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.The Haunted IglooReviews(From the hard-cover edition.)Boys, dogs, and adventure in the frozen North: classic appeals are served here in a well-told historical novel.—BCCB, 10/91Fans of Gary Paulsen's Woodsong will enjoy Turner's fictional portrayal of the challenges of the harsh region.—Kay Weisman, Booklist 11/91Jean-Paul's successful rites of passage may strike a response in readers who enjoyed Gardiner's Stone Fox.Paulsen's Dogsong, and Woodsong.—Kirkus Reviews, 10/91The empathetic characters provide an exciting and warm-hearted story.—The Horn Book Guide, 12/91From a young fan in Green Bay, Wisconsin, 1992.Mrs.Turner, I'll give you a million dollars for that book!!!____________The Haunted IgloobyBonnie TurnerSmashwords EditionThis book is also available in print from online book retailers.Copyright © 2010 by Bonnie L.TurnerAll rights reserved.This book is a work of fiction, no part of which may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the author.Brief passages may be used in print media for review purposes.Smashwords Edition, License NotesThis ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people.If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with.If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to Smashwords.com and purchase your own copy.Thank you for respecting this author’s work.____________For Sasha:the beautiful huskywho inspired this story.1975—1988____________The Haunted Igloo____________Chapter 1Jean-Paul shivered as he hid in the shadows behind the school.The late afternoon temperature was falling fast, and to make matters worse, the pup was driving him crazy, wiggling and squirming inside his parka.It was all he could do to keep her from falling out the bottom.He opened the coat a little and looked inside.“Shhh,” he whispered.“Someone might hear you!”Jean-Paul glanced quickly around the corner of the schoolhouse to see if anyone was coming, but no one was in sight.He sighed with relief.How very cold he was getting, with icy fingers of air creeping inside his hood to freeze his neck.He wished the plane would hurry and take off so he could seek warm shelter.Arctic days were growing shorter.Soon, darkness would come to the Far North, where Jean-Paul lived with his mother and father.Of course, it wouldn’t be pitch black, because of the stars, the moon, and the aurora borealis, with its colored bands of light waving through the arctic sky like giant searchlights, but it would be dark.It was Jean-Paul’s misfortune that he didn’t like the darkness.In fact, he more than disliked the dark; actually, he was deathly afraid of it.This would begin Jean-Paul’s second year of living at Aklavik, in the Northwest Territories.The Ardoin family shared a small cabin some miles to the west, beyond the native dwellings.Jean-Paul’s father, Cordell, was a geologist who had come to study the large deposits of pitchblende, discovered in 1930 at Great Bear Lake.That discovery had excited Cordell, for pitchblende contains radium, which the government wanted.His running off to the Arctic had brought Cordell much criticism.His wife’s family had thought him foolish.But Lise’s response was “So what?” And she went to the Arctic with her husband.Cordell spent the dark winter months writing children’s books, for then it was too cold for mining, and minerals were frozen beneath the ice and snow.But Cordell’s thoughts were never far from what lay hidden beneath the earth.Mixed in with the nouns and verbs and plots for his stories were the delights of radium, copper, and gold.Jean-Paul’s mother, Lise, sometimes helped her husband tan the fur and cure the meat, and she sewed the family’s clothing.This very morning she had sent eight beautiful pairs of caribou-fur boots to the Hudson’s Bay trading post.She hoped Cordell could trade them for some other useful items.Making the boots had been hard work, but they had turned out as waterproof as those the Inuit women made.Jean-Paul had his mother’s shyness, for Lise kept almost entirely to herself.As the months passed without a personal friend, and with another baby on the way, she seemed very sad to Jean-Paul.Of course, Lise had met the other people who lived in Aklavik, those speaking French, as she did, but even they seemed out of reach to her.But if the truth were known, Lise had never been a very social person outside of her own family.Now a sudden stinging blast of wind slapped Jean-Paul full in the face.He turned away and huddled against the back wall of the Mission school, a one-room building in which eleven students, mostly Inuits, were taught by Father Cortier.Jean-Paul listened closely for the sound of the plane.He listened so hard that it made his ears ache.Why didn’t it leave before he turned into a chunk of ice! He stroked the hidden pup again, but it had gone to sleep.He knew he couldn’t hide forever, but he had to be sure the trappers, hunters, and traders had left the settlement for good.He had heard his father talking with them.He knew they probably wouldn’t come again until spring.It took a very brave pilot to test the air currents over the mountains and frozen tundra in winter, especially since compasses went wild at the higher latitudes when almost every direction was south.“We need supplies,” Cordell had told Ola Hanson, naming off the staples Lise had listed: “Beans, salt pork, coffee, canned milk.” He shrugged.“It would be nice if you had a bag of potatoes.” He looked hopefully at Ola [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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