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.She felt every stone, every hole on the mud track road that took the cart to the village of New Mills.She was sore from the bruising journey but gentle hands didn’t help her out from the back of the horse drawn wagon when it came to a stop before the toll-booth that acted as the local gaol and courthouse.They dragged her to a back room on the ground floor.Inside waiting for her, three women, tight lipped in fine clothing.Helen didn’t recognize them as they moved towards her as one as Helen tried futilely to roll away from them.“No, come dear,” the largest of the women said in a southern accent, “the sooner we check you over the sooner you’ll be able to go home.”“Home,” Helen said with hope renewed.“Of course,” a thin pointy nosed woman said with a sickly smile, “we just need to examine you.Don’t worry about a thing; it’s just to prove you’ve not got the devils mark.”“But I don’t,” Helen’s fear was returning for she had heard of such thing in whispers and knew that such things could easily condemn the innocent as readily as the guilty.“Well then you have nothing to worry about have you,” said the third woman her accent told Helen she was English unlike the other two who both sounded like they came from the same area in Southern Scotland.They seemed kindly as they untied Helen.She was afraid as they undressed her, embarrassment and humiliated was how she felt as they began to examine her, for only her mother had ever seen her naked before.Unsatisfied at finding nothing the three turned to a needle, ignoring Helen’s pleas not hurt her any more two of the ladies held her down as the third repeatedly stuck the young woman with the sharpened metal in search of some area to call the mark.Small beads of blood formed where the needle was used to forcefully, to the scolding looks of the other ladies and cries of surprised pain from Helen.Helen whimpered in the corner, pulling herself into a ball once the three had finished their unpleasant business.They left her in the room to pull on some clothing to cover her shame.The three fine women were not happy as this could mean they may not get paid.“Well,” the impatient sheriff demanded as the women appeared from the room.“We could find nothing but that does not mean she is not consorting with dark forces,” the thin pointy nosed woman said primly.“Yes if she is a witch though she must be a very powerful one and should be put on trial as soon as possible in our experience,” the large woman said hearing the clink of money as the man reached inside his long coat.“I see,” the sheriff said as he held out a bag full of coin to one of the examiners.“I will see to it as quickly as is possible.”“Then we shall be on our way as soon as we have signed the writ to say of our findings,” the pointy nosed woman said, pleased at being paid so easily.Helen was taken from the room to the cells beneath the tolbooth as the three signed their names to the main evidence against her.For Helen the time dragged as the word spread about her arrest and the charges brought against her.The laird hadn’t gone with the sheriff to the tollbooth but set off to his manor house still known as the castle by the locals.He had to make sure the case was solid against the deceased fey-wife’s daughter.He needed to make sure the witnesses he had were ready for the trial that was sure to take place soon and knew what they had to say.He shouldn’t have worried as his many plans over the past few weeks had seen to all the things needed to regain the wood and cottage his father had given to the old fey-wife when she had still been living.Surely that alone was proof of witchcraft and then there was the sudden birth of her daughter fourteen years earlier, with no man to provide the seed, surely a sign of evil doings as well as loose living.Whilst the fey-wife was alive he had known he could not make his move for she was far too well liked but now who would come to the aid of this waif.Though he still worried about the old Minister he was sure the old man’s illness would stop him from interfering in his business [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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