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.“Your mother may be a remarkable woman—and I do mean that—but she failed in one area.Two, if you count your brother.”“You are a heartless woman.”“I never said otherwise.” She walked carefully down the path, her heels crunching in the snow.Malachi stayed at her side in the uneven drive.She said nothing as they approached her car.She slipped her key in the lock and turned to him.“Well, as you can see I’ve arrived at my car.Your duty is done—”He smiled, the grin glowing in the low light.“Jul—”The thud sent him reeling into her.Julia screamed, arms reaching up to catch him as he fell.Dark shadows seemed to come from everywhere, surrounding them quickly.Malachi jerked, his hand falling against her car.He spun, fist shooting out at the first shadow.Chapter Eight* * *The sounds of fist meeting flesh was the only sound heard.Jules couldn’t get an accurate count, it was too dark and they moved too fast.She swung her backpack, knowing that the shadow with the white shirt was Malachi and being careful to avoid him.She’d slipped spare shoes in the bag earlier, spiked heels that would do some damage if her luck was good.As tempted as she’d been earlier to hit him, he was her only ally against whatever, whomever, it was surrounding them.And she prayed he’d be able to fight off whoever it was.Jules hadn’t been that terrified since Stephenson had attacked her in Georgia’s kitchen and she’d known Matthew was less than fifteen feet away.She’d been so scared that monster would go after the little boy.Malachi fought hard, and Julia wasn’t exactly a slouch.Still, they were outnumbered.And she couldn’t tell by how much.She slipped in the snow, her ankle twisting viciously.She went back with another cry, landing heavily against her car.Malachi turned toward her, the distraction costing him.He went down, and didn’t get back up.Soon three shadows stood around him, kicking him.Hard.Jules screamed again.Fought against the fourth man.He was relentless.And he was on her, slamming her hard; her head hit the hood, the pain reminisce of Stephenson’s fist plowing into her face months ago.She didn’t move for a moment.Then one of the men cursed, and another blur joined the fray around Malachi.Then Paige was there.Paige yelled, told Jules to run, get help.To get inside, get to Mikhail.Jules couldn’t.She wouldn’t leave Paige fighting alone.And Malachi still hadn’t moved.Paige was swinging a ball bat, and she got in several good hits.Jules fought her own assailant, mentally counting.There were at least two men kicking Malachi.Jules struggled with a third.That left one unaccounted for.No, he was the one fighting with Paige.So where did the fifth shadow come from? The final man had Paige’s arms; Jules heard the bat hit the side of her car as one man threw it.Then they turned on Paige, two men viciously attacking the girl.Jules tried, but she couldn’t throw the man on her off.Couldn’t help her friend.And Malachi still wasn’t moving.“Let’s end this!” The one said, his hands suddenly around Jules’ throat.Jules heard the thud of Paige’s body hitting the snow, then she felt pain as the man rammed her head into the hood of her car.Chapter Nine* * *She smelled copper, smelled blood.The smell mingled heavily with sweat and cologne.For a moment she thought she was in the midst of the nightmare she experienced every night.Thought that she’d soon see the mangled Toyota with her husband and brother-in-law trapped inside.Would soon hear little toddler Matthew crying for his daddy, would hear Georgia’s sobs as she pulled the child free from his car seat.Then she realized it was too damned cold to be that nightmare.She always remembered the heat, the July sun beating down on her as she tried in vain to help Bryan.Her Rick had already been gone, gone before she and Georgia had gotten to the car.For some reason she always remembered the heat first.But now.now she was just damned cold.She opened her eyes, afraid of what she’d find.Malachi Brockman’s face was the last thing she expected to see.An undignified squeak escaped.His blue eyes jerked open.He looked just as surprised as she felt.Then realization dawned.He started to sit up, his hands rose to his head, pausing when he realized he’d been bound.Horror filled her as the events of earlier filled her mind.It hadn’t been a bad dream.* * *Malachi hurt all over, worse than the time he’d fallen two stories while chasing an UNSUB—unknown subject—through Detroit.Then he’d ended up with three cracked ribs and a wrenched thigh muscle.This was worse.And he wasn’t exactly certain what had happened.He remembered walking Julia out, remembered teasing her.Remembered something hitting the back of his head.And then he remembered a desperate fight in the dark, remembered hearing her scream.Remembered an intense sense of failure as he’d fallen.“Julia, are you alright?” There wasn’t much light in the room they were being held in, just a tiny patch of probably early morning sun shining through what had to be a basement window.Still, Malachi could make out the scared eyes of his companion.“Sweetheart?”She nodded.“You? How’s your head? Your ribs? You can feel all your extremities? They hit you pretty hard.”“I’m fine.What exactly happened?” He ran a quick eye over her.She had bruises forming on the skin around her neck—bruising he could accurately identify.Some bastard had had his hands wrapped around her pretty throat.Her hair was tangled around her face.Her bottom lip was swollen.Her dress was torn, revealing the smallest glimpse of pale skin and silky bra.Her coat was missing; her skirt had ridden up obscenely high.Or been jerked up.She still wore sexy lace garters and black stockings.Fury filled him at the knowledge that their captors had most likely seen those legs, those stockings.Stockings that were shredded and muddied.Bloodied.Oh, God.“How badly did they hurt you, sweetheart?”“Not as badly as they hurt you.or.Paige.God, Paige.” Tears filled her eyes.Malachi stiffened.“Paige was there?”“After a minute, after you’d been knocked down.She had a ball bat.But there was a fifth man.” Her voice was husky, the tears making speaking difficult.“They left her in the snow.She wasn’t moving.”Malachi’s throat constricted.Why would they take him and Julia—but leave Paige? Paige was a bigger threat than Julia.Julia might have been Quantico-trained, but she was a doctor first, not an agent.Paige was by far the larger threat.Unless Paige was already dead.Paige couldn’t be dead.Not her.Not his Paige [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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