zoomed across the drone formation on their second pass.The drones were a bit more cunning this time.They took evasive action and managed to shoot the underside of Trey's Star Sword as he was darting out.“Trey, are you hit?”“Yea but it’s minor damage only, just a scratch.”“I got one that pass, Trey, what did you get?”“I got one too.”“Good, then that means we're down to fifteen.” Suddenly Jack's proximity alarm went off.“Trey we’ve got a drone squadron coming our way! My scanner reads five of them.”“I've got them on mine too,” said Trey.“All right,” said Jack.“I'll hold them off while you make a pass at the others!”“All right let's do it!” yelled Trey.Their Star Swords broke formation and headed in opposite directions.Back on the bridge, Captain Doran was like a kid in the middle of his favorite holographic action show, enjoying every minute of the battle.“Thunder is taking the drones head on!” yelled Doran.“What is he crazy?” said Kelley.“No Commander, he's not mad, just a gambler.He's headed for the lead drone.”Kelley was a bridge officer.She’d never been a fighter pilot and therefore had no real knowledge of fighter tactics.She didn't quite understand what the Captain meant.“I don't get it, sir.”“He's betting the lead drone will change course to avoid a collision—which will force the entire drone squadron to change direction with it and expose the broadside of three of the drones to Thunder's guns.The danger is that the lead drone will instead try to fire at Thunder and negate him.”The Captain guessed Jack's strategy exactly.Incredibly, the drone chose to change course rather than risk a collision.As soon as they had changed course, Jack fired his plasma cannons and took out three of the five drones.His gamble had paid off.Doran swore ecstatically.Kelley couldn't help but be impressed.In the rec-room with the rest of the pilots, Red was watching the show.Half of him was excited for Jack the other half was jealous.The other pilots were loving it.A few seconds after Jack's little scheme Trey made his pass on the ten drones guarding the target.He flew straight into the volley of drone fire.He took out two of the drones then zoomed out.He had gotten two drones but it had cost him.He had taken several hits and his port weapons array was out of order.Meanwhile Jack had the two drones that had survived his last attack on his tail.“Trey, I've got two bogies on my six, I can't shake them!”“Hang on Jack, I'm coming.” Just then Jack's starboard engine was hit knocking his speed in half.One drone over shot him and Jack took it out but the other compensated and stayed right behind him.It fired and hit Jack's scanning array.Five more seconds and Jack would have been toast, but Trey zoomed by and took out the drone with his remaining gun just in time.“Thanks, Trey.”“No problem.”“Now what?” asked Jack.Trey said “I got an idea.”Captain Doran was on the edge of his seat.He had called for the yeoman and had had her bring popcorn from the galley.It was sealed in a plastic bag and Doran had to be careful that none of it got loose and floated about the bridge lest it get into one of the panels.For that reason it was against the rules to eat outside of designated areas especially on the bridge.No one, however, dared mention that the Captain was breaking his own rules.“Looks like they’re gearing up for another pass.They're probably going to go straight for the target.” said Doran.“They're too damaged,” replied Kelley.“They'll never make it.”Doran watched as the two Star Swords flew side by side toward the eight remaining drones.All of a sudden, Jack's Star Sword spun out and twirled to a motionless drift.Doran swore angrily.In his outburst, the Captain lost a few pieces of popcorn that the steward hastily plucked from the air.“His other engine must have given out!”“He's a sitting duck,” said Kelley.Instead of trying for the target, Trey made another pass at the drones guarding it.With only one gun he couldn't manage to take out any drones.The volley of drone fire took out his remaining gun and his port engine.He made a run for it.The drones now saw their chance.They would pursue Trey, take him out, and then come mop up Jack.Trey gave them a good chase.He got all eight of them as far away from the target as he could.Then, just before they could finish him off, Jack's Star Sword burst to life and darted toward the target.He had been playing dead.The drones broke off their pursuit of Trey and raced back toward the target, but it was too late.Jack had two guns and a straight shot.He fired a burst of harmless energy from his guns, which he had set to minimum power.The Saratoga's computer registered the target destroyed.Jack and Trey had won.A great cheer went up from the crew except from Red.He looked neither happy nor disappointed.On the bridge everyone was excited and cheering.In his excitement the Captain had lost a good deal of his popcorn that the yeoman was trying desperately to retrieve from the air.The surviving drones headed back to the Saratoga.The Star Swords returned to normal and then returned.They flew into the re-entry ports and decelerated to a stop right where they had started from.Trey and Jack popped the cockpits and received a hearty welcome from their shipmates.They got out of their flight suits and headed up to the recreation center.This called for a celebration.A while later Trey and Jack stood slurping their drinks from straws surrounded by fellow pilots discussing the battle and watching replays on the screens.Trey and Jack got an outside view of the fight they had just won.The Captain came into the recreation center.“Where is he?” asked Doran.The room fell silent.Trey came forward, Jack was right behind him.Trey proceeded to introduce them.“Captain Morton Doran, may I present Lieutenant Jack Thunder.Jack Thunder Captain Morton Doran.”“It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person, sir.”“Excellent flying Mr.Thunder.We sure could have used you against the pirates,” said the Captain as he reached forward and shook Jack's hand.“Thank you, sir.” The Captain turned to also congratulate Trey.“Superb job Commander!”“Thanks, Captain.”Suddenly Doran’s wrist complink sounded.“Yes?”“Captain, course is set for Titan.We’re ready to get under way.”“Very well, Lieutenant.We’ll get underway as soon as I return to the bridge.Stand by for all ahead full.”“Aye, sir [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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