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.Monsters:I Bring the Fire Part IICopyright © 2012 C.GockelAll rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.For permission requests, write to the author, subject “Attention: Permissions,” at the email address below:cgockel.publishing@gmail.comFollow me on Tumblr! www.ibringthefireodin.tumblr.comTable of ContentsAcknowledgementsChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Other Works & Author's NoteAcknowledgementsFirst and foremost, I want to thank my editor, Kay McSpadden.Kay read and reread this story more times than I can count.I also would like to thank Gretchen Almoughraby.Her suggestions helped me clarify situations and make the action more believable.Also indispensable was Laura Stogdill.She consulted on legal aspects of this story.My brother, Thomas, was great as a myth reference, my dad James Merril Evans lent a hand in editing for content, and my mother, Cherryl helped with editing for grammar (I should note, if you see mistakes they are mine and mine alone).All of my readers weren’t afraid to tell me when I screwed up; for that I am eternally grateful.For all their hard work, Kay, Gretchen, Laura, my dad, my mother, and my brother may pop up in the story from time to time.I wish I could reward them more.And last, but never least, I want to thank everyone who took a chance on “I Bring the Fire: Part I ~ Wolves”.Your reviews, feedback, suggestions for edits and design help made the story (and cover art!) better than I could have ever managed alone.Thank you.And now on with the show.Chapter 1Steve Rogers sits at his desk in the FBI’s new office for the Chicago Department of Public Liaisons.The small office is on LaSalle Street in Chicago’s downtown, the infamous Loop.It’s just a few blocks south of city hall, and a little up the street from the Chicago Board of Trade.Outside, the downtown traffic is a cacophony of engines, honks, and screeching tires.It’s September, but Chicago is experiencing a sweltering Indian summer.The air conditioning in the ancient building hums away; and it’s still too hot in the room.With one hand he holds a phone to his ear.In the other hand he holds a photo of a little girl.She’s wearing a neat navy blue school uniform, her large brown eyes are bright, her hair is pulled back in neat black cornrows, and she’s smiling at the camera.Steve’s own skin is very dark.He and his folks are from rural Alabama.The little girl’s skin is cafe au lait like her mother’s.Her name is Claire, she’s Steve’s daughter, and she’s 8 years old today.The phone rings once, twice, and three times.Steve closes his eyes, is about to hang up, but then it’s answered.“You missed her.She just stepped out with her grandmother.They’re going to go pick up some balloons.” The woman’s voice on the other line sounds tired and irritated — as usual.She says it’s all the anger and irritation she stored up during the eight years of their marriage.“Awwww.Dana,” Steve says to his ex-wife.“Can you go get them? I just want to wish her a happy birthday.”“They’re gone, Steve,” Dana says.“Why don’t you call after the party, before we go out to dinner with my folks, around 3 pm?”Turning to his computer, Steve pulls up his calendar, “I have a meeting at 3 today —”“Busy saving the world,” says Dana in a bored voice.“It’s with the mayor,” Steve says.Old habits kick in and he goes on the defensive.“I’m actually meeting with the heads of the agencies the city set up after 9/11 to deal with terrorism.I think we’ll finally start coordinating.”The FBI’s main Chicago office is out west a few miles.The whole reason they opened this satellite branch was so that the Bureau could start leveraging local assets, and to do that they needed agents greasing city hall’s wheels.Steve’s only been here a few months, but he’s managed to charm the mayor and is on a first name basis with most of the aldermen.Pride creeps into his voice.He should know better.“Glad the marriage to your job is still going well.Three o’clock and that’s it,” says Dana.“Look, I have to go, there’s a delivery.”The line goes dead.Setting the photo down, Steve leans back in his chair and puts a hand through his short cropped hair.He looks at his computer.It’s 10:03 a.m.He swivels in his chair.maybe he should get a coffee?An enormous shadow alights in Steve’s window and he jumps up, hand going to the gun at his hip.“What the.”Steve swallows.The biggest raven he’s ever seen is on the window ledge.Oblivious to Steve, the raven looks down.With a loud “Rawk, rawk,” it plunges.Steve blinks.He served in Kandahar during his stint in Afghanistan as a United States Marine, but something about that big black bird still makes his heart race.He definitely needs a coffee.Getting up from his desk, he swings on his suit coat to hide his piece.On the way out of his office he nods at the receptionist and at the other agent in the office, Tonya Fitzpatrick.Older than Steve’s 38 by about fifteen years, Tonya is half Irish and half Italian, and that goes a long way in this town.She isn’t a natural actor like Steve, though, and that doesn’t go over quite as well.When you’re dealing with politicians you have to have a high tolerance for bullshit.Steve can tolerate and smile.Right now Tonya’s got her phone pressed to her shoulder and she’s scowling, a long lock of curly gray hair falling over her face.Catching his gaze, she rolls her eyes toward the phone and then holds up a hand for a minute.As Steve watches, she manages to get off the phone with whomever she’s talking to and jogs over to him.“Talk to your little girl?” she says.Steve’s stomach sinks and he frowns.When it comes to his divorce and Claire, his acting abilities disappear [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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