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.She’d likely be pinching pennies tight enough to melt copper for the rest of her life.She drew a long breath and released it on a sigh, something she found she was doing too much lately.Her car dead behind her store, she had to walk home and would pick up the hot dog from Errol, a nice older man who ran a little cafeteria about a block from her basement apartment.The air had turned markedly cooler tonight, not unexpected for April in Chicago.It felt like snow, but she knew that if it came, it would be very light.Even so, she pulled her coat up tighter and tied her thin knit scarf so it wouldn’t gape at her neckline to let the air slip beneath to chill her further.She could feel her nipples harden as her fingers brushed them through her unlined coat and laughed bitterly.That’s the most action they’ve had in a long time, she thought, as she let her fingertips linger for a moment longer.Damn, it felt good to feel the twitch between her legs.Not that she’d ever been overly sexually active.Almost all of her life, she’d been nerdy and skinny.When Joubert used to call her Olive Oyl, it had been unkind.But it wasn’t inaccurate.She’d had no boyfriends in high school.Afterward, she’d been focused on college and her doctorate in genetics.Then, of course, finding a good job in her field had kept her busy, so dating had never been a priority.Then there were the awful years with the supernatural research group that had resulted in her defection and betrayal, and her self-enforced exile from her world.Now she felt sexy, and she knew she looked sexier, judging by the glances she often received by men these days.Honestly, though, she had no experience and didn’t really even know where to start to begin a relationship.The only sex she had ever had was in college, some awful experiments with horny guys who would have screwed anything.It had left her feeling dirty and pitiful.After that, she’d considered herself pretty asexual until she watched and studied a first blood vampire while working with Project V.He was one of few vampires who had been born vampire, not made by genetic conversion, and much more powerful than any human who had been changed.First blood vampires had been presented to her as vicious primitive predators.But they were also the apex of male sexuality.David, the first blood being “studied,” the man she would ultimately help save, had been naked most of the time they performed their experiments on him.And every inch of him was gloriously erotic.Even in his damaged state, his heavily muscled body and generous male organ had caused her breath to catch and her respiration to soar.She admitted that more than once, she’d stared at his body and imagined what it would be like to be with a vampire.But she knew a woman like her would never be attractive to a vampire like David.And then there was the fact that, as far as he was concerned, she was the one who had arranged his abduction, and tortured him.Although she hadn’t done either, she still played an ugly part in the whole mess that she would regret to the end of her life.So, hot dog made of meat from an indeterminate origin, greasy French fries, and a watery cola.Yum, dinner.Again.The streets were quiet tonight, but most of the businesses along this street closed down by nine or ten, mostly for security purposes.She would likely be Errol’s last customer.A few yards from his cafeteria, she saw the lights go out.What the hell? He was usually open until ten.Lauren glanced at her watch, which displayed the time 9:05.Why was he closing so…At that moment, Lauren noticed the second hand on the old analog watch wasn’t moving.Ah, figured.The piece of shit had stopped working.Well, why not? Just like everything else today.Yeah, her luck sucked.Lauren sighed.It looked like it would be a can of tepid soup tonight and a piece of bread that likely had some scrolls of green around the edges.Suddenly the uninspiring hot dog looked pretty good! No reason crying over a lost hot dog, just another disappointment.Add it to the list.How pathetic am I, she thought, wandering around feeling sorry for myself? She had to stop.As she reached the corner of the street, she waited before she crossed, but the street was empty, so she started to step out, and as she did, an obnoxiously loud roar from a motorcycle split the silent air [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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