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.TrappedBook #1 of The Breaking Free Series © C S CourtBy C S CourtCopyright © 2014 C S CourtThis is a work of fiction.Any resemblance to peoples either living or deceased is purely coincidental.Names, places and characters are figments of the author’s imagination, or, if real, used fictitiously.The author recognises the trademarks and copyrights of all registered products and works mentioned within this work.To My Mum.Thank you for believing in me from the get go.For Putting a smile on my face and helping me de-stress, when I nearly threw the laptop out of the window.Without your love and encouragement, I would have never even started to write.To my beautiful babies.Without your daily fights, temper tantrums and general all round naughtiness, I wouldn’t have found the time to lock myself away and pound out my frustrations on my keyboard.You both make life interesting, and never fail to put a smile on my face.You fill my heart with love and joy, and I’m thankful every day to have you both in my life, even if it is whilst I tear my hair out.To my crazy best friend Linzi.Thank you for the being the one person I could rely on in all of this, no matter what crap I threw your way, you continued to help and were there for me from the start.All the tears and frustration were not in vain, I finally did it baby! Woop Woop!To my girlies Amanda and Chanelle.This book would not have been possible without all of your craziness! Our drunken conversations, and mad antics played a huge part in giving me inspiration.I love you all, and I can’t thank any of you enough.MWAH.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPROLOGUECHAPTER ONECHAPTER TWOCHAPTER THREE.CHAPTER FOURCHAPTER FIVECHAPTER SIXCHAPTER SEVENCHAPTER EIGHTCHAPTER NINECHAPTER TENCHAPTER ELEVENCHAPTER TWELVECHAPTER THIRTEENCHAPTER FOURTEENCHAPTER FIFTEENCHAPTER SIXTEENCHAPTER SEVENTEENCHAPTER EIGHTEENCHAPTER NINETEENCHAPTER TWENTYCHAPTER TWENTY-ONECHAPTER TWENTY-TWOPROLOGUEYou know that feeling?The one caused by the man you gave everything positive in your life up for, the sudden realisation that it was all a game to that man, he never really wanted you, only could not let you go!The one where you comprehend all your hopes and dreams were thrown away on some belief, that the man who stole your heart and was to be your happily ever after, only ended up being the man who stole it and ripped it all to shreds.Showing you how truly worthless he feels you are, and turning you in to a scrap of the girl you once were.You see, it is not just the physical abuse that beats you down and tears you apart; it is also the mental abuse.The mental abuse can often be worse at times.You are made to feel crazy, frequently told you are a ‘nutjob’ and it is all in your head.The physical beatings heal, whereas the mental stays deep within your soul.A permanent reminder of the pain you go through daily.Any problems and all that anger he is throwing at you, is because you are utterly useless and will never be what he needs.Made to feel that every punch and kick aimed in your direction is deserved, if you could just do right by your man it would stop.How does anybody take that level of abuse and continue functioning normally, or at least put on the front of normality, whilst falling apart behind closed doors?Well the truth is, you just do.There is no way out that most victims can see, therefore they continue in this cycle daily, for the majority, if not all of their lives.Some have a silver lining, something positive that they hold on to and use as a lifesaver to keep them waking up every day, and just living the life they have.My silver lining is my two beautiful babies.My sole purpose for going through this hell on earth and not giving up.For trying to better their lives and mine! If I give up and lose myself to his torture, then my babies will never be safe.I will not leave my children, I will not allow him to capture them in his rotten, evil clutches and contaminate them.I will protect them, they will never see his evilness first hand.I got myself in to this situation, therefore I will suffer this burden alone.I gave them life and I will make it the best one I can, regardless of what I endure, he will never get to them!I lived day by day, waiting for my life to turn around.Always believing in what my Mum always told me:Life is a test.It will only throw at you what you can handle.Therefore, whenever you feel like giving up, just keep fighting; you are one of the strong ones! You will never receive your reward if you throw in the towel and give up, the rewards always make the pain and suffering worthwhile.How do you ever expect to appreciate the good if you do not experience the bad?And then he walked in to my life.He showed me there are ways out.That there are men who will love and respect not just you, but your family as a whole.That no matter what situation you are in, there is always someone there for you.Someone who will love and worship you.Someone, who with no warning at all will come along and turn your world upside down.In the best possible way.You see, Life had a way of kicking me down for so long, but the funny thing about that was, there was only so far down I could go, before I came back up.This is my story.Of the girl who lost her way.Who didn’t believe in happily ever after’s and hearts & flowers.Who was down so low, she never saw a way out.But when that way out came she grasped it with both hands and gave it her all.That way out has a name, and his name is Hunter.CHAPTER ONE“Kids!” No reply.“KIDS?”What a brilliant start to the day.Our bus is due in eight minutes, I cannot find my keys and I need to run to the shop and top up my oyster card, all to get them to school this morning.“Kids, come on! Get your shoes on and get to the front door! We have got to go! NOW!”Think, think, think, where did I last leave them?I run straight up the stairs, my legs protesting at the speed in which I was taking them, make a left at the top and run across the landing, directly in to my room.I am such a ditzy cow sometimes, my keys are exactly where I last left them, on top of my faux leather mini chest of drawers.It’s a damn good job I am naturally blonde, I more than live up to the stereotype.I leg it, as fast as is safe, down the stairs and throw on my UGG boots.“Kids please tell me you are ready? I am walking out the front door right now, if you are not with me then I have got to lock you in.” Why am I pleading with a three year old and a five year old? If my other half could hear me, I would be, at the very least in for a mouthful.I could cry in frustration.I really do have to toughen up with them, I cannot have them disrespecting and starting to walk all over me like Dan does.“Mummy, I can’t find my shoe.Not both shoes, just one, okay mummy?” My three year old may very well have the sweetest voice and the most beautiful face I have ever come across, but my god she does test my patience at times.“Lily, where did you leave them, you were wearing them last night? I haven’t got time for this, if we miss the bus, you and your brother will be late!” I reply.It might only be 8 o clock in the morning, but I am more than ready for bed time tonight [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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