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.“Are you sure about this, Kaska? College isn’t the same as high school.You’re going to be surrounded by all kinds of people.You’ll be going to classes with different folks every semester.Besides, your demonic side didn’t come out while you were in high school.You were okay then.Now is a different story.It will be harder for you to go to all those games with people everywhere.You might have to take double your pills before you do anything.”“I know, but I can do it!” Kaska sat down next to him.“Please, master! I love cheerleading so it is something I’m doing that I love.It can’t hurt to try out, can it? And besides, if I don’t make it, we don’t have to worry about other people getting hurt.I won’t be able to hurt them then!”Fabian sighed and gave her a smile.There was no stopping this girl.He might have been her master, but he couldn’t keep her from getting what she wanted.“I guess trying out wouldn’t hurt.I say go for it.At the very least, I know you’ll do your best.”She returned the grin.“Good.I’m glad you think that, Master Fabian.Because I already tried out…and I made it!”He rolled his eyes at that.“How did I know you would do that to me?”“I’m a little predictable, Master.I’ll admit that.”He patted her shoulder.“Congratulations on making the team, Kaska.Wish you would have told me sooner that you were trying out.”“I know I should have, but I figured you’d try to talk me out of it.”“Clever.” He turned his head to find Avani walking up to them.He glanced at Gideon.“Let me guess! She wants to do some school activity too!”“I’m modeling, Master Fabian!” Avani exclaimed.“I don’t know what a school even looks like.I left after the seventh grade! I get homeschooled now!”“You left to walk Paris Fashion Week, Avani,” Gideon said.“And I would be careful about walking all these runway shows if I were you.It’s great that all four fashion capitals are crazy about you.But there are going to be humans there too.So I don’t want to hear about how you attacked some random girls while walking for Dior and Givenchy, okay?”“I doubt I’ll be able to score Givenchy, Master Gideon…or shall I call you Angel?” She teased him, using his human name.Gideon’s dark eyes widened at that, not having heard it for a long time.“Not to mention that’s not how you say Givenchy.I’ve been teaching you about fashion forever, and you still can’t get it right!”“I wouldn’t rule anything out…Suzanne!” He shot back playfully.“And forgive me but there are only so many of your test shots that I can look at after a while.You’re a beautiful model, don’t get me wrong, but you have way too many pictures.”“You like looking at my pictures!”“So do you apparently,” he teased.“Let me guess, you got a new job?”“Wow, you are good,” she said.“It looks like I’ve got a few castings including one for Dior.Cross your fingers and toes and hope that I get it!”“Fingers, I can guarantee.Toes might be a problem.”At that point, Adair stopped playing with Oscar and let the dog run around with the other animals.“Well, I’m crossing whatever I can for you, Avani.Just don’t let the industry put too much pressure on you.I’ve heard all the horror stories.”“You can relax, Master Adair.I know what I’m doing, and no one’s going to force me to do any crash diets or plastic surgery,” she promised.“And if they do, I can always find another agency.Girls like me are a dime a dozen.Anyone would want me.”“Heads up, Master Adair! You better duck!” They heard Tessa yelling from above.Adair looked up just in time to see a pie hit him in the face.Several demons burst out laughing, and Oscar ran back into Fabian’s arms.Two cats ran away from the garden, and Avani tried to hide behind Gideon.Kaska and Sebastian could only roll their eyes in response to this.Adair, however, was doing his best not to yell as he tried to wipe the cream off of his face.“She did not just do that.” Yuka sighed, entering the garden.She managed to miss the pie but caught all the action.“I told them not to practice their powers on the roof.Of course, they did the opposite.”“Sorry, Master Adair!”Adair grumbled something inaudible before trying to lick the cream from his face.“Banana cream.Great.I hate banana cream.”“Lighten up, Adair! It’s just pie, not death,” Sebastian said.“Granted, it’s a messy pie, but you can get washed up.”“I know, I know, it’s just…ugh, my hair!” Adair grumbled.“Was this really necessary? Who decided to let her near a pie?”They heard a lot of giggling from the roof and saw that Tessa was with several other Reaper’s Apprentices.He frowned at them as they all scattered and tried to get out of his sight.The others were snickering, and he silenced them with a glare in their direction.The cream dripped down his forehead and neck.There were a few cats now coming up to him and licking whatever was falling down.All the meowing and purring was the final straw for him.“Why? Why, me?!” he demanded [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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