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.He looked over to the corner of the room where the toilet had been installed.At least he would be able to use the toilet if they unshackled him long enough to do it.If they took the shackles off for even a second he was going to make his break for it—provided he had the chance.Anybody who went through this much trouble to get him wouldn’t be dumb enough to take chances.He would have to formulate a contingency plan in case his plan A didn’t work out.With his current luck he would say the chances of plan A flopping were high, so that emergency backup plan was going to be crucial.Making a break for freedom wouldn’t work if somebody shut him down before he even got to the door.He figured they would have guns.He wasn’t sure what kind, but if he could get one then he could use it.He was trained with weapons and he had no problem using whatever came his way.He was the weapons expert after all.They could bring whatever they had at him.He was retired Air Force but he wouldn’t sit by and surrender to the enemy.He would fight for freedom even if he died in the process.It would seem death was what they had in mind for him anyway.He would assume the man who had orchestrated this wanted to be the one to kill him, so at least he had some time…unless somebody with a twitchy finger controlled the trigger and then he just might get killed before the bastard even arrived.He would take his chances.Freedom meant the world to him; and he planned to reclaim his.“Hi, Jet.” Natalia gave him a devious smile.“How’s Akira?”“Shut up,” he smirked.“Well you are fashionably late today…again.”Jet chuckled.He had only been “fashionably late,” as Natalia liked to call it, three times in the past two months.He would admit that was out of character for him.He was never late.Technically since they didn’t have set schedules he still wasn’t late, but he was behind his normal schedule.Normally he was in by eight in the morning and today it was closer to ten o’clock.Akira hadn’t been very willing to let him leave the bed this morning, and she hadn’t let him get much sleep last night either.He wasn’t complaining.He wanted to pleasure her body all night long so that’s what he did.Eventually they drifted off to sleep.It was seven when he awakened.He was ready to shower and get off to work, but she had other plans.She pulled him back into bed and got him between her legs.Then, of course, they had to shower together.It made more sense to be environmentally sound and not waste water with separate showers so they showered together.That had been a mistake, as usual, because a simple shower had turned him on so much that he had to have her in there too.They had finally managed to get dressed but one kiss nearly led to being naked again until she pushed him away and told him to go to work.She had to go to her parents’ place and then she was going into the rink to skate for the day.He wished he could have gone with her, but he did have to work.Preston hadn’t checked in on Thursday night as planned.The second check in would be today and if he didn’t check in then they were going to have to go do recon and find him.They were all used to not being able to check in at the first check in time, but if anybody missed the first check in the rules had changed after Micah’s missing in action event and they all knew to check in as soon as they could, even if that was before the second check in time.Preston hadn’t done that.If he didn’t check in today they were going to have to put something together, book a flight and get to Egypt.Maybe they should take the plane; it would make for a fast in and a fast out if they needed it, but at the same time if Preston were in trouble it was going to be a three man mission and there wouldn’t be anybody to stay with the jet.Julian wasn’t available.He was on his last leg before retirement and he couldn’t escape duty to help them out this time.Either Jet or Micah would have to fly which meant one of them would have to stay with the plane while the other two went off on the rescue mission.Complicating things was that they would still need to find Victoria’s sister.“I was just thinking has anybody heard from Victoria yet? She was calling every day up until Preston’s departure.”Natalia shook her head no.“Either she has a huge crush on the man and was just calling to hear his voice or there was a sale at Neiman Marcus.” She laughed.“Her sister is missing.”She shrugged.“I don’t trust her.I think she has an agenda.So I stand by my huge crush on the man for all the phone calls, or a sale has distracted her so much that she’s not thinking about the rescue mission.”“Those are your only options?”“No…but I don’t typically think the worst of people…”Alex stepped out of his office, along with Micah out of his own.“Spill it,” Alex said.“I don’t know.I can’t explain it, but there is something about her that just…rubs me the wrong way.It’s not because she’s tall, thin and beautiful either…she’s just…je ne sais quoi,” she admitted.Micah growled.“Alex, try to raise Preston.If you can’t get him go through the files and get his contact.I don’t care what time it is there, just get me somebody.”Since Micah had vanished on them that one time they hadn’t taken any chances.The check in times came more frequent than they had before.None of them wanted to sit back and think the worst outcome of the situation so they put revised procedures in place.Jet knew they all respected and loved Preston.None of them were willing to sit back and wait for the second check in, not if Natalia’s gut feeling painted Victoria as a potential stalker, a shopping obsessed woman or something worse.The “I don’t know what,” part of Natalia’s statement had been the tipping point.She was an excellent judge of character and they all knew that.She had painted the last woman who tried to get Preston’s attention as a “gold digging hussy,” and she had been right.A little background check and Micah had found two ex-husbands who had gone bankrupt in their divorce—as in she cleaned them out and then divorced them and took what was left—after only three years of marriage to each man.There was no way any of them were letting Preston walk into that trap.Actually they shouldn’t have been worried because they all knew the man wasn’t even thinking of getting married, but a few minutes of fun with a woman like that could strap him with child support for the rest of his natural days.They hadn’t seen the threat, but Natalia had.She had seen something else too, something they all suspected, but never really said anything about.She had seen how bad Carissa was for Alex.The fact that he hadn’t stopped calling her the package was a clue to them that he wasn’t happy enough in the relationship for commitment, that he was trying to keep his distance, but Natalia had noticed something more.When he came back from an event his family was throwing and he nearly locked himself in his office and wouldn’t talk to them she had been the only one he let in.She told him then, just as she had told them, Carissa wasn’t the woman for him.“A good woman,” she had said, “one who loves him would defend him to his family, not take their side and imply that he could make a bigger name for himself if he created his own company.” Alex was happy where he was [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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