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.In the middle of it all were the THIRDS.Since the Order had surfaced, the organization had been accused of everything from sitting on the fence (too cowardly to pick a side), to being traitors to their species (depending on the agent being accused), to being the source of evil itself, to being the only thing keeping this city from crumbling.No matter what they did, someone accused them of something—not working hard enough or fast enough or not giving enough of a shit.It would have driven Dex out of his mind ages ago if he let it get to him, which was why he didn’t.Most importantly, he wouldn’t allow it to get to his team.Sloane strode up to him, addressing Cael as he handed Dex his ballistic helmet.“What do we know about the area?” Dex snatched the helmet from his partner with a groan.“I hate this thing.”“When a bullet hits your helmet instead of your skull, Rookie, you’ll love it.”Damn.Can’t argue with that.Cael didn’t bother hiding his amusement as he answered Sloane’s question.“Mostly industrial estates and construction firms.Fifteenth Avenue ends at the East River, though there’s a small dirt drive that heads into the sign and window factory’s parking lot—if you can call it that.” His expression sobered, his Therian pupils dilating in his silvery eyes.“But the immediate area surrounding it is residential, with Popps a couple of blocks away.”“What’s Popps?” Dex asked.He wasn’t all that familiar with the area, and after months of running around the city, the neighborhoods were all starting to blend together.“The Poppenhusen Institute.It’s a community center offering programs for kids and families.”Ash joined them with his usual cheerful growl.“Great.Bastards know what they’re doing.The industrial sites offer plenty of cover, but the residential area makes it difficult to go in aggressive.Last thing we need is a stray bullet catching some poor kid.”Sloane nodded his agreement before motioning to the console’s large flat screen.“Do we have an exact location?”“Here.” Cael pointed to a small area near the edge of the river at the end of Fifteenth Avenue.The property consisted of two small buildings on a small expanse of dirt with a chain link fence going around the front and the East River around the back.“It’s listed as IGD Construction Supply Services, but it’s a front.At least now it is.I conducted a search for businesses and individuals who’ve had contracts with them and turned up plenty of hits, but they were all jobs completed over a year ago, with nothing in the works since.I called from one of our secure lines back at Recon, pretending to be a client and the ‘secretary’ said the company was in the middle of a restructure and not taking on any new projects.”“Security?”“A piss-poor security network, consumer-grade crap.There’s a camera on the north side, another on the south, and one on this house here, which acts as the office.I can have the feed looped faster than Dex can sing the chorus to Alice Cooper’s Poison.”Dex opened his mouth, and Sloane clamped a gloved hand over it.“No.Cael, don’t encourage him.Ash, entry.”“I don’t like this.” Ash studied the screen, his beefy arms folded over his tac vest.“We’re talking confined quarters.If they’re in there, they’ve got to be prepared.The second structure is our primary target and where they’ll most likely be.It has no windows, two small entrances on the side, and three vehicle entrances at the front.The good news, it’s aluminum, so it’ll be easy to blow that shit sky high.” Ash’s frown deepened.“Either way, 110th Street is out of the question.They’ll see us coming.I say we have three teams.Team one comes up Fifteenth Avenue, past the bottling plant, to there,” he said, pointing to a medium-sized, tan brick house on the screen.“They can use that entryway.The wooden fence and the house will cover them.They go around the back, cut through the chain link fence, and end up in the back of IGD’s yard.They can sneak up on them from behind, take out whoever’s in this office, and then come in strong from the front, especially since the windows have burglar bars so our perps won’t be able to get out that way.Anyone comes at the team, they can throw the bastards in the river, but that’s just my opinion.“Team two takes the same route, comes up behind the primary target, breaches the perimeter using this door here, giving you room to maneuver should the bastards come through the second and third entrance, or the side doors.And speaking of, if they do, we’ll have the third team ready across the street having approached through the back of the sign and window factory.There’s enough construction equipment and debris to conceal them.”With a curt nod, Sloane gave Ash a firm pat on the shoulder.“Good work.You heard him, team.Cael, you’re our eyes.Keep us informed of all activity.”“Copy that.” Cael turned back to the console while Sloane addressed the rest of the team.“Letty, Rosa, you’re team one.You take the office.Calvin, Hobbs, you’re team two.Go around the back of the primary target, take out the door, and smoke ’em out.”Calvin gave him a curt nod and walked off with Hobbs close behind to prepare the necessary explosives and nonlethals.“Ash, Dex, you’re with me.We’re coming in behind the sign and window factory.” Sloane tapped his earpiece.“Agent Stone, Agent Taylor, this is Agent Brodie.”The Team Leaders’ gruff voices came in over their earpieces.“Agent Stone, here.What are your orders, Agent Brodie?”“Agent Taylor, here.Ditto.”Sloane rolled his eyes.“Agent Stone, I want you and your team situated at the corner of 110th Street and Fourteenth Road.Make sure no one comes in or out.Have Beta Pride on standby and keep an eye out for civilians.”“Copy that.”“Agent Taylor, you and your team take the corner of 112th Street and Fifteenth Avenue.You know the drill.Have Beta Ambush on standby and keep an eye out for civilians.Try not to scare any kids today.”There was a deep rumble of laughter from the other end.“And take away Keeler’s fun? Perish the thought.”“Kiss my ass, Taylor.”“You just come on over here and bend over, Keeler.We’ll have ourselves a gay ole time.Taylor out.”“Pussy,” Ash muttered.“That’s kind of the opposite of why I’d kiss your ass,” Agent Taylor said with a laugh [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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