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.They were talking baseball and doing lifts, and I decided I was gonna leave.I collected my keys and wallet from the rental lockers and headed outside.The fresh, cool air felt good compared to the sweaty, stale air of the gym.Dalton had told me Miranda drove a small red Honda, so with more confidence than I actually felt, I went over and stood next to the only one in the lot, hoping Miranda would come out and be forced to talk to me.I wasn’t sure why she wasn’t into me, but I had to know.I don’t know why I needed to know, but it was eating at me.She was so beautiful, I just had to get to know her better.Her thick blonde hair made me want to run my fingers through it, then grab it and pull her head back.Her hourglass figure was just perfect, and I wanted nothing more than to run my hands down her sides.I sucked in a breath when she walked out of the gym – holding the hand of a small child.As she got closer, I could see a small dark-haired girl wearing a pink jacket and jeans.She couldn’t have been older than three, and this confused me momentarily, until my eyes met Miranda’s, as she saw me leaning on her car.When she got close enough to meet my eyes, I smiled and looked at the little girl.“The queen has a princess?”I trailed my eyes down to the little girl again, and she grabbed Miranda’s leg.Miranda nodded.“This is my daughter, Ashlynn.We’re a package deal,” she said almost defensively.I bit back a smile and squatted down to get at eye level with Ashlynn.“Hi.”“Say hi to Mr.Jace, Ash,” Miranda commanded.I wasn’t sure how I felt about dating a single mother, as I never had in the past, but with Miranda, I sort of didn’t care.Yes, I was surprised – even shocked – that she was a mother, but when I looked into her daughter’s big brown eyes full of curiosity, something melted inside of me.She was so innocent and oh so cute, I wanted to get her to know her better, almost as much as I wanted to get to know her mother.“Give me your phone, player.” She put her hand out.I felt my face flame as first shock then anger flashed through me.I had been called a player more times than I care to remember, and I was both annoyed and over the stereotypical cliché.“Don’t call me that,” I ground out with a frown.At my reaction, she wore an amused, almost triumphant grin, then immediately flashed me big, innocent doe eyes.“What, you are a baseball player, aren’t you?”I grinned at that.She can act like it was an harmless comment, but I knew it wasn’t, and I had a feeling that wouldn’t be the last time I’d hear that word come out of her pretty mouth either.***I had convinced Miranda through my dimpled charms to agree to go out on a date with me the following weekend.All week I went back and forth on the first date thing.Traditional restaurant or something ridiculously over the top and fun or fancy? In the end, I decided to play it safe and go to a popular Mexican restaurant.It had been here for years, and I thought surely Miranda would have heard of it.On the edge of the water, the establishment not only served awesome, authentic food, it had beautiful scenery as it overlooked the docks with the boats bobbing in the water.I had never heard of anyone who was ever disappointed with this place.Again, I felt this was a safe option, as I wasn’t so set on impressing Miranda with extravagance, as I was getting her to go on a second date with me.When I picked her up at her house, I had to tell myself to close my mouth.The tight red dress and high heeled red shoes made my manhood twitch behind my zipper and I took a few deep breaths as I plastered on a cool smile.I helped her into the front seat of the car by gently placing my hand on the small of her back.She smelled heavenly and I found myself wishing I could bury my face in her neck.On the drive to the restaurant, I chanced a couple glances in her direction.She was staring out the window as the world buzzed by us, and I could tell she was deep in thought.I didn’t think we knew each other well enough for me to ask her what was on her mind, but I still wanted to know.“What made you say yes?” I asked boldly.She turned her pretty face toward me, a little grin kicking up on her plush mouth.“You charmed me, as if you didn’t know that.”Attitude, I like it.Little did she know I could dish it right back.“Really? I was just being myself.I don’t need to charm anyone.”She made a scoffing noise and looked back out the window, still looking deep in thought.We pulled up to the restaurant, and as I helped her out of the car, I breathed, “You look regal.”She smiled.“Thank you, Jace.You look nice yourself.”I watched with pleasure as her eyes traveled the length of my body, from the bottom of my loose jeans to the top collar of my black button-down shirt.I was sure to remember to spray on some of Fahrenheit’s finest musky scent before leaving the house.After we were seated and ordered, the conversation was generic but pleasant.When we got on the topic of careers, it dawned on me that I really knew nothing about Miranda at all, and it made me frown.She was a gorgeous single mother to a little girl, and Dalton had met her at a baseball game, but had no interest in her.He had told me she had some sort of dangerous job, which had piqued my curiosity, and that was how we got on the subject of jobs and careers.“What do you do, Miranda?” I asked after she had grilled me for 10 minutes about my baseball job.She happened to know that I’d dabbled in computers, but didn’t know I was still in the reserves.I suppose that would be a conversation for another time.Three jobs is sort of overwhelming for most people to take in.Me included.A tortilla chip piled high with salsa paused at her pretty mouth, she grinned.“I bet you’ll never guess.”I measured her with a curious stare.She had a sort of facetious smirk on her mouth and I wanted to wipe it off.With my lips.After a long pause, I said, “Well, my brother says it’s badass, so I’m not gonna go with school teacher or nurse.”She frowned.“Hey, those are both badass jobs.”I bit into my taco and laughed, trying to avoid snorting food up into my nose.“Point taken.”She wiped her mouth with a white cloth napkin and set it on her lap.She sort of changed the subject and avoided my question, and inside I grinned, thinking of all the ways I could try to get it out of her eventually.After dinner, we opted for a walk around the marina.The night was cool but not cold, with a breeze wafting off the bay water.I grabbed her hand as we walked, and her skin was soft and warm, making me wonder if the rest of her body felt that way too.I never let go of her hand, occasionally rubbing my thumb along the top of it.She would squeeze back every time I did, and this made me smile.The nervous feeling in my stomach was starting to increase, and it was a feeling I hadn’t felt in a very, very long time.We talked as we talked, and the dialogue was simple for a few minutes, and then I asked her again.“You gonna tell me what you do for a living? Dalton says it’s dangerous [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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