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.Why you ever went into accounting, I will never know!”Just when I was about to pretend to check my calendar, knowing full and well there is no way I can fit that project in before Christmas with the five others I am currently working on, we heard the ruckus.The ruckus that led to me being cuffed and tossed upon Megan’s sofa by the tall, dark, big guy with messy (note: sexy) hair.As I calm down while retracing my crazy-ass morning, I’m finally able to take in the activity around me.There has to be six to eight of these police-like guys prowling around in and out of the room.I look across the entry way to the dining room to see Megan’s three cleaning ladies seated in dining chairs separated by a good amount of space, all looking pale and freaked.I find myself wondering if I look the same, all the while, wondering where they put Megan.“Miz Carpino?” a voice comes at me.I look up to see an older man in his black macho police uniform.He’s big in a way that you can tell he could still take down a bad guy even though he’s carrying some weight that isn’t muscle.His salt and pepper hair is short and the smile lines coming out from his eyes make him seem a little less scary in his black formidable police getup.“Yes?” I respond.He’s walking toward me holding my purse, what looks like either my driver’s license or Conceal and Carry Permit and my little Bodyguard Smith and Wesson 380.If you could call a gun cute, mine would be super cute! It’s small, fits my hand well and almost every purse I own.Gun manufacturers have begun making guns in different colors in recent years to attract women buyers.But this gun was a gift from my uncles and even though there was this little pink handgun I had my eye on, they put all three of their right feet down simultaneously and denied me the pink little gun.They said this is the one I need, it has a good safety, a laser and a long trigger pull that my uncle Gino said, “You’re gonna have to mean to pull that trigger, sweet girl, no accidents with that trigger pull,” but added, “besides, we’re men and hunters, Gabby, we’re not buying a pink gun!” So there you go.I own a black gun.But black matches everything, right?“Your C and C checks out, but we gotta keep this until we’re done here and if you’re released, you can have it back,” he tersely informs me.“If I’m released? If I’m released? What’s going on? Am I under arrest? And why am I handcuffed? I know my rights!” I semi-yell, finally getting my wits about me, shooting off every thought that pops into my head.“We’ve gotta warrant to search the home and land.Agent Ortiz will be around in a sec to ask you some questions.If he clears you, you can go,” he answers.“Can I call someone?” I shoot back.“Maybe in a minute,” Salt and Pepper returns.“Well, I know my rights,” I decide haughty is the way to go.“I’m not answering any questions until I call my attorney.I’d like to make that call now…please…if I may.” I could try and be haughty all the live long day, but in the end my mother’s southern manners that are so deeply ingrained win out.Salt and Pepper looks down at me and his lips barely tip up as he replies, “Sure.You can call your attorney.” The way he says it I’m surprised he didn’t hold up both hands making little air quotes with his fingers.If I didn’t know any better, I would think he found me amusing.“Thank you, my phone is in my purse,” I inform him and he starts rummaging for my phone.“Ortiz!” Salt and Pepper yells while digging through my purse.“This one wants to make a call, can I uncuff her? Says she won’t talk to any one until she calls her,” and he looks up at me before finishing, “attorney.” Yep, he’s clearly making fun of me now so I give him a glare and small frown.“Yeah,” I hear coming from around the corner.I look up to see Hot Helmet Hair, who also must be known as Agent Ortiz.Hmm, maybe I was right about the Latin in him.“Just don’t let her move, we’ve gotta find out why she’s here.”Salt and Pepper comes over with a ring of keys, I turn as ladylike as I can in my pencil skirt with my hands cuffed behind my back and he bends over to unlock me.Since I’ve never been cuffed before, I never would have thought that removing cuffs would feel so damn good! He hands me my phone, I slide the lock on the screen, go to my favorites, find who I need and hit call.Feeling a bit self-conscious, I pull myself up to full posture and cross my legs hoping to muster a bit of decorum after being squished up against a wall, searched for weapons and cuffed.Looking up, I see Agent Ortiz and Salt and Pepper towering over me.Agent Ortiz is observing me with a cocked eyebrow and incredulous look.Dropping my head to find some make believe privacy, I say the only thing I can say when Tony answers, “Hey…um…I’m in a tiny bit of a situation.”Chapter 2 - You’re An Accountant?I hear the front door open, look up and find Tony stalking into Megan’s entry way with an infuriated look on his face.Always the picture of perfection when at work, he’s now lost the suit jacket, his tie is loose with the top button undone and his sleeves rolled up.His ultra-dark brown wavy hair is rustled and I can tell he’s been running his hands through it in frustration.Even though we are on the heels of August and it’s still freaking hot outside, I doubt his state of appearance has much to do with the weather.I wonder if he’s pissed at me for pulling him out of a meeting with a new client or maybe he’s pissed because his favorite cousin, and although he won’t admit it, one of his favorite people ever, has been caught in the middle of some big raid and is being detained and questioned by two federal agencies.I’m praying it’s the latter.I’ve never been a fan of a pissed off Anthony Carpino.The last forty-five minutes have been interesting to say the least.As I’ve sat here on Megan’s super comfortable sofa (it should be noted, I shop for furniture for a living so I know not all formal living room furniture is made for comfort) there has been a flurry of activity around the house.In addition to the original group of big guys dressed in black, we’ve had a second wave of plain clothed people with badges and guns on their belts breeze through.Everyone’s wearing plastic gloves and searching through everything.And I mean everything! Seeing as the FBI and ATF are present, I can only assume this is something big on the scales of bad, which freaks me way the hell out.Although Megan and I aren’t super close, we are friends and I would never in all my life guess that she could be involved in something illegal.That shit happens to people on the news, not my people [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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