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.This time there's no Devil’s Comfort, or any other friendly charter where we can stay.Just an old isolated camping ground used by the occasional hunter.One that we have used before, safe in the knowledge that no one will disturb us.Once the fire is blazing and our rolls are out, we settle down to drink beer and soon afterwards the story telling begins.Sundance, our IT and go to guy quickly has the brothers eating out of his hands.There is no hesitation as he embellishes ghost story after ghost story.Rapidly the night turns to dawn.Whilst listening to the stories, Inferno has joined me and for a while we continue to listen to Sundance, before he speaks up.“Everything OK bro?”“Yeah.”Turning his gaze directly on to me.“Linc I need you to have a fucking clear head.And today there were times when your fucking mind wasn’t on the road.”Inferno and I had joined the brotherhood at the same time.Where we did our prospecting together.Back then it had being him and me doing all the shit work.He was both my brother and friend.And on more than one occasion, we have helped each other out of one narrow escape after the other.As a member of Devil’s Comforts, the men you serve with become your brothers.They need to know you have their back.That they can trust you, and this is what Inferno is asking.I do not answer straight away.Yeah there were times when my mind had drifted towards Cassie and our problems.However I had been vigilant.My eyes were on the road and surrounding areas at all times.Evaluating for anything that looked out of place.Or for any tails we may have gained.“I hear you.”Inferno does not answer straight away.Instead he takes a long drink of his beer.His eyes caught by the fire.It is easy to see that he is in deep thought.“We head out early Linc.We collect the merchandize.Then head back to Comfort.Two days VP.I need your fucking time for two more fucking days.When we return, you get your fucking shit sorted out with Cassie.Just because you fucked up with Cassie.Does not mean Devil’s Comfort fucking suffers for it.”He is right.The merchandize we will be carrying is of high value, and there is little room for error or for any fuck ups.The last couple of runs may have gone down smoothly.That does not mean this one will go the same way.The one before that, had being the time we had our run in with Black County Stewards MC.Devil’s Comfort may have dealt with their last President.However his replacement is a mean fucker.It was too quiet.You do not dispose of the President of an MC without expecting retaliation.If we are not prepared for when it happens.Our collateral will be high.“Devil’s Comfort is not going to suffer for my fuck up Prez.Shit, I’m well aware of what’s at stake.”Now that Inferno has brought up the problems facing us.I hesitate before asking him my next question.Instead I think what Inferno’s answer could be.“You think Tats and Black County are going to fucking strike us on this run?”“It’s been too quiet VP.Who the fuck knows what Tats is planning.”“Maybe we should send Fudge and Trax up ahead.They can do a quick scout of the area?”“Dec what do you think?”Dec and Fudge join in our conversation.Over the next couple of hours we discuss, and plan what cause of action is the best way to handle the ride back home.Dawn is not far off, and as the fire dies down, I call it a night.Climbing into my roll, I study the stars, thinking of the journey ahead, and the possible danger that we might be facing.Yeah, Inferno’s right.I need a clear head, our lives depend on me being able to do my job correctly.As I drift into slumber.The last thought I have, is that one slip can cost us dear.The return journey to Comfort Springs has our bodies and minds on full alert.Our relaxed posture of the day before has gone.This time we keep our eyes peeled to the roads.Constantly we check for anything that may be out of the ordinary.The bikers are quiet and the only way we communicate is with our hands.Neither do we party when we stop over with Bear and the crew.It is business all the way.As we approach the last leg of our run, we enter Black County Stewards territory.The tension mounts as we become highly strung.If Black County are to strike.This is where it will go down.It was a long hard journey home.One that is drawing to a close.Daylight has turned to dusk.The air has become cooler as night descends on us.Soon we begin to see the signs for Comfort Springs.This is not an omen for us to relax or does it mean we are safe.We will not feel safe until we are at the club.Where we can secure everything for the night.The location of the building, and its layout is ideal for our use.The club is set back from the main town and has its own secure basement.As an added sense of security we only keep the merchandize for a limited time.And in under twenty four hours it will no longer be on our hands.In the horizon I see the gates to Devil’s Comforts MC Club.With a sigh of relief, I give the signal to the other bikers that we are home.It is not long before we have the cage pulled up at the rear of the club and unloaded.With the merchandize secure in the basement for the night, we leave a couple of brothers on guard duty.Whilst the rest of us head for a drink to celebrate our success.Chapter 5Although I have had four days to prepare myself, I am far from ready for Linc, or our imminent meeting.Hell, I have just spent the last hour trying to find an outfit to wear and I am still standing naked in the bedroom.Linc’s visit has me crashing like a young girl on her first date.I look a mess.The bedroom looks as though it was invaded by a mob of teenage girls.Clothes are strewn all over the bed, and I still need to decide what to wear.A quick glance at my watch tells me I have about ten minutes before Linc will be here.Because I need to take into consideration on how I plan to end this afternoon.I am going for a casual sexy look.After all, I refuse to give Linc the impression that I am eager for his body.Linc’s to be the eager one.The one who seduces me into an afternoon of sex.I may not be taking him back.However, there's nothing to stop me from using his glorious body.A quick glance at my watch warns me Linc is due at any moment.Due to my dithering I no longer have time to change the bed sheets as I had planned.Especially as I am still standing naked in the middle of the bedroom.“Shit, shit, shit [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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