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.“She got a little excited at dinner time and decided that spaghetti sauce made good hair gel.We also did her nebulizer treatment after she was done in the bath.”“Nummy,” Carolena muttered, burrowing her head into my shoulder.It was obvious my baby missed me during the day and I resented the guilt I felt, even as I smiled at her words.If Coop had continued to pay child support, I could have taken a job that paid a little less but allowed me to work from home all the time.“Thanks for bathing her and handling her breathing treatment, Kathy.”Honestly, I was a little sad I didn’t get to give Carolena her bath, even though I appreciated that I would have one less chore that night.I felt as though I spent so little time with my baby as it was.Bath time was a pleasant part of our routine since my little girl loved the water and enjoyed her lotion rubdown after even more.Lena and I waved good-bye to Kathy.She would come in for six hours tomorrow and I would do most of my work during the time she was there or while the baby slept.Working from home had its advantages, but it could get a little tricky if Lena decided to throw a fit while I was on a conference call or pound her sticky fingers all over my laptop, but it worked.After Carolena was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis and Coop left, I didn’t know what I was going to do.One day, I broke down in my office, sobbing, and that’s how Judith found me.She brought me a cup of tea and handed me tissues as I told her the whole story.Not just about Carolena being ill, but also about how Coop decided that parenting a sick child wasn’t in his life plans.Judith calmed me down, sent me home, and then called me into her office the next day.I was certain I was about to be reprimanded but she explained that, while most employees worked on site, there was flexibility in company policy to allow some to work partially from home.I couldn’t believe the opportunity she was offering me.It was working.I still hated that I wasn’t home with Carolena every day, but someone had to pay the bills.I got the best of both worlds.“Mama!” A little hand smacked my shoulder to punctuate the word.I blinked at my daughter and smiled.“Baby.”Lena grinned back at me.Hefting her higher on my hip, I walked through the house toward my bedroom.“Alrighty, let Mama change out of her work clothes, then we can play.”Clapping, she parroted, “Play!”After I changed and pulled my hair up into a ponytail, I spent the next hour on the floor with my daughter, playing with dolls, reading books, and singing songs.Then I rocked her before bed, her little head resting on my bicep and her eyes on mine as she fingered the small silver medallion I wore around my neck.It had her name engraved on one side and her birthday on the other.My heart was full of love as I stared down at my sleepy girl.I looked forward to these times, when I could hold her close and enjoy the cuddles and sweetness.I also looked forward to my days at home with her.They were sometimes stressful, but it was nice to be here with her all day, even if I had to spend part of that time in my home office.After I kissed her and put her in her crib, I took the baby monitor and went into the office.I wanted to get as much work done as possible so that my day tomorrow would be mostly answering emails and taking phone calls.It made it easier for me to eat breakfast and lunch with Carolena and maybe even play with her a bit before her naps.I just hoped that my argument with Charles didn’t jeopardize my ability to work from home.As I thought more about the situation, I wondered if maybe I had overreacted just a bit.I mean, it was annoying that he couldn’t remember my name after four weeks of working in the same office, but calling someone an asshole at work, well, that wasn’t exactly professional either.His inappropriate comments were no excuse for me to sink to his level.I treasured my flexible work schedule since it allowed me to spend more time at home [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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