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.ABELShatteredBy: CJ BishopCopyright © 2014All Rights Reserved.This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.All characters appearing in this work are fictitious.Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental.For questions and comments about this book, please contact us at Info@RascalHearts.comCover Art: Book Cover by DesignPublished By: Rascal HeartsTable of ContentsChapter OneChapter TwoChapter ThreeChapter FourChapter FiveChapter SixChapter SevenChapter EightChapter NineChapter TenChapter ElevenChapter TwelveChapter ThirteenChapter FourteenChapter FifteenChapter SixteenEPILOGUEChapter One“Hearts In Hiding”Anger and bitterness sizzled acidly just below the surface.“I don't fucking trust him.” Cole's fists clenched and he forced himself not to punch a hole in the fucking wall – or someone's head.“How could Max just send him away like that? With him?”“He's trying to keep him safe.” Gabe spoke with a level of caution, clearly understanding how close Cole was to snapping – and not wishing to be the recipient of his rage.“If he's overseas, then he won't be in danger of being arrested if.if Devlin turns him in.”Cole shook his head, unappeased.“I can't believe Abel.is taking that bastard's money and letting him.” Emotion squeezed the corners of his jaw, burning his eyes.“Fuck! He's too good for that shit.And this fucking mess with Devlin.how is he even still sane?”“Easy.” Gabe coaxed him onto a barstool and massaged his shoulders as Cole dropped his head in his hands.“Abel's gonna be fine.I know this is a.shitty situation, and the boy deserves so much better.But it may not be safe for him to be here right now.”“Why didn't he tell us?” Cole asked thickly.“We could've helped him find some other way to get the money.” An ache squeezed his jaw.He closed his eyes against the images that conjured up when thinking of Abel with that.parasite.“I swear to God,” Cole choked, raising his head.“If the fucker hurts him, or.damages his mind even worse.all the money in the world won't keep him safe.I'll fucking kill him.”Gabe slid his hands over Cole's shoulders and down his chest, rubbing his lips against his ear.“You won't have to do it alone.” he murmured then kissed him.“I'll be right there to help you hide the body.”“I'm serious.” Cole said tightly.“So am I.” Gabe kissed his neck.“I would protect Abel at all costs.” He moved around in front of Cole and sat on the stool opposite him, hands on the guy's knees.“But I can't believe Max would send Abel off like that with someone who might harm him.”“Yeah, well,” Cole said bitterly, “I'm not so fucking sure anymore where Max's loyalties lay.How could he even introduce Abel into such a situation? The man is quickly advancing to the top of my shit list.”Sliding off the stool, Gabe stood between Cole's knees, squeezing his shoulders.He leaned close and kissed his lips.“Listen.there's nothing we can do about it right now.” he murmured.“So why don't we grab the VIP room.and I'll give you a nice relaxing dance to soothe your mind?” he kissed him again, his mouth lingering, tongue exploring.Cole's hands gripped his hips.“I could go for that.” he groaned and stood up, crotch already beginning to thump with a low pulse as Gabe took his hand and led the way.***Somehow he kept up a calm exterior as his mind spun in chaotic frenzy.He smiled, spoke politely, voice controlled, went about business as if all was well in the world – when in reality, his world was coming apart at the seams, systematically shutting down, breaking away in pieces that fell into a black abyss.He raped me! For two fucking years.he raped me!Abel's accusations bashed at the inside of his skull with the force of a wrecking ball.No, he's lying, Devlin repeatedly insisted, again and again, feeling sick, wanting to puke every waking second.Why would he lie? Why! But there was never an answer to accompany the question.There was no plausible reason for Abel to conjure up such a story – and yet, he couldn't accept it.Wouldn't accept it.Craig was a good man.He was! It wasn't possible that he could be.“Fuck!” Devlin choked and shoved into one of the restrooms, locking the door behind him, falling against it as he gripped his head in his hands.“You're lying, Abel.you're fucking lying! You're just trying to.justify what you did.” He squeezed his eyes shut and clawed his hair, sobs erupting up his throat.“You had no cause.no cause!”He was going to rape Savannah! She was only ten fucking years old! He wasn't a good man! He was a fucking monster!Devlin shook his head, as if the action alone could refute the accusations.No, he would never.Never! It wasn't even fathomable.Ask Savannah.Show her a picture of Craig.Prove to yourself it wasn't Craig.It seemed like a simple solution.yet he couldn't do it.He didn't need to prove it.He knew his brother.He'd grown up with him.People didn't become.that.overnight.If he'd been that way.Devlin would have known, would have seen the signs.There would have been some indication.But there were none.None!No.Abel was lying.or mistaken.But either way – he had killed an innocent man.A good man.He deserved to go to prison.So why aren't you turning him in? What's stopping you?Again, another question for which Devlin had no plausible answer.***Darkness pressed at the small window like a living, evil entity trying to get at him.Abel stared back at it, eyes blank, emotionless.Just bust through and kill me already.It seemed an enigma how his mind and body could be completely numb – and yet still hurt so fucking bad at the same time.A couple hours after Devlin had run out.the numbness had set in, drying his tears and emptying his soul.From that moment on, he had been functioning on autopilot.He vaguely recalled both Cole and Gabe hugging him goodbye, telling him they loved him, and that everything would be okay.But nothing would ever be okay again; he'd ripped out Devlin's heart.and the man had ripped out Abel's.There was no coming back from this.“Here.Take these [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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