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."Oh, you mean Agent Hamlin?"Ashley scowled and Dev blinked, startled to see herself so clearly in her daughter's expression."I'll take that as a yes.And I'm afraid you will, sweetheart."With her fork, the little girl angrily smashed into the lava river she had created with her mashed potatoes and gravy."None of the other kids have to.""I know, honey.But.I'll tell you what, we'll tell her to wear jeans and a sweatshirt, okay?"Ashley thought about that for a moment.It couldn't hurt, she figured."Fine."Christopher and Aaron stopped eating so they could listen intently to this conversation.They both had new bodyguards as well."You might as well get used to Agent Hamlin and try to make friends with her.She's probably going to be with you for the next four years.""What about Amy?""Look, Moppet.Amy was a State Trooper.She took care of you before I was elected President.Now it's going to be a Secret Service agent and it's going to be Agent Hamlin." She patted the girl's hand and noticed that Christopher and Aaron didn't look any more pleased with the prospect than Ashley.Her eyes softened, and she smiled reassuringly."You'll get to like her as much as you liked Amy.I'm sure of it.""'Kay," the little girl muttered."Mom, can I go too?" Christopher piped up from his spot directly on Dev's right."I want to go to the zoo.""I'm sure you do, buddy, but this is a class trip that Moppet is taking." She grasped his small hand in hers."But I'll tell you what, I'll try to arrange a trip for you and Aaron, okay?""Yes," Aaron and Chris cried simultaneously.The brothers gave each other the high five.Unfortunately, Aaron's aim was a little low, and he ended up smacking Chris in the head.Chris immediately struck back, and a mini slapping war ensued with the boys laughing and yelling."All right.Time to get ready for bed." Emma moved from her place at the end of the table and began herding the children toward the stairs.Dev stood up as well, but sat back down like a chastised child when the older woman gave her a disapproving look."I am the President-elect you know!" the tall woman protested with a fake pout."Yeah, yeah, yeah.I'm very impressed, Madam President-elect." Emma pointed to the full plate."Now eat your dinner.""Am I ever going to do anything that impresses you?!" Dev called to the retreating form."You already have.They're named Ashley, Christopher and Aaron.Now eat."* * *It was nearly three more hours before Dev was finally finished for the day and wearily began climbing the stairs toward her bedroom.An aide caught her before her foot landed on the top step."Governor?"She let her head drop."Yes?""The Secret Service just brought this file in for you.They said you wanted it immediately."It's just a file.Thank you, God! I may get to bed yet tonight."Thanks." She took it and gave the index a quick glance."Strayer, Lauren Anna.Lauren not Loren, huh?" I figured 'L.Strayer' had to be a woman.The picture she drew in my mind."Governor?" The aide looked confused."Oh, nothing.Sorry.Good night.""Good night, ma'am."Devlyn made her way into Ashley's room first.It was a typical little girl's room.Filled with stuffed animals, doll houses and all the frills.The little canopy bed only served to remind Dev how precious her first born truly was."Hey, Moppet," she whispered into the darkness."You asleep yet?""No, ma'am." The little girl rolled over, her soft, dark eyes glinting from the light coming from the hallway.The tall woman took a seat on the bed, tucking the file under her arm.She studied her little girl, brushing messy bangs that needed trimming."I know you don't understand everything that's going on right now, and it's kinda scary for you."Ashley nodded."But I need you to trust me, okay? This is all a very good thing.""My teacher says that you're gonna be the most powerful woman in the world.Is that true?"Startled pale eyes blinked."Well.""Even more powerful than Wonder Woman?" The little girl popped up in her bed.Dev looked into her daughter's round, brown eyes."No.No way.Wonder Woman would kick my butt.Besides she's got that great invisible jet," Dev reminded, giving her daughter a friendly poke in the tummy.Ashley nodded."And the golden lasso.""Right." She gently laid her little girl back down until her shoulders sank into her fluffy pillow.Then she leaned over, and they rubbed noses."But you trust me.right, Moppet?""Always and forever." Little arms tightened around her neck.They held each other for a long moment."Did you tell Mommy good night?""Yes, ma'am.Right after my prayers.""Good girl.""You really miss her, don't you?"Devlyn frowned.Today at the cemetery had been very hard for her, and her astute daughter had obviously picked up on that fact.She'd been trying to say goodbye to Samantha for over three years, and she was never very good at goodbye.Especially when it came to people she loved."Sure, I do."A pensive look crossed Ashley's face."Maybe sometime you'll find a new mommy for us."A lump formed in Dev's throat, and it took her several seconds to speak around it."Maybe, Moppet," she conceded doubtfully."But your Mommy was very special.And I loved her very much.""So did I.I.I think."She tucked her daughter in, smoothing the covers underneath her chin."I know you did.And Mommy knows you did, too.I'm sure of it."Ashley yawned."Do you think she's lonely, like you?"The innocent words pierced Dev's heart, and she felt the beginnings of tears."No, sweetie.She's happy up in heaven with grandma and grandpa [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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