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.I could not even activate what had to be computers, even though they were clearly powered and running.“This one was difficult,” I said.“It seems this is somewhere in the early 500 AD range.Some star mapping gives a hint, even if I am not that good at it, as does the remains of the campsite I showed you when we were unpacking.”“Chinese,” Pat mused.“Clearly there were Chinese here, but how is that possible? If you are right, America hasn’t even been discovered yet, and.” He stopped and looked at me in disbelief.“Hoei-Shin?” he asked me softly.“I think so,” I replied.“It would fit.”“What are you talking about,” Lisa broke in suddenly, realizing the conversation had gotten away from her.“Hoei-Shin,” Pat said quietly.“A Chinese missionary said to have discovered America before Columbus, even before the Vikings.Some historians claim he found America around 500 AD and explored the southwest and parts of Mexico.Of course it wasn’t Mexico then, er now.He even visited the Grand Canyon, describing the colored walls of the endless canyon after returning home.Experts have examined the ocean currents and the likely route and found the journey very possible with the ships they had at the time.”“My God,” said Lisa.“We’ll have to rewrite our history books.”“How about changing history,” Pat said suddenly.“Have you tried to change anything?”“Nope,” I mumbled through a mouthful of trail bar.“I haven’t wanted to mess with anything.I have no idea of the consequences.”“But you have a time machine,” Lisa objected.“If you don’t like what you do, you can always use the time machine to go back and stop yourself from making the change.”“Doesn’t work that way,” I explained.“The time tunnels can take us to a number of periods in time.The times to which they take us are all fixed, at least I have no idea how to control or change them.And all are moving forward at the same time rate as we are.Consider here and now.We have been here two days.That is now history here.We cannot go back and change what we did yesterday.Anything we do is done, same as in our normal time.You shoot someone you cannot go back and un-shoot him.If we were to go home right this instant having been here some fifty-six hours now, fifty-six hours would have passed at home.”“That’s not how it’s supposed to work,” Lisa protested.“And probably doesn’t for the builders of the device,” I admitted reluctantly.“It’s one of the things I have wondered and worried about.Should I turn this over to a government that might be able to discover how to manipulate history? I don’t think I trust any government that far.But who put the device there in the first place and what are they up to?”“So to where, or rather when, does it go?” asked Pat, not knowing how to respond to my expressed concern.“You must have explored quite a bit in the couple of years you have kept this secret.” I thought there was a hint of rebuke in his tone.I should have included him from the start.“It seems somewhat random.In addition to different times, it seems the tunnels always open into a different area, although always hidden in a cave or the like.Several of the tunnels open into times and places I have yet to identify.One appears to be significantly in the future, but everything is abandoned and destroyed.Another is even further in the past.There are two tunnels that open into relatively near term future, and several into the past couple of centuries in both America and Europe.And there are two that are closed and go nowhere.If there is a pattern or reason, it eludes me.“I don’t understand why no one has stumbled onto this before,” questioned Lisa.“That cave isn’t so well hidden that someone else wouldn’t have found the opening.”“It takes a key,” I admitted, giving away one of the last secrets.“You go into the cave without the key and all you see is the back wall of the cave.No opening, no tunnel, no way to access the control center.”“How is that possible?” asked Pat.“And how did you get a key and learn to use it?”“I found it by accident when I was using the cave for shelter.I didn’t know what it was [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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