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.”He looked into my eyes pleadingly.It was almost as if tears started to well up around his own sapphire blues.Why did he always look so sad? He is the one that did this to me! I just could not understand.“Callie, please.” He sounded desperate.“I am trying to bring you home.To your true home.Where you belong.Please do not be so afraid of me.I would never hurt you.”How did he know my name? Was he some sort of deranged stalker?“Who are you?” I demanded.“Callie, you know me.You must remember.You must feel it.” He pleaded.I am not sure what he was talking about, but the truth is that I did feel something.I did not know how to explain it, but it was as if I were drawn to him.I really could not even be afraid of him, or even that angry with him, although I should be.“All that I know is that you kidnapped me from my bed in the middle of the night.Now you have me here in this cave.” I gestured at the space around me.“You are probably about to do god knows what kind of evil things to me.You know my name and now you are telling me that I should know you, when I have never seen you before in my life!” I yelled.I wrapped my arms tightly around myself as if I were trying to keep myself together.He moved toward me, and this time when he reached for me, I did not move away.What would be the point?He wrapped his long arms around my shoulders and pulled me into an embrace.My cheek rested against his chest and he put his chin on the top of my head as he spoke.“This will all be clear to you soon.I know that you are afraid of me, but I would never hurt you.It is my duty to protect you, Callie.I will protect you until my last breath.I swear to you.Please Callie, come and rest.Tomorrow you will see.Tomorrow things will be better.”He pulled me down onto the blankets and I let him.What else was I supposed to do? He held me there, wrapped tightly in his strong arms.I breathed in deeply, he smelled so good.He smelled of earth and pine, mixed with something sweet, like honeysuckle.Despite my fears and frustration, exhaustion overcame me.The warmth of his arms, the sound of his heartbeat, and his scent filling my nose were all more than any girl would be able to handle.Before I knew it, I was fast asleep.Chapter 2I woke to find that I was still lying on the blankets on the floor of the cavern.My captor was no longer lying next to me.I felt a strange longing deep inside of me for him.Maybe it was just fear.Like the fear of realizing that I was alone in the darkness of the cave and far away from home.I rolled onto my back to look around, but he was not there.The fire still burned but it was starting to fizzle out.I glanced toward the ceiling only to realize that it must have been really tall, because all that I could see in the glow of the fire was darkness.Sitting up was difficult.My ribs ached from being clutched so tightly for so long the day before.I struggled to get to my feet.I had no idea what time it was but my stomach was definitely growling at me.“Hello?” I called quietly into the darkness, but all that I heard in return was my echo.I was not sure what I should do, but I knew that I needed to do something.I searched the cavern walls until I spotted the entrance and slowly I walked through it and out into the tunnel.The darkness of the tunnel was disorienting and I thought hard trying to retrace my steps from the day before.I walked a little at a time with one hand trailing gently across the rocky wall.I stumbled and nearly lost my balance when I stubbed my toe on an outcrop of rock.I cried out briefly, sending echoes of my stunted scream throughout the darkness.The pain shot through my foot and up my leg.A dull throbbing settled into my big toe.I slid down the wall onto my butt on the cold floor, clutching my foot.How far did I really think that I was going to go with no shoes? I was leaned back against the cool stone waiting for the throbbing in my toe to pass when I heard a low rumbling growl.I froze, not even wanting to breathe.The growling echoed around the cave walls and slowly seemed to be getting closer.It felt as if it were right in front of me and getting more ferocious.I clamped my eyes shut tightly, afraid of what I might see if I opened them.Suddenly, I felt what I was sure was the creature’s hot breath on my face.I could smell the rot and decay of its last meal filling my nostrils.I wanted to gag at the thought of it.Fear ripped through me.All that I could think about was that I was about to be ripped apart by some crazed animal in a cave, in the middle of I had no idea where, and no one would ever be able to find me.“Callie!” The sound of my name rang loudly in my ears and I flinched for fear that I was about to be torn to shreds.The noise must have distracted the beast because he turned away from me to see who was making such a commotion.“Callie!” I heard again.Then, all that I could see was the flash of a blade as it sunk down into the animals back.There was a grotesque crunching sound and then a gurgling as it fell onto its side with a thud.Soon it was flying across the tunnel away from me.I continued to hear a lot of loud strange noises, mostly grunts and slashing.All of a sudden, my captor was bent over in front of me.He was frantically searching my body for any sign of injury.His face was smeared with blood, and fear had shown brightly in his eyes.He grabbed my face in his blood soaked hands and stared into my eyes.“Callie.” He said in a trembling voice.“I’m alright.” I said breathlessly as he pulled me to my feet and wrapped me tightly in an embrace.“I am so sorry that I left you like that, Callie.I knew that you would need some food when you woke up and I went out to find something for you to eat.I should never have left you alone.Callie, I hope that you can forgive me.” He said in a shaky voice as he buried his face in the crook of my neck and wrapped his hands with my hair.I could feel him trembling as he held me.We stayed there like that for several minutes.I could not imagine how one minute he could be a crazed kidnapper and the next be so sweet and vulnerable.What was with this guy? I needed some answers and I needed them now.“Please, tell me who you are.” I whispered into his ear as his head was still pinned to my shoulder.“I just do not understand what is happening to me.At least tell me what your name is.” I pleaded.He lifted his head and those pleading blue eyes locked with mine again.He reached up and embraced my face in both of his hands.For just a second, I thought maybe he was about to kiss me.Would it be so bad if he did? I was beginning to think no.I had never kissed a boy before, but I bet this stranger’s kisses would be tender and full of passion.I found myself glancing down at his soft full lips, as I bit my own bottom lip in anticipation.I had to shake myself so that I would snap back to reality.“Callie,” he whispered.“I’m Brokk.I know that you say that you do not remember me but, you belong to me.” I pulled back, raising my eyebrows in shock.“At least you did once.” He said as his head dropped and his chin rested on his chest.“I do not know you and I do not belong to anybody.” My voice was fierce and he looked up again.“You are truly crazy.” I whispered.He dropped his head back down and stared at the floor [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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