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.Eric had seen it happen with senior mages.Their bond erased the physical barrier and they acted as one being.It was taboo to touch a mage's staff and a felony offense to steal one.Eric closed his eyes and held his staff next to his heart.“Should we leave you two alone?” Emily asked.Eric coughed, blushed, and insisted that wasn't necessary.“So that's your wizard staff?”“Mage, not wizard.Someone who practices the craft of magic.A chemist uses chemicals, a violinist uses a violin, I use mana.”“So it was magic that you used on that criminal.”“Technically, that wasn't magic because I wasn't using mana.”“Then what was it?” Emily asked impatiently.“Have you ever been so scared you thought you'd go insane?” Eric asked in reply.“Have you ever hated someone so much you wanted to kill them?”Emily slowly shook her head.“You're lucky.I am not.However, anyone I wish will share my pain.”“Are you saying you have an ‘evil eye’? This is all really weird, but that explanation is just too.”Eric locked eyes with Emily.Hers dilated, her breath caught in her throat, and her whole body froze.Eric blinked and Emily shivered.“Sh-shadow.” she muttered.“Cold.looming.shadow.”Her face was pale and her eyes dull.Eric chanted a ball of fire into his hand and she instinctively moved closer to its heat.Only after several moments in its warmth did her eyes focus.“What was that?”“The three worst days of my life.You don't want to hear about that.”On the way back to the badger den, Eric continued to explain the rules of magic.Emily was more accepting of his explanation this time and asked questions when confused.Most of them involved the distinction between the Fireball spell and the Evil Eye.In response, Eric recited passages from The Spirit and Its Power.“Living creatures – that is, those possessed of a mind, body, and soul – are the Three Founding Gods put together; like Chaos, they have the power to change the world.Like Order, they have the power to direct the change, and like Noitearc, they can harmonize the two.This is what we call ‘magecraft.’ Another art, that which is only the Order aspect, is what is called ‘spiritcraft.’ Only the force of one’s spirit is used.This makes it a useful technique for non-mages because it does not require mana.”Well done…the voice said.For a monkey! For even the zombies, devoid of true intelligence, could memorize my work word for word.Again, Eric shook his head.The Spirit and Its Power was also written by Dengel.Together with Introduction to Magecraft, it represented the totality of his magical knowledge.His hand drifted to his pack and the notes for his mana experiments.There’s one thing I know that he doesn’t! There’s no way he could have conducted such experiments…he didn’t have the opportunity.Ordercraft wasn’t practiced here until the Conversion War and so there –“Eric!” Emily said.She shook his shoulder.“We’re literally in another world and you’re still drifting off into another one.”Eric smiled sheepishly.“Sorry.”As they walked, they saw someone else in the snow.It was a human slightly taller than Eric.She wore a cloak that was frozen in parts, a heavy snowsuit, a fur-trimmed hood, goggles, and snow pants.Just barely visible was green hair streaked with irregular patches of golden-brown.“Kallen! It's wonderful to see you again!” Eric trudged through the snow to greet her.Relief and joy grew inside him with each step.“What are you doing here?!”“I could ask you the same thing.”“I see you're still dodging questions.”“I see you're still aiming them.”Without warning, Kallen hugged him.The intense feelings of peace and warmth this action generated filled him up and down and deep into his soul.If he could miss anything as much as mana or Annala, then it was the mysterious feeling generated by Kallen's presence.“Eric, who is this girl?” Emily asked coldly.“And why is she hugging you?”“Eric's my BF,” Kallen said and nuzzled Eric's nose.“You know: best friend.”Emily glared.“How do you know Eric?” It was hardly threatening with her pink cheeks.“We fought together in a palace coup.”“You mean we fought against each other in a palace coup.”Kallen cackled and Eric face-palmed.If there was anyone as twisted as Tasio the Trickster, it was his favorite follower, Kallen Selios.She helped Eric gain confidence in himself and defended Ataidar's Crown from a usurper, but she had a mischievous way of doing things.It was too similar to Tasio himself for his taste.“If I didn't do what I did, exactly the way in which I did it, then you wouldn't have been able to do what needed to be done.Fortunately, I didn't, you did, and the old fossil was done.”“Excuse me, but what?” Emily asked.“It's a long story,” Eric said, then laughed.Trickster that was fun to say.When Eric arrived in Tariatla, he was ignorant of it.Even the most elementary things needed to be explained to him.Often, he would be told X was a “long story” because there was too much background to go into.The phrase made him feel ashamed and angry.Worst of all, it made him feel like an outsider.This time, things were different.I'm not the new kid anymore.“Then you should understand how she feels,” Kallen said.“H-huh? How did you do that?”“You should explain it to her.”“It's.too cold out here!”“I have a place in town,” Kallen said.“We can talk as we walk.”“It would be rude to leave Earthmover –”“We don’t mind,” the badger couple said [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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